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7 Delicious and Savory Chicken Curry Recipes, Special Dish for Eid

7 Delicious and Savory Chicken Curry Recipes, Special Dish for Eid Illustration (credit: freepik) - Chicken meat is one of the ingredients that is certainly familiar. Besides being easily found in the market, chicken meat is also easy to process. There are many types of dishes that can be made from chicken, one of which is curry. Chicken curry recipe can be the main menu for making delicious and savory chicken dishes.

Curry itself is a well-known food in the Asian region. Not only in Indonesia, curry dishes are also found in various Asian countries such as Malaysia and India. However, of course, the Indonesian chicken curry recipe has a delicious and unique taste that suits the general public's taste.

Curious about the typical and delicious Indonesian chicken curry recipe? Compiled from various sources, let's take a look at some chicken curry recipes that should not be missed.


1. Special Chicken Curry Recipe

Chicken curry may be a home-cooked dish that we can find every day. Nevertheless, the deliciousness of chicken curry never fails to increase our appetite. Moreover, chicken curry that is made special with special ingredients and methods. Here's a recipe for special chicken curry that is guaranteed to be delicious and savory.


- 1 chicken

- 5 pieces of kaffir lime leaves

- 2 pieces of lime, squeeze the juice

- 1 stalk of spring onion, diagonally sliced

- 3 pieces of red chili, diagonally sliced

- 2 stalks of lemongrass, crushed

- 750 ml thin coconut milk from 1/2 coconut

- 500 ml thick coconut milk from 1 coconut

- 2 tablespoons of oil for sautéing

- 1 piece of shrimp tofu, cut into 8 pieces, fry first

Ground spices:

- 5 pieces of red chili

- 8 shallots

- 5 cloves of garlic

- 5 cloves

- 4 cm cinnamon

- 5 cm turmeric, roast first

- 1 tablespoon of coriander, toast first

- 1 teaspoon of cumin

- 3 cardamom seeds

- 1 teaspoon of ground pepper

- 1 tablespoon of salt

How to make:

1) Clean the chicken, coat it with lime juice and salt, let it sit for 15 minutes, rinse it again and drain.

2) With 2 tablespoons of oil, sauté the ground spices until fragrant, then add the chicken, kaffir lime leaves, and lemongrass, cook until the chicken changes color and becomes firm.

3) Then add the thin coconut milk, let it cook until the chicken is tender.

4) Once the chicken is tender, add the thick coconut milk, cook until the sauce thickens while stirring occasionally over medium heat.

5) Then add the red chili and spring onion, finally add the fried tofu, stir briefly, remove from heat and serve.


2. Spicy Chicken Curry Recipe

For those of you who love spicy food, you must try the spicy chicken curry recipe. Cooked with bird's eye chili and selected spices, this curry recipe is too good to miss. Without further ado, check out the spicy chicken curry recipe below!


- 1/2 chicken, cut into pieces

- 1 stalk lemongrass, crushed

- 1 piece galangal, crushed

- 1 bay leaf

- 1/2 tsp coriander powder

- 1/4 tsp cumin powder

- 1 piece turmeric, ground

- 6 shallots, ground

- 3 cloves garlic, ground

- 10 bird's eye chilies, roughly pounded

- sugar, salt, and pepper, to taste

- fried shallots for garnish

- 200 ml coconut milk


1) Heat oil, sauté all the spices until fragrant.

2) Then add the chicken, coconut milk, and add water about 500 ml or according to taste.

3) Simmer over low heat until the spices are absorbed. Adjust the taste, and finally sprinkle with fried shallots. Serve.


3. Chicken Potato Curry Recipe

To avoid boredom, you can make chicken curry by combining it with other ingredients, such as potatoes. Cooking chicken curry with potatoes will create a perfect combination. In the curry broth, the potatoes will taste soft and delicious. Here is the recipe for chicken potato curry that will stimulate your appetite.

Main ingredients:

- 1/2 kg chicken, clean and marinate with lime juice and salt.

- 1 potato, cut into pieces.

Ground spices:

- 5 shallots.

- 3 cloves of garlic.

- 3 candlenuts.

- 1 tsp coriander.

- 3 cm turmeric.

Additional spices:

- 2 tsp salt.

- 1 tsp powdered broth.

- 3 tsp curry powder.

- 1 bay leaf.

- 1 kaffir lime leaf.

- 1 stalk lemongrass, tied.

- 1 star anise.

Additional ingredients:

- Fried onions for garnish.

- Cooking oil for sautéing.

- Boiling water.

Cooking method:

1) Sauté the ground spices until fragrant and cooked, then add the additional spices.

2) Add the chicken, stir briefly until the chicken changes color.

3) Add boiling water until the chicken and potatoes are fully submerged.

4) Cook over low heat until the spices are absorbed and the chicken is tender.

5) Adjust the taste, serve with garnish of fried onions.


4. Chicken Egg Curry Recipe

In addition to potatoes, you can also add eggs to chicken curry dishes. Just like in semur or opor, eggs can also be a suitable complement to chicken meat processed into curry. Here's the recipe for chicken curry with eggs.


- 1 free-range chicken, cut into 8 pieces, cleaned

- 6 boiled eggs, peeled

- 500 ml thick coconut milk

- Sufficient amount of water

- Salt, sugar, mushroom broth to taste

- Oil for sautéing the spices

- 1 tsp curry powder

- 1 stalk of crushed lemongrass

- 4 cm crushed galangal

- 2 cloves

- 3 cm cinnamon

- 2 bay leaves

- 2 kaffir lime leaves

Ground spices:

- 10 shallots

- 4 cloves of garlic

- 5 candlenuts

- 1 tsp roasted coriander

- 1/2 tsp whole pepper

- 1/2 tsp cumin

- 2 cm ginger

- 4 cm turmeric

- 12 curly red chilies


1) Sauté all the ground spices until fragrant.

2) Then add lemongrass, cloves, cinnamon, bay leaves, and kaffir lime leaves. Sauté until fragrant, don't forget to add curry powder.

3) Add the chicken, sauté until it changes color.

4) Add water until it covers the surface of the chicken, add salt, sugar, and seasoning. Stir well, cook until boiling and the spices are absorbed.

5) Then add the thick coconut milk, stir well, adjust the taste. Finally, add the eggs. Cook until boiling.

6) Remove from heat and serve.


5. Eid Chicken Curry Ketupat Recipe

Chicken curry can be an alternative dish for Eid al-Fitr. Because, the savory and delicious taste of chicken curry is also very suitable to be combined with other Eid menus, such as ketupat, lontong, kentang mustafa, and so on. Here's the recipe for making chicken curry ketupat for Eid.


- 1 chicken

- 1 lime

- 3 carrots

- 2 potatoes

- 20 green beans


- 3 stalks of lemongrass

- 5 bay leaves

- 5 kaffir lime leaves, remove the bones

- 1 thumb-sized galangal, crushed

- Ready-to-use coconut milk

- Sugar

- Salt

- Ground pepper

Ground seasoning:

- 2 thumbs of turmeric

- 1 thumb of ginger

- 12 shallots

- 8 cloves of garlic

- 3 cloves

- 3 grams of coriander seeds

- 3 grams of cumin

- 3 cardamom pods

- 5 candlenuts

- 3 cm cinnamon

- Sufficient cooking oil (for frying and sautéing)

How to make:

1) Marinate the chicken with lime, cut carrots and potatoes according to taste. Cut the green beans about 5 cm or split them in half.

2) Fry the chicken that has been marinated with lime until cooked.

3) Grind all the ground seasoning until really smooth.

4) Heat the oil for sautéing, sauté bay leaves, lemongrass, kaffir lime leaves, and galangal for a while, then pour in the ground seasoning. Cook until cooked and fragrant.

5) Add the fried chicken and water. Cook until boiling.

6) Once boiling, add the carrots and potatoes, cook until cooked.

7) After the carrots and potatoes are cooked, add coconut milk, season with salt, sugar, and ground pepper.

8) Finally, add the green beans, stir briefly until the beans are slightly wilted.


6. Medan Special Chicken Bihun Curry Recipe

The city of Medan has a unique chicken curry dish. But you don't need to go all the way to Medan, you can taste the delicious Medan-style chicken curry with vermicelli. Because you can make it yourself at home by following the following recipe for Medan-style chicken curry.


- 1 large free-range chicken, cut into pieces

- 5 potatoes, cut into fairly large pieces

- Thick coconut milk and thin coconut milk from 1 coconut

- Sufficient amount of water

- Sugar, salt to taste

- Cooking oil

Ground spices:

- 10 shallots

- 8 cloves of garlic

- 12 large red chili peppers, remove the seeds

- 5 candlenuts

- 2 cm ginger

- 1 turmeric root

- 1 tsp cumin

- 1 tbsp coriander


- 4 cm cinnamon

- 10 cloves

- 6 green cardamoms

- 2 star anise

- 2 stalks of lemongrass, crushed

- 4 bay leaves

- 1 packet of curry powder

- Curry leaves

Complementary ingredient:

- Cooked Medan vermicelli

How to make:

1) Heat the oil and sauté the ground spices, spices, and salt until fragrant.

2) Add the chicken and cook until the color changes.

3) Add the thin coconut milk, then bring to a boil and cook until the chicken is tender (if the water reduces and the chicken is not tender yet, you can add enough water).

4) After the chicken is tender, add the potatoes and cook until the potatoes are cooked.

5) Then add salt, sugar, and thick coconut milk, stir continuously until boiling, adjust the taste.

6) Ready to be served with vermicelli or warm rice.


7. Village Chicken Curry Recipe

Village chicken has a more savory taste compared to regular chicken. This makes chicken curry with village chicken have a more special flavor. Don't believe it? Just follow this delicious and easy recipe for village chicken curry.


- 1 whole village chicken

- 2 lemongrass, crushed

- 4 cm galangal, crushed

- 2 bay leaves

- 5 kaffir lime leaves

- 1 coconut milk

Ground spices:

- 10 shallots

- 5 garlic cloves

- 1 turmeric root

- 4 candlenuts

- 1 tbsp coriander

- 1/5 tsp ground pepper

- 1 tsp cumin

- 4 cm ginger


1) Sauté the ground spices, add the bay leaves, kaffir lime leaves, lemongrass, and galangal.

2) Sauté until fragrant, add about 2.5 liters of water.

3) Add the village chicken and cook until the chicken is tender. If it's not tender enough, add more water.

4) Then cook again, if the chicken is tender, add coconut milk, salt, sugar, and serve with fried shallots on top.

Those are 7 delicious and savory chicken curry recipes. Hopefully, they are useful and inspiring. Enjoy!



Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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