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6 Ways to Overcome Severe Cold Without Medication, One of Which is Consuming Ginger Drink

6 Ways to Overcome Severe Cold Without Medication, One of Which is Consuming Ginger Drink How to overcome a cold (credit: freepik) - Cold is one of the health problems often complained about by some people. Although in the world of health, there is actually no such thing as a cold. Cold itself is a term that indicates symptoms of fever or discomfort.

Basically, the cause of a cold is due to cold air or being exposed to wind, causing the blood vessels in the skin to contract. If someone experiences severe cold and is not immediately treated, it will have a negative impact on the body and should not be underestimated.

Someone who experiences severe cold can also disrupt routines. However, you don't need to worry because there are ways to overcome severe cold without medication. Usually, severe cold will be characterized by symptoms such as headache, fever, body aches, stuffy nose, sore throat, and bloating.

So, how to overcome severe cold? Well, let's just take a look at the complete explanation below.


1. Ginger Consumption

Ginger is a kitchen spice that has no doubt about its benefits for health. It's no wonder that ginger is chosen as an herbal remedy for various types of diseases, including colds.

In addition to warming the body, ginger also contains antioxidants that can counteract free radicals in the body. You can use ginger as a ginger drink and consume it when it's warm. Consuming ginger regularly can make your body fit again and prevent diseases.

2. Drink Plenty of Fluids

When the body starts to feel a cold, it means you also need to fulfill the fluid needs in your body. When the body has enough fluids, the body can also function properly, including restoring the strength of the immune system.

Therefore, you should drink plenty of water and avoid caffeinated drinks such as coffee, tea, and chocolate. In addition, it is also good for you to consume juice, as well as warm foods such as soup. Besides providing nutrition, warm fluids also help relieve breathing and congestion in the respiratory tract.

3. Consumption of Nutritious Food

Not only fulfilling the body's fluid needs, but consuming nutritious food is very necessary when experiencing a heavy cold. Because, when the body is unwell, the body also needs nutritional intake to recover.

By doing so, consuming fruits and vegetables is a food choice that should not be missed when your body experiences a cold. Because, fruits and vegetables have many vitamins and minerals that are beneficial for improving the body's immunity.

4. Kerokan

Indonesian people liken a cold to a health disorder caused by the entrapment of wind in the body, causing poor blood circulation. The wind that nests in the body causes the muscles to tighten, and the overall discomfort.

To cure it, you can overcome it by kerokan. The purpose of kerokan is to force the body's skin to open pores so that the cold wind that resides in the body can be expelled. It is advisable to do kerokan using garlic. Because garlic can improve blood circulation and produce a relaxation effect.

5. Sufficient Rest

People with colds should rest a lot to recover their energy and body's resistance. In addition, during the day, you should avoid heavy activities, so that at night you can get enough sleep for 8 hours. Because, if you lack sleep, it can quickly make you feel weak, lethargic, and dizzy.

6. Exercise

Exercise is one of the keys to maintaining stamina and body fitness. In addition, by exercising regularly, it can cure symptoms of colds and other diseases. Therefore, consistency in exercise is needed so that the body can avoid several types of diseases.

Those are a series of ways to overcome severe colds without medicine that you can start applying now, so that your body becomes fit again. Hopefully useful.


Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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