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45 Sarcastic Words for Arrogant Friends, Short But Striking, Makes You Realize - Quickly Improve Attitude

45 Sarcastic Words for Arrogant Friends, Short But Striking, Makes You Realize - Quickly Improve Attitude Illustration (credit: freepik) - The presence of friends should make our days more enjoyable and colorful. However, in reality, not all friends are good and pleasant. There must always be friends who behave arrogantly or snobbish, so when we meet them, it can be very annoying. Sarcastic words for arrogant friends can be one way to make them realize and improve their attitude.

It can't be denied, friends are very valuable in life. Having many friends is also something to be grateful for. Therefore, it would be better if we can make friends who have arrogant traits realize and improve their attitude. Because, as we know, as good friends, we should remind each other and encourage doing good deeds.

There are times when sarcasm becomes an appropriate and effective way to convey a message. So, here are some sarcastic words for arrogant friends that have been collected by from various sources.

1. Short But Impactful Words to Mock Arrogant Friends

There's no need for lengthy sentences, mocking remarks for arrogant friends can be conveyed with short words. Although short, these mocking words still hit hard and guaranteed to make them realize. Here are short but impactful words to mock arrogant friends.

1. "Dress according to your wallet, young man."

2. "Keep talking, I'll yawn if I'm interested."

3. "People with empty minds talk the most."

4. "This is my life, why are you the director?"

5. "Sometimes you should remember that not everyone grows like you."

6. "Hopefully one day your life will be as beautiful as what you show off on Facebook."

7. "Maybe you should eat cosmetics too, so that your heart becomes beautiful."

8. "Have more than what you show, speak less than what you know."

9. "Your words are like refillable perfume, it smells so good but fake."

10. "Your words are like colorful balloons, but unfortunately, they're filled with nothing but air."

11. "This is what they call sincerity? What kind of sincerity is it, it's all about calculation."

12. "Stay honest, stay faithful, or stay away from me."

13. "I'm not insulting you, I'm just describing you."

14. "You sound more pleasant when you keep your mouth shut."

15. "It's easier to forgive an enemy than to forgive a friend."

2. Words Indirectly Insulting Arrogant Friends That Pierce the Heart

Arrogant people usually have a stubborn character. They will have difficulty accepting advice and input from others. Therefore, it is not enough to just touch them, often a piercing insult is needed for them. Here are words indirectly insulting arrogant friends that pierce the heart.

16. "For someone who feels so right. You're not cool, you just look like full of empty words that you can't prove the truth of."

17. "Good or bad, your actions will surely have consequences. Maybe not tomorrow, but later in time."

18. "Don't be proud of what your parents have given you, but be proud of what you have given to your parents."

19. "Thank you for the free time you have given to look at my life."

20. "You can insult me, but think about yourself. Are you better than me?"

21. "I want to save money to buy rice for my family, the rest to buy the mouths of those who insult me."

22. "Just because I'm with you all the time, doesn't mean you can waste me."

23. "A good friend will never forget your kindness, but a best friend will never remember your wrongdoings."

24. "I may look calm. But in my mind, I have killed you three times."

25. "It's nice to be you, able to come anytime you need me. But when I need you? You don't even care about me."

26. "If I never knew you, maybe today I would never know what it feels like to be betrayed by a friend."

27. "Oh, my mistake. Sorry for bothering you. I forgot that I only exist when you need something from me."

28. "I'm curious how you comb your hair so that your horns don't show."

29. "Even as a friend, you're still busy choosing. Do you think anyone wants to be friends with someone who can only take advantage of others?"

30. "Sometimes the line between friend and enemy is thin. There are times when they support everything you do, but there are times when they stab you in the back."

3. Words Indirectly Insulting Arrogant Friends That Make You Realize

Sarcasm is not just about expressing annoyance. Behind it, the sarcastic words are actually intended to make them realize. Here are sarcastic words from arrogant friends that make them realize and improve their behavior.

31. "Karma never walks alone, it always walks behind you, waiting for the right time to awaken you."

32. "People who look down on others will never make them rise. They only make them more humiliated."

33. "Work like a ghost, doesn't need to be seen, doesn't need praise, doesn't crave for position, doesn't seek attention, but the results are clear."

34. "Maybe you haven't changed, but your mask is the one that finally comes off."

35. "Don't expect people to cross the ocean for you if you're not willing to jump over a puddle for them."

36. "When your friends forget your favors. That's when we know who are good friends for you to be friends with."

37. "Be a small person who thinks big. Don't be a big person who always thinks small and narrow."

38. "Don't pretend to distance yourself from someone who hasn't succeeded yet because when they succeed, you're no longer their type."

39. "One day you will go away, and I really hope you will still be there."

40. "Friendship is fragile like a glass, once broken it can be fixed but not with cracks and fragments."

41. "Only fools forget their old friends because of new ones."

42. "Even if we forget the faces of our friends, we will never forget something carved in our souls."

43. "There are seven billion people in this world. Why do you let one of them destroy your life?"

44. "Do you see that bright object in the sky? That is the sun. The Earth revolves around it, not you!"

45. "It's funny how you act nice in front of me, talk nonsense behind my back, and even funnier that you think I don't notice."

Those are among the 45 sarcastic words for arrogant friends. How about you, is there anything that can represent your feelings towards arrogant friends?


Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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