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50 Wise Words by Tere Liye about Life - Love, Can Boost Motivation

50 Wise Words by Tere Liye about Life - Love, Can Boost Motivation Wise words by Tere Liye (credit: freepik) - Reading novels has become a popular hobby nowadays. Tere Liye is one of the authors whose novels are greatly admired. Besides having interesting stories, Tere Liye's novels also provide valuable and memorable life lessons. That's why this male author is so popular and has many fans nowadays.

Readers' admiration for Tere Liye can be seen from the fact that his novels always sell well in the market. Until now, Tere Liye has produced approximately 20 novel titles. Wise words in each of his novels are often quoted by fans. Many people use Tere Liye's wise words as their status on social media, even motivational words.

Compiled from various sources, here are some wise words by Tere Liye that you can use as your social media status or motivational words.



1. Wise Words from Tere Liye about Life

In his novels, Tere Liye often portrays stories that reflect the current condition of life. Many wise words will open the reader's eyes, making them more prepared to face the world. Like the following wise words from Tere Liye about life.

1. "By continuing to move forward, sooner or later, all the burdens of memories will be left behind."

2. "Life is indeed about waiting. Waiting for us to realize when we will stop waiting."

3. "Life is a long journey and not always smooth. On what day and at what hour, we never know what pain we have to go through. We don't know when life will throw us down, make us sit, and then force us to make decisions. One or two decisions make us proud, while the rest result in more regrets."

4. "There is no loss more heartbreaking in this world than losing honesty, self-esteem, and dignity."

5. "When we choose to live with a mask, and people like it. So that's our problem. But when we show up and people don't like it, even hate it. So that's their problem."

6. "Be like a candle, never regret when the flame burns you. Be like flowing water, patient. Never be afraid to start something new."

7. "It doesn't matter if we're often insulted, mocked. Many noble people are born from all the insults and mockery."

8. "If we 'don't give up easily', then we are very close to success. Because in this world, there are two people who are very hard to defeat: 1. a patient person; 2. a person who doesn't give up easily."

9. "There will always be painful days and we don't know when those days will hit us. But there will always be the next days, starting a new chapter with the rising sun."

10. "Do you know? Life is actually a long journey, witnessed by the sun every day."

11. "This is my life, and I don't care about any of your judgments. After all, I live not to make others happy, let alone spend time listening to their comments."

12. "Not everyone can understand what we do, the choices we make, or the decisions we take. But it's okay. If we believe it's right, just go on with confidence, tomorrow more people will understand."

13. "Life must continue regardless of how painful or joyful it is, let time be the medicine."

14. "There are times when we just need to stay silent. Not saying anything, not talking to anyone. Reflect deeply. Then we finally understand many things."

15. "Life is not like a novel, where we can repeat the first page whenever we want. In real life, when a story is no longer interesting, it becomes painful, we cannot repeat it from the first page. But it's okay, because we can always create a new chapter, a new page. Always can."



2. Wise Words from Tere Liye about Love

Besides life, love is also a frequently raised theme in Tere Liye's novels. In fact, his novels are known to be so romantic and touching. This can also be seen in the wise words of Tere Liye about love:

1. "Love is always mysterious. Don't rush it, or you will ruin its own storyline."

2. "Not everyone is lucky enough to marry their true love. But everyone can be lucky enough to make the person they marry their true love."

3. "Don't waste time thinking about someone who may never think about us."

4. "Excessive affection can result in infinite hatred in the future."

5. "Love is a beautiful mystery. Whoever is patient will receive the most beautiful gift."

6. "Love is like beautiful music. The difference is, true love will make you keep dancing even when the music has long stopped."

7. "So many lovers try to appear great, cool, and brave, until they forget to be themselves."

8. "Those who only place their love in their eyes, that is where the beginning and end of all stories." Whoever places their love only in feet and hands, that is also the farthest place that can be reached. But whoever places their love in the heart, follows the rules of the game and always remains patient, from there all stories will bloom brightly, charmingly fragrant."

9. "There will always be good men for women who continue to strive to improve themselves. Also, there will always be good women for men who always strive to improve themselves."

10. "Oh God, I am perfectly stabbed by my own illustration. Betrayal by my heart that is busy tying knots of love."



3. Wise Words from Tere Liye about Patience

In his works, Tere Liye always presents characters with big hearts. Characters who are always strong and resilient in facing problems in their lives. The patience of these characters is also so inspiring. Here are some excerpts of Tere Liye's wise words about patience.

1. "The falling leaf never hates the wind. It allows itself to fall just like that. It doesn't resist, it accepts everything."

2. "Crying is not always a symbol of weakness and helplessness. Crying in certain situations is actually a symbol of strength, patience, and honor."

3. "No matter what our condition is, whether sad or happy, time never stops waiting. Time keeps moving forward. "

4. "Patience and silence are better. If it's meant to be, the best path will open on its own. If not, it will be replaced by someone better."

5. "Time will reveal the sincerity of someone. Their good intentions and goals. If it's truly good, then as time goes by, it will become clearer; on the other hand, if it's just a facade, it will eventually be exposed."

6. "It's true, in certain situations, lies can save a relationship, and honesty can destroy it. But still, choose honesty. Let the rest flow like water, perhaps the ending will still be lasting and happy."

7. "Never fall in love when it's raining. Because when the day after tomorrow you're heartbroken, every time it rains, you will be reminded of that painful incident. While others are happily looking at the rain, you're feeling sad as you look out the window."

8. "If he decides to go away, it means it's time for you to start a new opportunity."

9. "No matter how weak someone's physical condition is, no matter how poor they are, if they have patience in their heart, the world cannot hurt them."

10. "Only people with peaceful hearts can accept bad events with relief."

11. "Just because someone is patient to the sky, it doesn't mean they can be hurt, stepped on easily. Just because someone is strong, doesn't mean they deserve to be disappointed, betrayed, and treated unfairly."



4. Motivational Wise Words from Tere Liye

There are many people who quote wise words in Tere Liye's novels. This is because Tere Liye's works are filled with inspirational sentences that can inspire life. Here are some wise words from Tere Liye that can be used as motivation in life.

1. "This is my life, and I don't care about any of your judgments. After all, I live not to make others happy, let alone spend time listening to their comments."

2. "Be like a candle, which never regrets when the flame burns you. Be like water that flows patiently. Never be afraid to start something new."

3. "If we listen to all the words of others, then this world can be darkened by the black smoke of negative thoughts."

4. "Not everything you want has to happen instantly. We don't live in a fairy tale. Even so, know that many people out there have to struggle hard to fulfill even a small desire."

5. "Not everything we think is true. Not everything we assume is the truth. If we don't understand the real reason, it doesn't mean that everything is bad and wrong according to our own version."

6. "A happy person doesn't worry about the judgment of others. They are happy with the peace in their hearts and minds."

7. "When something we want doesn't happen, it doesn't mean it will never happen, it may be saved for a more special time. Because everything good always arrives at the right time. Maybe to make us more prepared, or maybe to make us more grateful."

8. "No matter our circumstances, whether sad or happy, time never stops waiting. Time keeps moving."

9. "In truth, liking someone doesn't need to be flaunted, written, let alone bragged about. The more often you say it, perhaps it becomes more tasteless, perhaps we say it only to suggest, ask yourself, is it really that enjoyable."

10. "Life must continue, no matter how painful or happy it is, let time be the medicine."

11. "Happiness is loyalty. Loyalty to feeling content. Loyalty to sharing beauty. Loyalty to sincerely doing good."

12. "Surrendering is not a matter of weak people. Surrendering is actually the property of strong people, who understand well that it is better to surrender than to destroy everything, it is better to surrender for the goodness of tomorrow."



5. Wise Words from Tere Liye about Sadness

Tere Liye's works not only tell stories about beautiful and romantic things. The author of this novel often inserts stories about sadness that make the characters more impressed, strong, and resilient. Here are some wise words from Tere Liye about sadness.

1. "There is no loss that is more sad in this world than the loss of honesty, self-esteem, and dignity."

2. "In this world, no matter how good someone is, there will always be someone who dislikes them. Similarly, no matter how sincere the goodness we give, there will always be someone who doesn't appreciate it."

3. "Only strong people can let go of something. Even though they feel heartbroken, cry, get angry, annoyed, in the end, they can sincerely let go, they have successfully conquered themselves."

4. "There is no need to exhaust ourselves, let alone die trying to make others like us. What for? If someone really likes us, they will like us naturally, they will not let us beg for that liking."

5. "There will always be painful days and we don't know when those days will hit us. But there will always be days ahead, starting a new chapter with the rising sun."

6. "Crying is not always a symbol of helplessness. Crying in certain situations is actually a symbol of strength, patience, and honor."

7. "Whatever we see, may not be as it seems. Whatever is lost, may not always disappear as we assume. There are many answers from places that are lost."

8. "Honesty is like a mirror. Once it cracks, breaks, don't expect it to recover as it used to be. Don't play with mirrors."

9. "When rain and clouds forget each other. It will be different from a heart that is left behind."

10. "When we laugh, only we know exactly whether that laughter is happy or not. Perhaps we are laughing amidst all the sadness. Others only see the face."

11. "When someone lies, they will easily repeat it again and again."

12. "Sometimes we ourselves ruin the storyline. That was going well, no problem, we ruin it because of impatience, prejudice, being too sensitive, and so on."

Those are some wise words from Tere Liye. Hopefully, they can be an inspiration and even add motivation to you in living your life!




Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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