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40 Exhausted Heart Words, Expressing Deep Complaints and Inner Screams

40 Exhausted Heart Words, Expressing Deep Complaints and Inner Screams Illustration (Credit: Freepik) - Have you ever felt so tired and wanted to cry in the midst of the hustle and bustle of unfinished business? If so, maybe you are in a phase of an exhausted heart, physically, and mentally. That means, you need to take a break or just find someone who is willing to listen to the words of an exhausted heart, physically, and mentally.

Finding someone like that is not easy, so it's no wonder that many people feel alone when experiencing extraordinary fatigue. Even so, it doesn't mean that you have lost all space to express words of an exhausted heart. At least, there is still social media that you can freely use to complain and express your feelings.

Although you have the freedom, the words of an exhausted heart that you share should be thought out beforehand, so that the complaints that were intended to bring relief don't backfire. Well, to get inspiration for expressing your tired feelings, let's take a look at the words of an exhausted heart compiled from various sources below.

1. Tired Heart Words to Express Complaints

The thing to remember as a human being is, having feelings that always want to be followed. Yes, it's better if not everything is followed, it's reasonable if everyone has their own way to control. However, expressing words of tiredness when already at the lowest point is not wrong.

Therefore, you need to pay attention to words of tiredness to express all these complaints as inspiration.

1. "Feeling tired is inevitable, but it will slowly disappear, but the effort from tiredness will never disappear for those whom we benefit."

2. "Tiredness is a sign that you have been fighting, whether for something or for the future."

3. "Never stop when you feel tired, but stop when you have reached the peak."

4. "When I leave and have found something new in my life, it means I am tired of this relationship."

5. "Success does not always come from what we strive for, but there should be no exhaustion because that is where you learn."

6. "When I feel tired, stay by my side until I no longer feel that tiredness again."

7. "I hope that the tiredness I feel in working brings blessings to my family."

8. "When I am tired, my mind realizes that I am no longer needed."

9. "Feelings of laziness, failure, boredom, confusion, and tiredness have also been felt by successful people, but they are able to rise, move forward, and try."

10. "Smiling when disappointed and being patient when not appreciated are two things that make me feel tired because I have to pretend."

11. "Sometimes the body feels tired, making me wonder how long I have to work overtime like a horse."

12. "Although I decide to stay, sometimes the feeling of tiredness forces me to leave."

13. "There is no need to think about your life path that may be different from others, what you need to remember is that everyone has a different life path. So, never have the word tired to go through it."

14. "It feels very tiring to live alone without a companion."

15. "There are times when we are required to keep working to earn a living, even though our body is very tired."


2. Tired Heart Words for a Moment of Rest

Expressing tired heart words is indeed one way to recharge, but if the situation no longer allows you to keep running, it doesn't hurt to stop for a moment to rest. During the rest period, you can also read tired heart words from others that may be a source of inspiration.

16. "Keep running forward as much as you can, but if one day you feel tired, then look back and you will see me always waiting for you."

17. "My silence is a sign that I am tired and hope that you understand your mistakes."

18. "The feeling of tiredness when working will disappear when we look at the family we love, and it is for them that we have been working all this time."

19. "When I feel tired because of a lie, it's not explanations that I need, but proof of every promise you make."

20. "The grip of your hand always strengthens me when I feel tired in facing everything."

21. "If you're tired, rest. If you're weary, take a break. The meaning may be the same, but not in each person's interpretation. It could be tired of the situation, or tired of waiting for something uncertain. Only one word wants to be conveyed, take a rest and take a break for a moment."

22. "I stop not when I'm tired, but when I'm done."

23. "Life is not easy, but if you keep fighting without getting tired, a beautiful ending will always be waiting for you to greet."

24. "Stay kind to yourself, even if you fail. No matter how small your happiness is, now is your best time."

25. "Believe me, the person who always longs for peace above the heights, is the person who is most tired of the surrounding conditions."

26. "The breaking point of a woman. When a woman is expressing her feelings and she cries, that is the weak point of a woman, when facing pressure or the situation she feels."

27. "Not wanting to blame the situation, just hoping that there is still someone who supports. Honestly, it is tiring, but not to give up."

28. "Someone's silence is sometimes because they are tired of the situation."

29. "What would you do if you are tired of the situation, but you are demanded to keep going?"

30. "What goes around comes around, how long will this situation continue to repeat. I am tired and confused with all of this."


3. Tired Heart Words as a Cry of the Soul

Internal cries can occur when you have been holding back for too long to express your tired heart. Maybe you are too eager to be seen as a strong figure, but you forget that you are a human being with feelings. Do not hesitate to convey your tired heart as internal cries to your siblings or close friends.

Here are some examples of tired heart words that you can use as references.

31. "Sometimes we feel tired of ourselves without any clear reason. It's just because we are bored with the situation."

32. "I am just tired of the current situation. Not tired because of you, so calm down."

33. "Often it feels tired of the situation, but never give up, be calm."

34. "When problems come to your life tirelessly, surrender to Him."

35. "Tired of the situation like this, quickly improve my world, we miss the atmosphere like before, we miss gathering with friends again."

36. "Never get tired of being a good person, never get tired of caring for others. It's not the time to think about "what others are doing", but "what we can do" to improve the situation."

37. "When tired, sometimes all that is wanted is just a push. Not a force to continue the struggle. Rest."

38. "Where everyone surely experiences tiredness, rest to recover, then awaken your soul for the future."

39. "If you're tired of the situation, I'm ready to be your most comfortable place to return to."

40. "Tiredness is just a word for weak people, who start to surrender and give up on a situation that doesn't provide any way or direction."

KLovers, those are the words of a weary heart that you can use as a source of inspiration or reference to replenish your energy when feeling tired of daily routines.



Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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