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48 Funny Rain Quotes to Entertain, Invite Laughter, and Warm the Atmosphere

48 Funny Rain Quotes to Entertain, Invite Laughter, and Warm the Atmosphere Illustration (credit: freepik) - Some people enjoy the moment when it rains. The cool air during the rain brings such a peaceful atmosphere. Rain often evokes various memories of the past, such as happy and funny memories. Funny rain words can make us more immersed in those beautiful and funny memories.

Rain has indeed been proven to affect our mood. When it rains and we remember funny moments, our hearts will instantly feel happy. Unconsciously, a smile will curve on our lips. Especially when the moment of rain is experienced with friends or loved ones. Reading funny rain words will make the togetherness moments warmer and more cheerful.

Summarized from various sources, here are some entertaining and warming funny rain words.

1. Funny Rain Quotes to Entertain

Reading funny rain quotes can be a simple and inexpensive entertainment. The humor in these quotes can bring laughter. Therefore, by reading them, it can break the boredom during the rain. Here are funny rain quotes that entertain and bring laughter.

1. "Rain = 1% memories, 99% remembering boiled noodles + egg + sliced chili."

2. "Given rain, angry. Later if given hot rain, confused, you."

3. "Life is not about waiting for lightning to pass, it's about learning to try and work hard in the rain."

4. "If rain brings longing, it's better for me to lie down until I fall asleep."

5. "Sometimes I want to walk under the pouring rain so that people don't know if I'm peeing in my pants."

6. "The neighbor's grass is indeed greener. But when it rains, it's equally muddy."

7. "Given rain, angry. Later if given hot rain, confused."

8. "The rain makes me worried, afraid that your heart will get colder."

9. "I am the rain, if you don't like it, please take shelter."

10. "I like walking in the rain, so that no one can see me crying."

2. Funny Rain Quotes Warm the Atmosphere

Weather and air in the cold rainy season can be warm if passed with full of jokes and laughter. Therefore, these funny rain quotes will be very suitable to read when feeling cold in the middle of the rain. Here are some funny rain quotes that can warm the atmosphere.

11. "Drizzle reminds me of my ex, rain reminds me of memories. Flooding reminds me of God."

12. "You said you like rain, but you use an umbrella to walk under it."

13. "Rain is still water and it still belongs to someone else."

14. "Cloudy doesn't necessarily mean rain. Single doesn't necessarily mean lonely. Flirting doesn't necessarily mean dating. Dating doesn't necessarily mean marriage."

15. "Intention to stop by the roadside to wear a raincoat, when worn the rain stops. Sometimes the rain is just joking."

16. "Count how many raindrops fall, that's how much I miss you."

17. "Don't be like the rain tonight, just passing by and leaving a mark."

18. "Rainwater that falls can be washed away by time, but my love for you will never be exhausted by time."

19. "The atmosphere of rain is always able to take someone on a journey to the past."

3. Funny Rain Quotes to Make You Happy

Not only can it bring laughter and warm up the atmosphere, funny rain quotes can also be a source of happiness.Starting from a smile and laughter, these words can change a difficult mood into a cheerful one.Here are some funny rain quotes that can make your heart feel happy.

20. "Oh no, it's raining outside. What rain makes you happy? Rain me with your smile."

21. "Oh no, it's raining outside. What rain makes you happy? Rain me with your smile."

22. "I want to turn into an umbrella. not because I can withstand the chill of the rain; I just want you to always take shelter in my heart."

23. "I just don't want to be rude. I won't serve coffee for my poems when it's raining."

24. "Maybe the rain has stopped, but not my longing."

25. "If you like rainbows, you have to go through heavy and intense rain first."

26. "Rain has a reason why it falls, but I have no reason why my heart falls for you."

27. "Instead of taking shelter, I intentionally soak myself in the rain so that you will worry about me."

28. "Like rain, you. Longing is a sudden heavy drizzle. Associating you in my thoughts. Always, and suddenly."

29. "Feelings are like rain, they never come with malicious intentions. It is the circumstances and timing that make us hate their arrival."

30. "Tonight, it's enough for rain to expose my longing, for you."

31. "When the raindrops fall to moisten the earth, make sure that the drops of your tears don't moisten your cheeks. You should know that your tears are far more precious."

32. "Rain at the end of the night. The earth smiles to welcome you. And the fragrance of flowers completes longing."

4. Meaningful Funny Rain Quotes

Behind his funny and inviting words, funny rain words also have meaning. That is, from these words we can not only get comfort. More than that, we can also learn many valuable things from the following meaningful funny rain words.

33. "When the rain goes, what remains is puddles. When love goes, what remains is memories."

34. "There will always be a rainbow after the rain. But sometimes the rain is at night, so the rainbow is not visible."

35. "People who think that sunlight is happiness have never experienced hard work and effort in the rain."

36. "To the rain that touches the earth, your coldness never ends, even though you have passed. Like my longing, for someone, who just keeps silent. From me, who is not tired of longing."

37. "Growing on rocks, rain becomes you who guards my eyes, whispered by the wind, separated by the distance of the sea, but you remain silent, waiting to be taken from its loneliness."

38. "The sky drops sad, little, painful droplets, which do not really erase sins, let alone memories."

39. "Without rain, nothing grows. Learn to face storms in your life."

40. "From the rain I learn the language of water, how to fall repeatedly without complaining about fate."

41. "Rain that grows flowers, not thunder. Strengthen your words, not your voice."

42. "Without rain, we will never feel grateful for the warmth of the sun."

43. "Be patient like the patience of the earth waiting for rain to fall from the sky to grow seeds in its belly."

44. "Do not confuse your path with your destination. Just because there is a storm now doesn't mean you're not heading towards the sunshine."

45. "There will be a rainbow after the rain. There will be happiness after a long cry."

46. "If rain is a sign of Your sustenance, then make this sustenance halal for me to enjoy."

47. "When rain comes to visit, there are only two choices for you. Drown in longing or reminisce in sadness."

48. "Life is full of beauty. Notice it. Notice the little bee, the child, and the smiling faces. Inhale the scent of rain, and feel the wind. Live your life to its full potential, and strive for your dreams."

Those are among the 48 funny rain quotes that entertain and can warm up the atmosphere. Hope it is useful and can inspire!


Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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