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Procedure for Late Congregational Prayer and its Conditions, Understand the Difference with Early Congregational Prayer

Procedure for Late Congregational Prayer and its Conditions, Understand the Difference with Early Congregational Prayer Illustration (credit: - Jamak prayer can be interpreted as combining two prayers into one time. Jamak prayer is divided into two, namely jamak taqdim and jamak takhir. Where for the procedure for jamak prayer takhir can be performed at the last prayer time.

There are various forms of ease and leniency given by Allah SWT, one of which is jamak prayer. However, the ease given does not mean that every Muslim can perform mandatory prayers at any time and perform them in jamak.

READ ALSO: Reading the Intention of Dhuhr Prayer in Congregation for Imam and Congregation Complete with Procedures

Because, there are conditions that must be fulfilled in order to perform jamak prayer. In addition, there are several obligatory prayers that can be combined, including Dhuhr, Asr, Maghrib, and Isha prayers. As for the Fajr prayer, it is recommended to be performed on time.

This prayer can be performed in two ways, namely jamak taqdim and jamak takhir. Jamak taqdim is interpreted as jamak prayer performed at the earliest prayer time. Meanwhile, sholat jamak takhir can be performed at the last prayer time.

For the procedure of sholat jamak takhir, you can refer to the following review. The procedure of sholat jamak takhir can be a reference for you to combine prayers at the latest prayer time. The following has been summarized by from various sources.




1. Difference between Early and Late Congregational Prayer

As mentioned earlier, congregational prayer is divided into two types: early congregational prayer and late congregational prayer. Basically, these two types of congregational prayer have similar procedures, but there are slight differences.

To understand the difference between early and late congregational prayer, it is good to know the definition of these two types of congregational prayer. The definition of early and late congregational prayer is as follows.

1) Early congregational prayer: early congregational prayer is combining two prayers into one time with the implementation being at the earliest prayer time. This means that it should be performed at the beginning of the prayer time. For example, when you combine Dhuhr prayer with Asr prayer, it can be performed at the Dhuhr prayer time.

2) Late congregational prayer: late congregational prayer is combining two prayers into one time with the implementation being at the latest prayer time. For example, if you combine Dhuhr prayer with Asr prayer, it can be performed at the Asr prayer time.

Therefore, it can be concluded that the difference between early and late congregational prayer lies in the implementation time. As for the procedure, it is quite similar.



2. Syarat Sholat Jamak

Although it facilitates and lightens the burden of Muslims in performing obligatory prayers, it does not mean that every obligatory prayer can be combined. Because there are conditions and provisions that must be fulfilled before performing sholat jamak. The conditions for sholat jamak can be found in the following review:

Things that are allowed to be combined in prayer:

- Traveling a distance of approximately 4 burd or 88.656 km.

- Traveling for good purposes, not negative or sinful.

- In dangerous situations such as disasters including rainstorms and even war.

- Urgent situations such as severe illness.

Conditions for sholat jamak:

- Reciting the intention for sholat jamak according to the combined prayer, whether taqdim or takhir.

- Immediately performing sholat jamak. This means combining two obligatory prayers without performing sunnah prayers.

- Still on a long journey or in a traveler status.

- Orderly.

Meanwhile, there is an explanation in the book Fath Al Qarib regarding the conditions for sholat jamak takhir, as quoted from

"As for the takhir jamak condition, it is obligatory to perform the combined intention at the first prayer time. It is allowed to delay this combined intention until there is still time remaining from the first prayer time, where if the prayer starts at that time, it becomes a 'current' prayer (not qadha'). It is not obligatory in this takhir jamak to perform the prayer in an orderly manner, nor is it obligatory to have muwalah and combined intention according to the valid opinion of all three." (Ibnu Qayyim Al Ghazi, Fath Al Qarib Al Mujib, page 44)

From this explanation, it can be concluded that there are no special conditions or obligations to prioritize certain prayers. This is different from sholat jamak taqdim which must be performed with specific conditions. So you can choose the prayer that is prioritized to be done in the last congregational prayer.



3. Tata Sholat Jamak Takhir Dzuhur dan Ashar

Combining Dhuhr and Asr prayers into one time can be performed at the last time or known as the last combined prayer. This means that you can perform the combined prayer of Dhuhr and Asr at the time of Asr. The intention and procedure for performing the combined prayer of Dhuhr and Asr are as follows:

The procedure for performing the combined prayer of Dhuhr and Asr:

- Recite the intention for the combined prayer of Dhuhr and Asr.

"Ushollii fardlozh zhuhri arba'a raka'aatin majmuu'an ma'al ashri adaa-an lillaahi ta'aalaa."

Meaning: "I intentionally perform the 4-unit obligatory Dhuhr prayer combined with Asr, for the sake of Allah the Almighty."

- Takbiratul ihram.

- Then perform the Dhuhr prayer as usual.

- After performing the Dhuhr prayer, immediately continue with performing the Asr prayer and recite the intention for the Asr prayer.

"Ushollii fardlol 'ashri arba'a raka'aatin majmuu'an ma'azh zhuhri adaa-an lillaahi ta'aalaa."

Meaning: "I intentionally perform the 4-unit obligatory Asr prayer combined with Dhuhr, for the sake of Allah the Almighty."



4. Procedures for Late Combined Prayer of Maghrib and Isha

After knowing the procedures for late combined prayer of Dhuhr and Asr, here are the procedures for late combined prayer of Maghrib and Isha that you can understand. The procedures for late combined prayer of Maghrib and Isha are as follows.

The procedures for late combined prayer of Maghrib and Isha

- Recite the intention for late combined prayer of Maghrib and Isha.

"Ushollii fardlozh maghribi thalaatha raka'aatin majmuu'an ma'al 'isyaa'i Jam'a ta-khiirinin adaa-an lillaahi ta'aalaa."

Meaning: "I intentionally perform the obligatory prayer of Maghrib, 3 units, combined with Isha, with the late combined method, for the sake of Allah Ta'ala."

- Takbiratul ihram.

- Then perform the Maghrib prayer, three units, as usual.

- After performing the Maghrib prayer, continue with the Isha prayer and recite the intention for the Isha prayer, which is:

"Ushollii fardlozh 'isyaa'i arba'a raka'aatin majmuu'an ma'al magribi Jam'a ta-khiirinin adaa-an lillaahi ta'aalaa."

Meaning: "I intend to perform the Isha prayer, four units, combined with Maghrib, with the late combined method, obligatory because of Allah Ta'ala."

So those are the procedures for late combined prayer and its requirements. The procedures for late combined prayer mentioned above can be a reference for you in performing late combined prayer and the difference with early combined prayer.




Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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