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40 Sincere and Empowering Condolence Messages, Show Sympathy

40 Sincere and Empowering Condolence Messages, Show Sympathy Illustration (credit: freepik) - Almost everyone has experienced a disaster, whether it's a major natural disaster or an accident. In addition, losing a loved one who leaves us forever is also a heartbreaking disaster. When a friend or loved one experiences a grieving situation, it is only right that we convey our condolences.

Through these condolences, we can show sympathy. Because moral support is needed so that those affected by the disaster can accept it with an open heart and become stronger individuals.

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However, for some people, composing words of condolences can be quite difficult. Because in order to console and strengthen, words of condolences must be composed as best as possible. Instead of consoling and strengthening, mistakes in word selection can actually lead to misunderstandings.

No need to be confused or worried, here has summarized some words of condolences from and You can use these words to show sympathy to friends or loved ones who are currently affected by a disaster.



1. Short Condolence Messages

When there is a friend or relative who experiences a grieving situation, giving a short condolence message will be very useful. Although short and brief, condolence sentences can strengthen and have a positive impact on those who are grieving. Here are some short but memorable condolence messages.

1. "I extend my condolences for the tragedy that has befallen you and your family. May this grief pass quickly."

2. "Deep condolences for him, may God grant him a place in heaven."

3. "I share in your grief over the loss of your sibling. I will always be here if you need me."

4. "Inna lillahi wa inna ilaihi raji'un. I extend my condolences for your loss."

5. "I extend my condolences for his passing. May you stay strong and may God provide you with patience and comfort."

6. "All of this is a good plan from Allah." We must accept his departure with fortitude and an open heart."

7. "Inna lillahi wainna ilaihi roji'un ... We express our condolences, may this make us more obedient in worshiping Allah SWT. Aamiin."

8. "If yesterday was a rain, tomorrow the Lord always promises fertility and happiness on the land that He has showered. So be patient."

9. "Expressing condolences for the return of (insert name) to the Father in Heaven. May the Lord Jesus Christ give strength and comfort to the family left behind."

10. "Inna lillahi wa inna ilaihi raji'un. Expressing condolences for his departure, may he rest in peace in the afterlife."

11. "Let the past be forgotten, what we can do now is to pray for him who has left us forever."



2. Condolences with Prayer

Condolences would not be complete without prayers. Giving condolences accompanied by sincere and good prayers will leave a special impression. Friends or relatives who are grieving will feel more supported to rise again. Here are some words of condolences accompanied by prayers.

1. "May all the best prayers I offer be granted by Allah. The only thing I can do now is to remember and pray for you. Farewell, my friend."

2. "Inna lillahi wa inna ilaihi raji'un. Deep condolences to you and your family. May the deceased be given the best place in the sight of Allah. May you and your family be given strength and sincerity, do not drown in sadness, stay strong."

3. "May God forgive all his sins in this world and accept his good deeds while he was alive and may the family sincerely accept his departure. Condolences for the loss."

4. "O Allah, forgive him and grant him mercy, save him from things that he dislikes in the afterlife. Forgive him and place him in the best place, which is Your paradise. Widen his grave and wash him with snow and ice water. Cleanse him from all the mistakes he has made."

5. "Just as You cleanse white clothes from all dirt, give him a better home than his home in this world. Give his family or wife in Your paradise, who is better than his family in this world. Enter him into Your paradise and keep him away from the fire of hell."

6. "Inna lillahi wa inna ilaihi roji'un... My family and I offer our deepest condolences. May the deeds and worship of the deceased be accepted in the sight of Allah and may the family left behind be given patience and strength."

7. "Inna lillahi wa inna ilaihi raji'un. Deepest condolences to you and your family. May the deceased be given the best place in the sight of Allah. May you and your family be given strength and sincerity, do not drown in sadness, stay strong."



3. Strengthening Condolences

In addition to prayers, words of condolence will be more complete if accompanied by words that give encouragement and strength. In this way, the grieving person will find it easier to move on with life. Here are some examples of condolence words that give strength.

1. "Don't be sad anymore, he is already at peace there. Your spirit will surely make him happy, don't forget to always send prayers for him. Condolences."

2. "Inna lillahi wainna ilaihi roji'un... Condolences for the passing of... may the family left behind be given strength. Believe me, Allah will surely reunite you in the future."

3. "A beautiful soul full of love and affection is now happy with the Lord who loves him even more. I can't imagine how deep your grief is and the family left behind, but my prayers are that you stay strong and resilient during this time of mourning."

4. "No one can understand the heaviness of separation, especially a separation like this. My deepest condolences to you and your family." May you be given strength and sincerity to get through these difficult times."

5. "Condolences for the tragedy that has befallen you and your family. Perhaps this tragedy is a warning, but it should also be a valuable lesson to make your life stronger."

6. "Inna lillahi wa inna ilaihi raji'un. Condolences for what has happened, hoping for the best and may you and your family be strong to go through all of this. Our big family extends our deepest condolences."

7. "I can't imagine how sad you must be right now. But, I want you to know, I am ready for you to call me anytime. My deepest condolences."

8. "Believe that all the trials that Allah gives surely contain a life lesson. We can be sad, but that sadness will not make the situation better and will not bring back those who have left us. It's okay to be sad, but let's rise again."

9. "For those who are being tested by Him, do not make a heavy rain of tears. Because God will soon give you happiness there."

10. "Inna lillahi wa inna ilaihi raji'un. Condolences. Every living thing has its predetermined time set by Allah. So be patient with this incident that has befallen you. Believe that there is surely a wisdom behind all of this."

11. "A birth is the will of God and not our own will. Death is also not our will and choice. But our lives are our own choices. People who leave you are happier when they see you happy rather than sad. Only prayers can be offered that all the goodness is accepted by Him. Because that is the only thing worthy of all his services during his lifetime."

12. "Always be patient, my brother, I know this is a very difficult thing for you and your whole family. But do not let it drag on, remember what the Messenger of Allah always said, that the deceased is tortured because of the cries of his family. Those who cannot accept his departure, then accept the fact that he has gone."

13. "On behalf of the extended family, we deeply mourn the passing of (mention the name). We hope you always remain patient and steadfast in facing his departure. Always remember the verse of the Quran that says, 'Every soul shall taste death.' Hopefully, by remembering that verse, you will always accept his departure."



4. Condolences Show Sympathy

Condolences are also one way for us to show sadness and sympathy. This can make the grieving person not feel alone in bearing their sadness. Therefore, they will also be easier to accept, be strong, and rise again. Here are some condolence words that show sympathy.

1. His kindness and sincerity will always be remembered in my heart. May he rest in peace. I am deeply saddened and mourn.

2. "All the pain you have experienced has ended, Allah loves you more than all of us here. Goodbye my friend, may you rest in heaven.

3. "My tears flow on the day of your departure. I really miss you, thank you for being my best friend. Goodbye my friend, may your good deeds become a light in your grave.

4. "Very concerned and mournful for all the victims of this incident... May the grace of God comfort and strengthen the grieving families in accepting this sad event. Amen.

5. "Inna lillahi wa inna ilaihi raji'un. My little friend, why did you leave me so soon. All the moments we have been through have now become a memory. May all your good deeds be accepted by Allah. Stay calm, my friend."

6. "I heard the sad news today and my heart is deeply saddened. If only I knew how to comfort you. My prayers are for you and your family to be strong and resilient."

7. "Losing someone forever is not easy. It feels really heavy. But, there is no better way than to accept it..."

8. "My friend, your return to the Creator feels so fast. The moments we've shared together, now only memories remain. May all your good deeds be accepted by Him. Amen."

9. "Tears from the heart will never be able to bring back someone who has gone forever. Stay strong, my friend, consider their departure as a reminder that we are just ordinary humans who will also face death. So live life with courage and remember that we will also experience death."

Those are some of the words of condolences. Hopefully, they are useful and can be used to show sympathy to your loved ones who are grieving.




Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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