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How to Update Google Chrome on Mobile and PC, Also Learn Various Benefits

How to Update Google Chrome on Mobile and PC, Also Learn Various Benefits Illustration (Credit: Unsplash) - Perhaps, you are wondering why you should know the procedure for updating Google Chrome? Well, because there are many benefits that you can get.

When you apply the procedure for updating Google Chrome, the security system will automatically be updated as well. In addition, you can immediately enjoy new features that have been intentionally developed.

Moreover, the performance of Google Chrome will also experience improvement. Well, for those of you who do not know the procedure for updating Google Chrome, just read the following explanation.


1. Understanding Google Chrome

Before delving into the explanation of how to update Google Chrome, it's better for you to understand its definition first. Google Chrome is a browser that was first released in 2008. Initially, Google Chrome was released for Microsoft Windows, then it was ported to Linux, macOS, iOS, and Android, making it the default browser in the operating system.

Now, Google Chrome has become the most widely used browser in the world, reaching 63.38 percent of users. You may already enjoy various features that it offers. However, sometimes you may not realize its benefits.

Well, in order for you to better understand what Google Chrome is, please be aware of the various benefits that you may obtain as follows.

1. Browsing

Google is known as a search engine, so it's no wonder that the function of browsing or opening various websites is very popular. You can enter a website address or keyword in the search bar.

2. Google Account Synchronization

You can connect Google Chrome with your Google account. This allows you to save various bookmarks from favorite sites, save emails and passwords, and make Google payments.

You need to know that the mentioned data above will be safe and easily accessible on various devices because it is stored in Google Drive Cloud Storage.

3. Download Various Files

The benefits of Google Chrome that you can experience are the ease of downloading various types of files, ranging from photos, audio, videos, applications, and so on.

4. Opening Various Document Formats

You can use Google Chrome to open various document formats, offline formats such as .pdf, .mp3, and .mp4. Not only that, there are also G Suite services, such as Google Docs, Google Sheets, Google Slides that you can take advantage of.

5. Web Development

For web developers, Google Chrome is one of the necessary tools. Programmers need Google Chrome to see the results of running/compiling code. In addition, programmers can also take advantage of the Element feature to view the code they have written.

6. Third Party Extensions

The use of third party extensions is intended to support the performance of users. For example, installing a VPN can allow users to access blocked sites.


2. How to Update Google Chrome on Android

Of course, you already know that Google Chrome can be installed on various devices with operating systems, including Android. As an Android user, you also need to know the following steps to update Google Chrome.

- First, open the Play Store on your phone.

- Next, click on the three-line icon in the top left or your profile picture if you have Gmail activated.

- After that, please select the option My Apps & Games.

- Scroll the screen to find the Update option.

- Choose that option to update Google Chrome.

- If your device is using Chrome version 76 or above, the steps to update Google Chrome are slightly different. Please follow the explanation below:

- Open Google Chrome on your phone.

- Click on the three vertical dots in the top right.

- Next, click on the option Update Chrome Browser.

- Done.


3. How to Update Google Chrome on PC

If you want to apply the procedure for updating Google Chrome on your PC, but don't know the steps you need to take, just follow the following explanation.

- Please open Google Chrome.

- Click on the three vertical dots icon in the upper right corner.

- After that, find the Update Google Chrome option.

- Click on that option and wait a few moments until the process is complete, then click the Relaunch button.

- Google Chrome has been successfully updated.

- Please note that when following this step, if you cannot find the Update Google Chrome option, it is possible that your Google has already been updated.

- You can check it through the following steps:

- Open Google Chrome and click on the three vertical dots in the upper right corner.

- Next, click on the Help option.

- Next, click on the About Google Chrome option.

- After completing the above processes, you will be asked to Relaunch Chrome.

- Please click on that option, if you are currently opening tabs, don't worry because the history tabs you have opened will return to normal.

- If it doesn't appear, please press the CTRL+SHIFT+T buttons simultaneously.

- You should know that Google Chrome that has been successfully updated usually has a blue checkmark. You can check it in the About Google Chrome menu.

- Furthermore, the Chrome window in disguise or incognito will not open after you choose the Relaunch option.

KLovers, those are some ways to update Google Chrome that you can easily follow. There is also a brief explanation about the use of Google Chrome that you need to know.



Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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