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6 Easy and Quick Ways to Remove Ads on Your Laptop, Making Browsing More Comfortable

6 Easy and Quick Ways to Remove Ads on Your Laptop, Making Browsing More Comfortable Illustration (credit: - Ads that suddenly appear while browsing on a laptop can be quite annoying. Moreover, ads don't just appear once, they can appear multiple times. But now there is a way to remove ads on your laptop easily and quickly.

The way to remove ads on a laptop can actually be done by changing the system settings. However, there is also a way to remove ads on a laptop by deleting a number of files that indicate the cause of the ads appearing on the laptop.

That's why below there are ways to remove ads on a laptop easily and quickly. The following ways to remove ads on a laptop can be practiced quite practically. In addition, you can also block ads on Google Chrome using the ways to remove ads on a laptop below.

Let's check out the references on how to remove ads on a laptop easily that have been compiled by from various sources.

1. How to Remove Ads on Laptop Easily

When browsing the internet, you may encounter sudden pop-up ads. Yes, ads can be quite annoying when you're browsing the internet. Although some ads come with an X mark to close them, they often still appear.

That's why there is a way to remove ads on a laptop. Moreover, removing ads on a laptop can be done very easily. Here's a review of how to remove ads on a laptop.

1. How to Remove Ads on Laptop by Deleting Temporary Files

If you're experiencing problems with sudden pop-up ads, you can try removing them by deleting temporary files. Here are the steps to remove ads on a laptop.

- First, press the Windows + R key combination simultaneously.

- Then type Temp

- Click OK.

- After that, a folder and files will appear, then click Delete.

- Then press the Windows + R key combination again.

- Type %temp% again.

- Click OK.

- Then delete the files and folders inside.

- Next, restart the laptop.

- Done.

2. How to Remove Ads on a Laptop Without Applications

In addition, there is also a way to remove ads on a laptop without applications. You can do this by stopping file explorer ads. Here are the steps to remove ads on a laptop without applications that you need to understand.

2. How to Remove Ads on a Laptop Without Applications

- First, open File Explorer by pressing the Win + E combination.

- Then click on View.

- Next, click on Options.

- Then select Change Folder and search options.

- Next, click on View in the Options folder.

- Then select Advanced settings.

- Clear the checkbox. Show sync provider notifications.

- Click apply.

- Click ok.

- Done.

3. How to Remove Ads on a Laptop in a Browser

If you encounter ads that appear in your browser, there are also easy steps you can take. One way to remove ads on a laptop is by resetting the browser program, for example, in Google Chrome. Meanwhile, here is how to remove ads on a laptop in a browser.

- First, open Google Chrome browser on your laptop.

- Then click on the three-dot icon, select More.

- Choose Settings.

- Click on Advanced.

- If you are a Mac, Linux, or Chromebook user, you can choose Reset Settings and then Restore settings to their original defaults. Click Reset Settings.

- Meanwhile, Windows users can choose Reset and clean up. Click Reset Settings.

- Some installed extensions may need to be reactivated after performing the above steps.

4. How to Remove Ads on Laptop in Google Chrome Without Applications

If you want to remove ads on a laptop that appear in Google Chrome, there are also steps. Different from the previous way to remove ads on a laptop, here's how to remove ads on a laptop in Google Chrome. The following is a review of how to remove ads on a laptop that you can refer to below.

4. How to Remove Ads on Laptop Remove Malware

- First, open Google Chrome on your laptop.

- Then click the three-dot icon in the upper right corner.

- Choose Settings.

- Click Advanced.

- Then select Reset or Clean up.

- Then Search.

- Remove the appearing malware.

- Done.

5. How to Remove Ads on Laptop in Chrome via Settings

- First, open Google Chrome on your laptop.

- Then click the three-dot icon in the upper right corner.

- Next, select the Drop-Down Menu.

- Then click Settings.

- Click Advanced.

- Then Content Settings.

- Select Ads.

- Select Allowed until the icon turns gray.

- Then, if a notification appears saying Blocked on Sites that tend to show intrusive ads (recommended), change it to gray to block ads.

- Click Back.

- Select Pop Up.

- Click Allowed until it turns gray.

- If successful, a notification saying Blocked (recommended) will appear.

- Done.

5. How to Remove Ads on Google Chrome Laptop with Additional Applications

Next, there is also a way to remove ads on a laptop using additional applications. Where you can install additional applications to remove ads on a laptop. Here is a review of how to remove ads on a laptop with additional applications that you can follow. This is an easy way to remove ads on a laptop.

- First, download and install the Adblock application and install it on the Google Chrome Extension.

- Next, click add extension.

- Then click the Adblock Plus icon.

- Click Options.

- Select allow Acceptable Ads.

- Pay attention to whether the checkmark on that option is active or not. If it has been removed, then the ads on the application can be removed.

- Done.

Those are some easy and quick ways to remove ads on a laptop. So that it can make it easier for you to know the steps to remove ads on a laptop.


Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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