Kapanlagi.com - Water benefits for the body are indeed many, the most important of which is that water can provide us with fluids so that the body does not become dehydrated. In addition, there are many benefits of water that are given when we consume it in sufficient amounts every day.
Water is a source of life for humans, everything done in the world is greatly assisted by the presence of water. Humans consume water with different temperatures, there are normal temperatures, cold temperatures, and also warm temperatures, each temperature in the water has different functions for the body.
That is why to find out what are the benefits of cold water and warm water for the body, here are 5 benefits of cold and warm water to overcome pain in the body as reported from various sources.
1. Headache
illustration of low blood sugar (depositphotos.com)
The first benefit of cold and warm water is to overcome headaches. If you experience a very severe headache, try using water as the first step before taking medication. Usually, headaches occur due to toothache, ear infection, excessive use of electronic devices, prolonged reading, acid reflux, stress, and many more.
When we have a headache, the head will feel intense pain, and the shoulders and neck will feel tense and stiff. Therefore, before resting, it is good to use water to relieve the pain caused by a headache. You can take a towel and soak it in warm or cold water, then compress the towel on the head or the back of the neck.
This is because using warm water will relax the tension caused by the pain in the neck and head. And if you use cold water, you can alleviate the pain in the head.
2. Gout
credit: Pixabay
The next benefit of cold and warm water is to reduce pain in gout. Gout is a condition where a person experiences unbearable pain, usually felt as heat in the joints and swelling. Gout can occur due to several factors such as heredity, injury, surgery, consuming high-sugar drinks, obesity, hypertension, and many more.
The way to eliminate gout using warm or cold water is to compress the painful or swollen area with cold water for approximately 10 to 15 minutes. This is done so that joint pain and swelling can disappear in a matter of moments. You can perform this activity for 1 to 2 days until the swelling in the body disappears.
3. Sprained
credit: Pixabay
The next benefits of cold and warm water are to overcome sprains in the body. You can use hot or cold water if your body experiences a sprain in the thighs, back, and calves. This usually happens due to injured muscles or strained tendons, which ultimately cause the body to sprain. To overcome this, you can use hot water and cold water to relieve the pain caused by sprains.
Cold water is used because it can reduce inflammation such as redness on the skin, swelling, and fatigue. In addition, cold water can also reduce pain. Meanwhile, if you use hot water, it can help relax stiffness after the inflammation subsides.
4. Joint Inflammation
credit: Pixabay
In addition to relieving pain caused by sprains, the next benefits of cold and warm water are to alleviate pain in joint inflammation. If you have pain in joint inflammation, you can relieve it by using cold or warm water through compresses.
If you compress joint pain using cold water, it can cause blood vessels to constrict, so when inflammation or injury occurs, the process of blood vessel constriction will be reduced and swelling on the body will not appear too much. To use cold water to reduce joint inflammation, you must do it within 48 hours after the onset of pain, by compressing the inflamed joint area for approximately 10 to 20 minutes, and do it 3 times a day.
However, if you are late in doing the compress, you can use warm water instead. Because warm water is the opposite of cold water. The function of warm water is to dilate blood vessels, so that healing substances can enter the blood vessels. Therefore, do not compress joint inflammation with warm water within less than 48 hours, KLovers, because it will make the body more swollen.
5. Menstrual Pain
credit: Pixabay
And the last benefit of cold and warm water is that it can relieve pain during menstruation. Usually, when women have their period, they will experience unbearable pain, and many of them consume medicine to relieve the pain. Actually, besides using medicine, you can also use water to relieve the pain caused by menstruation, namely by using warm water. In this case, warm water can alleviate menstrual pain by relaxing tense muscles.
Not only that, warm water can also improve blood circulation in the body, reducing the risk of abdominal cramps during menstruation. And the way to relieve pain during menstruation is by taking a bath or soaking in warm water. Because this heat will improve blood flow to the pelvic area and help relax cramped muscles. Or you can apply a warm compress to the lower abdomen to reduce pain and cramps.
Those are the benefits of cold and warm water for relieving pain in the body. Besides being consumed, water can also be used as a remedy for the pain you feel in your body.
Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.