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6 Beautiful and Unique Lebaran Hampers Ideas, Not Just Food and Drinks

6 Beautiful and Unique Lebaran Hampers Ideas, Not Just Food and Drinks Illustration (credit: Freepik) - Hampers or parcels are one of the things that are often given by people during holidays, especially during Eid al-Fitr. In the past, hampers usually consisted of cookies, groceries, and snacks. But now you can give unique Lebaran hampers with creative ideas. There are many hampers ideas that can be given during Lebaran.

From dining utensils, religious tools, to body care packages. You can turn everything into Lebaran hampers ideas, KLovers. There are also many services that provide unique hampers ideas. You can even make your own Lebaran hampers with unique ideas.

So, what are the Lebaran hampers ideas that you can give to your loved ones? According to various sources, here are 6 beautiful and unique hampers ideas. Let's check it out KLovers.


1. Tableware

The first idea for Eid hampers is tableware. Yup! For those of you who want to give unique tableware as Eid hampers, you can totally do it, KLovers. You can give tableware made of ceramic or wood.

Currently, there are many services that can create custom hampers according to our preferences. And if you want to make hampers with tableware, it's totally doable, because it's very easy to decorate them. This Eid hampers idea is perfect to give to family, married friends, and even colleagues or superiors.


2. Masks, Hand Sanitizer, and Vitamins

During this pandemic, it would be great to give hampers containing masks, hand sanitizer, and vitamins. You can use hampers creation services or make them yourself. If you use hampers creation services, you can make cloth masks with cute designs.

This Eid hampers idea can also be a source of strength for loved ones in facing the current pandemic. You can give this Eid hampers idea to colleagues, friends, and also family members such as siblings, cousins, and nieces/nephews.


3. Body Care Package

Another idea for Eid hampers is a body care package. For those of you who want to see your loved ones looking beautiful and perfect during Eid al-Fitr, this hamper package is suitable to give. In fact, this will be one of the Eid hampers ideas that they will not forget.

You can give soap, shampoo, towels, and even body mist to make the appearance of your loved ones perfect on Eid al-Fitr. This Eid hamper idea is perfect to give to your partner, friends, crush, and even future in-laws.


4. Tea and Ceramic Pot

For friends or family who enjoy tea, this Eid hamper idea is worth trying. You can give various types of tea and cute yet elegant ceramic pots. In fact, this tea and ceramic pot can be enjoyed by your loved ones during Eid al-Fitr.

You can use a hamper creation service or make it yourself by choosing various favorite teas. This Eid hamper idea is suitable to give to family members, especially uncles or aunts, and can also be given to your partner, mother-in-law, and even future mother-in-law. Guaranteed, this tea and ceramic pot hamper will bring warmth to your relationship.


5. Worship Equipment

It is no longer uncommon for worship equipment to become one of the cool hampers. Yup! You can give this worship equipment to your loved ones to use on Eid. Not only is it an impressive gift, but this worship equipment can also be a source of blessings for all of us.

Now, for those of you who want to give this type of hamper, you can use hamper making services or make it yourself. This Eid hamper idea is suitable for anyone you love.


6. Room Fragrance

Who says room fragrances can't be a hamper for Eid? In fact, this Eid hamper idea will be very beneficial and unique. You can give aromas that are liked by your loved ones. It can be in the form of aromatherapy candles or natural spices that emit fragrance.

Of course, you can create this hamper idea with hamper sellers or make it yourself. This type of hamper idea is not only beneficial and inexpensive, but also low-cost. And it's perfect for giving to family, friends, and even your beloved partner.


7. How to Choose Hampers

For those of you who want to make your own hampers or make them from a hampers seller service, you need to first see what needs to be considered in Eid hampers. And here are some ways to choose hampers and make your own hampers:

- Determine the theme of the hampers you will give. If possible, match it with the people you will give it to KLovers.

- Look at the expenses you will spend to make Eid hampers.

- Choose hampers packaging that suits the contents. You can provide a large or small container according to what items you will give. Don't choose a container that is too big or too small.

- And finally, add a greeting card to make a deep impression on the hampers you will give.

Those are 6 beautiful and unique Eid hampers ideas for friends and beloved family. Not only can you give hampers in the form of food and drinks, you can also give some of the Eid hampers ideas above as one of the current and unique Eid hampers ideas.



Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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