Kapanlagi.com - Inspiration can be obtained from anywhere. For example, from your own life experiences or an impressive event you witnessed. However, not everyone has the opportunity to gain the spirit to live their lives. Well, you can obtain inspirational experiences from wise words from great figures.
Of course, everyone has their own version of greatness. Their greatness can be seen through inspiring wise words that come from them, or from their life stories full of struggles.
Here are some inspiring wise words from great women figures in Indonesia. They can be considered great because their ideas go beyond just words. The inspiring wise words from Najwa Shihab, Susi Pudjiastuti, and Dian Sastrowardoyo reflect their struggles in their respective fields.
To get the spirit from these great women, let's take a look at the inspiring wise words compiled from various sources below.
1. Inspirational Quotes from Najwa Shihab

Illustration (Credit: Freepik)
Najwa Shihab's achievements in the field of journalism have amazed many people. Together with her team, she has successfully uncovered various cases and presented them brilliantly to the audience. Her precision in asking questions during interviews has also garnered much attention.
Her courage in responding to various cases has made her regarded as a source of inspirational quotes for the audience. And here are Najwa Shihab's inspirational quotes that you can take note of.
1. "Justice becomes a difficult commodity when the law only stands for those who pay."
2. "Political ambition is certainly understandable, as long as one is aware of ethical boundaries."
3. "Engaging in politics is a choice that must be considered by anyone who desires change. Because change does not come suddenly, only through prayers in the midst of the blind night."
4. "Is it because the lives of ordinary people deserve suffering, and the poor deserve to be humiliated? As sacrifices, they are reduced to footnotes."
5. "Everyone can have dreams, but not everyone can ignite high spirits."
6. "The face of prison, a mirror of the state's law, is it genuine or just a facade."
7. "Human life is not just a tragic spectacle and mere statistics. It is better not to embark on a journey than to never arrive."
8. "In the shoulders of leaders who are free from corruption lies the future of the nation."
9. "In the midst of darkness, crimes are often justified as normal."
10. "In a state of emergency corruption, state officials continue to steal in succession. As many corruptors enter prison, there are just as many regenerations that plunder the nation."
11. "Discipline in knowledge is only the first capital, a diploma is just a piece of paper on the table."
12. "If history becomes the teacher of wisdom, it is historical figures who embody exemplary behavior."
13. "Many hidden cases end with a scapegoat. Meanwhile, the main perpetrators remain comfortable on their thrones."
14. "Elections are indeed a matter of winning and losing, but candidates with problems should not be given a chance."
15. "With the tactic of transparency, they obstruct the movements of thieves. If the superiors dare to reveal everything, subordinates will find it difficult to abuse their positions."
16. "This is dedication on a lonely path, a struggle that often goes unnoticed."
17. "When injustice prevails, courage becomes a blessing for the universe."
18. "What is the meaning of a stack of diplomas if care and sensitivity are not nurtured together?"
19. "There is nothing sudden for future leaders, competence is not a genetic copy."
20. "In our land, religion and tradition give meaning to each other, opening opportunities to respect one another."
2. Inspirational Quotes from Susi Pudjiastuti

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Susi Pudjiastuti, a woman who once served as the Minister of Maritime Affairs and Fisheries, is known for her courage and eccentric personality. During her tenure as minister, she often issued policies that were considered controversial, one of which was sinking the ships of fish thieves that crossed the maritime boundaries.
Although she is considered uneducated because she only completed junior high school, wise and inspirational words from Susi Pudjiastuti should not be underestimated. Moreover, her ideas have proven to be successful. Therefore, you need to pay attention to the following wise and inspirational words from her.
21. "For me, a mother is everything. The path of fortune is opened by our devotion to our parents. What makes a mother happy is not wealth, but the noble character of her child."
22. "Dream as high as possible. What needs to be paid is realizing that dream. The payment method is through hard work, enthusiasm, and commitment."
23. "Hard work is a physical aspect, working smart is a mental aspect, while working sincerely is a matter of the heart."
24. "Smart but not beautiful, then you won't be confident. Beautiful but not smart, it's the same as being foolish. So both must be balanced."
25. "Find a job that you love.Career, think, explore with excitement.If you are happy, your energy will also be great.If your energy is great, you will achieve greater things.If you don't like it, find something you like, learn something you like.Happiness is energy."
26. "I may not be educated but I am professional."
27. "God is extraordinarily fair and great.Fish in the sea don't need us to feed them. We just let them be and we take care of them and take them in a non-arbitrary way."
28. "People who achieve success are not always smart, but people who always achieve success are those who are persistent and never give up.How to realize dreams to be successful, the key to success is commitment to what we pursue."
29. "If being beautiful wastes time for what?Beauty can be achieved by smiling and laughing.That doesn't waste time."
30. "Positive thinking will radiate beauty."
31. "No matter how much money is given.I work for the nation, for the Indonesian sea."
32. "Although we are ordinary humans, if we want to change something, we can."
33. "High aspirations may not be the key to success, but the secret of successful people is having high aspirations."
34. "Run a business with common sense.If it doesn't make sense, it won't be right!"
35. "Don't wait.Do what you can do. Don't be late and miss the moment. Because if you lose the moment, then what you are doing is no longer valid."
36. "Just do what you want to do. Just do it, don't think that as a woman I have to do this. Just do your best."
37. "We must stop our greed. This is our shared task, to manage and protect and take the results with justified rules."
38. "According to me, what makes something not boring is the difference. How can we have fun with something that is exactly the same?"
39. "We only ask for support and support comes if there is an intention, especially for one interest, which is the community and many stakeholders."
3. Inspirational Quotes from Dian Sastrowardoyo

Illustration (Credit: Freepik)
When mentioning Dian Sastrowardoyo, surely your imagination will not be far from the figure of Cinta in the movie WHAT'S UP WITH LOVE which its first season aired in 2002. Her career as an actress is unquestionable. Not only that, the success of Dian Sastrowardoyo also deserves praise through wise inspirational words that seem to flow effortlessly when talking about life.
Here are the wise inspirational words conveyed by Dian Sastrowardoyo, which you can read to get inspiration about life.
40. "Young women who are actually a Mama are having a good laughing moment... (enjoying) high heels, powder, and black dress."
41. "The most beautiful and sexiest organ in humans is the brain."
42. "I make myself like this also inspired by people, if possible I can also inspire people."
43. "The process of becoming beautiful is a dynamic process. Usually, the most beautiful person or the one who feels beautiful is someone who is comfortable with themselves. Not only that, they also evolve on their own. We can make our own version of beauty because beauty is dynamic and different."
44. "I believe that beauty is supported from within. But we also can't not use any beauty products, we can only rely on health."
45. "I believe that I am developing as a whole. As a human being who is developing, not as an actress who is developing."
46. "Women of worth for me are successful women who fulfill their roles as mothers, wives, and at the same time make themselves meaningful to others."
47. "Smart mothers will produce smart children."
48. "I feel very lucky to be a woman and a mother."
49. "I make myself the way I am now also inspired by people, and if possible, I also inspire others."
50. "Do not waver and know that God is in control."
51. "You should be grateful for the things you have in your life, embrace them."
52. "No matter where I go on the map of the world, you are the place I seek refuge."
53. "When I run, I give myself time to think, to prioritize. I reflect. I imagine beautiful things in life. I listen to my favorite music. I sing to myself. I set my boundaries, this is a spiritual experience worth seeking." Don't worry about the speed at which others run, you will find your own. Practice. Practice."
54. "Grief can turn into a 'garden' of love. If you keep your heart open to everything, your sadness will become the greatest ally in the process of life in search of love and wisdom."
55. "Let us (family) continue to walk together with our hands held together."
Those are the wise inspirational words from Najwa Shihab, Susi Pudjiastuti, and Dian Sastrowardoyo as great Indonesian women figures that you can read.
Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.