Kapanlagi.com - Ramadan is a very special month for Muslims around the world. Even in this month, there are special days to earn rewards, strengthen faith, and get closer to Allah SWT. Yup! Those days are the last 10 nights of Ramadan. There are many ways to achieve Lailatul Qadar in the last 10 nights of Ramadan.
Lailatul Qadar or Lailat Al-Qadar is an important night that occurs in the month of Ramadan, which is described in the Quran as a night better than a thousand months. The description of the significance of this night can be found in Surah Al-Qadar, the 97th surah of the Quran. And we must seek this special night in the last 10 nights of Ramadan.
There are many ways to achieve Lailatul Qadar through worship dedicated to Allah SWT. These worship activities should be intensified compared to other days, in order to obtain the special night of Lailatul Qadar. What are the worship activities that can be done? As reported by liputan6.com, here are some special ways to achieve Lailatul Qadar.
1. Law of Lailatul Qadar

Illustration (credit: Freepik)
Before knowing how to attain Lailatul Qadar, you must also know the ruling of Lailatul Qadar itself. Ramadan is indeed one of the special months for Muslims to perform their worship. One of the worship that can be done is during the night of Lailatul Qadar.
In a hadith narrated by Al-Bukhari, it is said that we are encouraged to seek Lailatul Qadar on the odd nights in the last ten days of Ramadan. "From Aisha RA, that the Prophet Muhammad SAW said, 'Seek Lailatul Qadar on the odd nights in the last ten days of Ramadan,' (HR Bukhari)."
Most scholars explain that Lailatul Qadar usually comes on the odd nights of the last ten days of Ramadan. However, it is not impossible that this glorious night will come on even nights. So increase your worship in the last ten nights of Ramadan.
Not only that, there is another hadith mentioned by Muslim. "From Aswad from Aisha ra, she said that the Prophet saw increased his worship in the last ten days of Ramadan more than at other times," (HR Muslim).
In another narration, it is said that the Prophet Muhammad SAW. "From Aisha RA, she said, that the Prophet Muhammad SAW, when entering the last ten days of Ramadan, tightened his lower garment, stayed awake at night, and woke up his family," (Muttafaq 'alaih).
From all the hadiths above, we can know that strong worship in the last ten nights was indeed done by the Prophet Muhammad SAW, even encouraged to obtain the privilege of Lailatul Qadar night. For KLovers at home who want to increase their piety and extraordinary rewards, you can perform good worship in the last ten nights of Ramadan.
2. I'tikaf

Illustration (credit: Freepik)
The first way to attain Lailatul Qadar is by performing I'tikaf. I'tikaf is to stay in the mosque with certain conditions, solely intending to worship Allah SWT. I'tikaf is a moment to get closer to Allah SWT by performing a series of worship.
There are several conditions for the validity of I'tikaf, including being a Muslim, reaching puberty, being performed in a mosque (either a central mosque or a regular mosque), and having the intention of I'tikaf. I'tikaf during the month of Ramadan is explained in the following hadith:
"From Abdullah bin Umar, he said that the Messenger of Allah used to perform I'tikaf in the last ten days of Ramadan." (Narrated by Bukhari)
The most recommended time for I'tikaf is in the last days of Ramadan (the last ten days of Ramadan), as mentioned in the hadith of Aisha, she said:
"The Prophet used to perform I'tikaf in the last ten days of Ramadan until his death, and after his departure, his wives also performed I'tikaf."
3. Reading the Quran

Illustration (credit: Freepik)
Then another way to attain Lailatul Qadar is by reading the Quran. In performing worship during this month of Ramadan, reading the Quran is one of the acts that receive many rewards from Allah SWT.
Learning, reading, understanding, and contemplating the Quran are some of the ways to attain Lailatul Qadar. The Prophet Muhammad said, "Read the Quran, for verily the Quran will come to you on the Day of Judgment as an intercessor." (Narrated by Muslim)
There are many virtues of reading the Quran, especially in the month of Ramadan like now. Some of these virtues include not only getting closer to Allah, but also receiving two rewards: the reward for reciting and the reward for the effort:
"The one who recites the Quran fluently will be with the noble and obedient angels, while the one who stutters and finds it difficult to recite will have a double reward." (Muttafaq alaih Hadith).
4. Performing the Night Prayer

Illustration (credit: Freepik)
Then there is also the night prayer which is a way to attain Laylatul Qadr in the month of Ramadan. As humans who are full of sins, worshiping at night, especially through prayer, will certainly bring us closer to Allah SWT. In fact, in this night prayer, we can seek forgiveness from Allah SWT with sincere intentions.
So it is not surprising that performing this night prayer becomes one of the worship that must be done more in the last 10 nights of Ramadan, in order to attain the night of Laylatul Qadr. In a hadith, Abu Hurairah radhiyallahu 'anhu, from the Prophet shallallahu 'alaihi wa sallam, he said:
"Whoever performs the prayer on the night of Laylatul Qadr out of faith and seeking rewards from Allah, then his previous sins will be forgiven." (HR. Bukhari no. 1901)
After performing tarawih prayer and tadarus, we can sleep first. Then, in the middle of the night or before dawn, wake up to perform the night prayer. By performing this night prayer, the chance to get the night of Laylatul Qadr will also increase. Focus on worship to get closer to the Almighty.
5. Increasing Prayers

Illustration (credit: Freepik)
Increasing prayers is one way to attain Lailatul Qadar. Increase prayers during the last third of Ramadan to increase the chance of attaining the glory of Lailatul Qadar. Prophet Muhammad SAW commanded Ummul Mukminin Aisha to pray during those nights.
Aisha said: "O Messenger of Allah, what do you advise me to say if I am fortunate enough to witness Lailatul Qadar?" He replied: "Say; ALLAHUMMA INNAKA 'AFUWWUN TUHIBBUL 'AFWA FA'FU ANNA"
Meaning: O Allah, You are indeed the Most Forgiving, You love forgiveness, so forgive me. (HR. Ibn Majah, authenticated by Al Albani)
6. Increasing Forgiveness

Illustration (credit: Freepik)
Humans are never free from mistakes and sins. You can seek forgiveness from Allah SWT during the last third of Ramadan. Fill the last nights of Ramadan by increasing repentance and seeking forgiveness.
You can also increase remembrance (zikir) to seek forgiveness from Allah SWT during this holy month. As long as there is time and opportunity, make use of every remaining moment in this month of Ramadan with various acts of worship and deeds so that we always remain on the path of Allah SWT and not go astray.
Those are some special ways to attain Lailatul Qadar by strengthening our worship. Hopefully, with the above ways to attain Lailatul Qadar, our worship in this month of Ramadan will be accepted by Allah SWT, and we will become closer and more obedient to Him.
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