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45 Words for Arrogant Friends, How to Enlighten with Simple and Wise Advice

45 Words for Arrogant Friends, How to Enlighten with Simple and Wise Advice Illustration (Credit: Freepik) - In a friendship, there are many situations that you may experience. Happy, sad, and occasionally awkward when you feel disturbed by a friend's behavior. One of the behaviors that can be quite annoying is the frequent display of arrogance. It's understandable if you feel the urge to convey words for arrogant friends.

Words for arrogant friends can be conveyed in various tones as an effort to advise. Clear and wise advice can be adjusted according to your needs, depending on the level of your friend's arrogance.

Advice through words for arrogant friends is not only about protests or advising, but it can also be a form of concern. Therefore, here is a summary of words for arrogant friends from various sources for you to consider.


1. Words for Arrogant Friends with a Straightforward Tone

Conveying words to arrogant friends can be done straightforwardly. To convey words to arrogant friends in this way, you can assess the closeness first.

If it turns out that your close friend behaves arrogantly and belittles others, the following straightforward words for arrogant friends may be able to make them realize.

1. "Your arrogance will never be able to overcome God's will."

2. "There's no point in being arrogant if you still rely on your parents for everything."

3. "Do you know that arrogance is a source of sin?"

4. "Success comes from God, don't you realize that?"

5. "Even a tall, big, wide, and majestic mountain never boasts. So why do you, who are just a tiny speck, dare to be arrogant? Be ashamed of the mountain!"

6. "Life in this world is temporary. If you only want to show off yourself and your wealth, then what's the point of it all?"

7. "Life is sometimes upside down. The extraordinary act ordinary, while the ordinary act extraordinary."

8. "Life is not lived alone, so share. What's the point of being arrogant and winning alone? Don't you realize that your life also needs people around you?"

9. "If we can be arrogant and defeat anyone, try to defeat the arrogance within ourselves."

10. "Maybe you should start learning from the parking attendant. Although he has many cars, he will never be arrogant because he knows that all of this is just a trust."

11. "The wheel keeps turning, be prepared to be underneath."

12. "Both are from the earth. Both step on the earth and will return to the earth, so what's the point of being arrogant."

13. "Now you're arrogant, what will happen if you fall."

14. "Arrogance may not be in your name. But there is arrogance within you. Reflect if you are still not aware."

15. "There is no reason to be arrogant, you have strengths and weaknesses. I am the same."

16. "Too arrogant to think that you don't need friends, too naive to think that everyone is your friend."

17. "The high one does not reach the sky. That's why the earth pretends to be the sky."


2. Words for Arrogant Friends with Wise Tone

Besides awakening someone, words for an arrogant friend can actually be a self-introspection material. You can convey wise advice for others as well as yourself. Take a look at the following words for an arrogant friend so that their meaning can be deeply understood.

18. "Arrogant people will never be at peace. Usually, they often get irritated and easily angry because they want to be treated specially."

19. "The way to calm down arrogance within ourselves is by remembering our origin and end."

20. "The most difficult thing in life is not to surpass others, but to surpass our ego and ourselves."

21. "Sometimes God will not change a situation that happens around you because He wants to change what is inside your heart."

22. "We are arrogant just because of a small advantage that seems big."

23. "It is easier to fight against thousands of fully armed people than to fight against our own arrogance."

24. "Looking up as motivation, not to be humble. Looking down to be more grateful, not to be arrogant."

25. "A wise person will feel ashamed if their actions are not better than their words."

26. "Arrogant people are characterized by condescending gaze and self-elevating speech."

27. "An arrogant person is like someone standing on a mountain, they see others as small. But they are not aware that others see them as small too."

28. "An arrogant person is always defeated by a humble person. Maybe not immediately, but surely."

29. "An arrogant person has no God; an envious person has no neighbor; an angry person has no self."

30. "Arrogance will not overcome the will of God."

31. "Sometimes we do receive praise, but not to be arrogant."

32. "There is no use in being arrogant because everything you have now is only entrusted by God. When you no longer have the right to have it, then all of it will disappear from you without a trace. You can change from being the richest person to the poorest."

33. "There is nothing wrong with the world, it is only humans who wrongly accept."


3. Words for Arrogant Friends as Advice

In some situations, a person's concern can be measured by their willingness to give advice. So, if you find a friend whose arrogance has gone too far, you don't need to be ashamed to remind them with the following words for an arrogant friend.

34. "The success you achieve today may be thanks to the help of the people who once helped you when you were down."

35. "Sometimes, a person becomes arrogant when they feel superior to others. However, they forget that it is all temporary."

36. "An arrogant person is like a person standing on a mountain, they see others as small. However, they are unaware that others also see them as small."

37. "Don't let your arrogance slowly erode all the goodness within you."

38. "Don't be arrogant about what you have because there is no guarantee that it will last long."

39. "Don't be arrogant about anything you have because God can take it away in the blink of an eye."

40. "Don't be arrogant, thinking that you are already mature. Because if someone is already mature, it means they will rot soon."

41. "Don't hold your head too high because of arrogance. Eventually, you will bow down in shame because of that arrogance."

42. "Your greatness will not last long, everything is determined by God. If that greatness is taken away by Him, you can only bite your finger with your arrogance."

43. "Arrogance does not lead us to a better place, sometimes it actually pushes us back without us realizing it."

44. "Arrogance does not make a person high in status, but with arrogance, they will fall into low morals."

45. "When you are already at the peak. know that there is no other way but the way down."

Well, KLovers, that's the words for a friend who is arrogant as your effort to remind with straightforward and wise advice.



Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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