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Not Just a Kitchen Spice, Here are a Series of Benefits of Galangal for Health

Not Just a Kitchen Spice, Here are a Series of Benefits of Galangal for Health Benefits of galangal (credit: flickr) - Galangal is one of the kitchen spices that is often used for cooking. Not only used as a cooking ingredient, but galangal can also be used as a herbal medicine. Although not as popular as ginger or turmeric, the benefits of galangal for health should not be underestimated. Galangal contains several compounds that are very beneficial for maintaining a healthy and optimal body.

Galangal is taken from the roots or rhizomes of plants that are buried in the ground. In various Indonesian dishes, galangal is like one of the obligatory spices. Having a hard skin texture, for use as a food ingredient, galangal is usually crushed. In addition to releasing nutrients, crushing galangal is also useful for bringing out a fresh aroma.

So what are the benefits of galangal for health? Here is a summary from various sources.


1. Source of Antioxidants

It turns out that galangal is included in one of the cooking ingredients that is rich in antioxidants. In the body, antioxidants are compounds that are very necessary to counteract free radicals that can damage body cells and cause diseases.

The antioxidants found in galangal are polyphenols. Not only does it boost the immune system, but this compound is also useful in improving memory and stabilizing blood sugar levels, as well as controlling bad cholesterol. Therefore, indirectly, polyphenol antioxidants are believed to protect us from various health risks, such as mental disorders, type 2 diabetes, and heart disease.

2. Relieving Cough and Sore Throat

The second benefit of galangal is its ability to relieve cough and sore throat. The contents of galangal can act as an expectorant that is useful in relieving cough and sore throat.

The method of treating cough and sore throat with galangal is very easy. You simply boil sliced galangal or crushed galangal. Boil until the water boils, then add lime juice. Once it boils, let it sit and wait until warm, then you can drink it as a natural remedy.

3. Preventing Cancer

Cancer can be one of the diseases caused by free radicals. However, the presence of antioxidants makes galangal believed to be effective in preventing cancer. Not only as a preventive measure, galangal is believed to be a herbal medicine that can suppress and even kill cancer cell growth. The ability of galangal to prevent cancer is based on the presence of a compound called galangin. This compound is believed to be effective in combating cancer cells.

4. Improving Fertility in Men

Galangal is believed to be one of the herbs that is effective in improving male fertility. The compounds in galangal are believed to help improve sperm motility in men. This will affect the fertilization process.

To obtain the benefits of galangal, men are advised to consume it regularly. Whether as an ingredient or seasoning in cooking, or as a medicine or remedy. Because it is a natural ingredient, this method is considered effective and safe for men who have fertility problems.

5. Preventing Infections

Lengkuas contains essential oils with antimicrobial properties. This means that extracts from lengkuas roots are believed to effectively fight against various microorganisms. Consuming fresh lengkuas roots regularly will reduce the risk of infections.

In addition, as reported by, a study revealed that the compounds in lengkuas have the potential to kill other harmful bacteria, including E. coli, Staphyloccocus aureus, and Salmonella typhi.

6. Treating Skin Problems

Lengkuas is also beneficial for skin health. Its contents are believed to make the skin smoother. This is due to its high antioxidant content, which protects the body from free radicals, including those found in sunlight.

In addition, lengkuas also contains Vitamin C, which accelerates the process of regenerating dead skin cells and prevents premature aging. In fact, lengkuas is believed to be effective in treating various skin diseases such as ringworm, burns, itching, and allergies.

7. Overcoming Diarrhea

Diarrhea is one of the digestive problems that many people often experience. If you are someone who frequently experiences diarrhea, there is no need to be confused anymore in searching for medicine. Because, galangal can be one of the solutions.

As reported by, galangal has antibacterial properties that can eliminate pathogenic bacteria and heal diarrhea. The effectiveness of the antibacterial properties in galangal has been proven. Galangal can kill various types of bacteria that can cause diarrhea, such as Escherichia coli, Salmonella enteriditis, Clostridium perfringens, Staphylococcus aureus, Campylobacter jejuni, Bacillus cereus.

Those are some of the benefits of galangal for health. So, are you interested in trying its efficacy?


Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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