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Know These 7 Simple Habits That Can Cause a Rarely Realized Bloated Stomach

Know These 7 Simple Habits That Can Cause a Rarely Realized Bloated Stomach Illustration (credit: - Bloated stomach is one of the body problems that significantly affects appearance and confidence. Some people desire a slim stomach that enhances their attractiveness. However, there are several simple habits that cause bloated stomach, often unnoticed.

Not only women who desire a maximum and attractive appearance with an ideal and slim body. Many men also hope for the same thing to maintain their attractiveness and have an ideal body without a bloated stomach.

It's not surprising that many of them limit food intake or go on a diet and engage in various physical activities to overcome a bloated stomach. However, it is important to note that a bloated stomach not only affects appearance but also poses several health problems. Therefore, special attention is needed to prevent a bloated stomach from affecting overall health.

This condition can also be caused by several simple habits that people often overlook. Various preventive measures to overcome a bloated stomach may be in vain if these habits that can trigger a bloated stomach condition are still practiced.

So, what are the simple habits that cause a bloated stomach?

The following are the summarized simple habits that cause a bloated stomach. so by knowing this habit can be a form of alertness and caution so as not to trigger a bloated stomach. Here are 7 simple habits that cause a bloated stomach sourced from,, and


1. Stress

One of the simple habits that cause a bloated stomach is caused by a body experiencing stress. Stress itself is closely related to a person's psychological condition, which also affects their physical condition. Although it may seem simple, this habit should not be underestimated, as there are several health risks that can arise from excessive stress.

Including being a cause of a bloated stomach because stress is also related to hormonal changes that sometimes make the person experience high appetite. In addition, during stress, the body produces cortisol hormone, which can increase the amount of fat, especially in the stomach, causing it to become bloated. Therefore, it is recommended to avoid stress by engaging in enjoyable activities for oneself.

2. Excessive Snack Consumption

One simple habit that causes bloated stomach is consuming too many snacks. Especially snacks with high fat and calorie content that can cause obesity or weight gain. Especially if not balanced with activities such as exercise that can cause fat accumulation.

Moreover, if the body is not balanced with movement that can trigger fat accumulation in the stomach, causing a bloated stomach. Therefore, it is recommended to regulate food intake in the body to avoid bloated stomach.

3. Age Factor

It cannot be denied that as age increases, the human body experiences a decline and most of it cannot function normally as when young. This age factor can also be one of the causes of bloated stomach that is rarely realized by everyone.

Although menopause is a natural condition, knowing some health risks that can arise needs to be done to prevent them as early as possible. One of the reasons for age or menopause as a cause of bloated stomach is that at that age, a person will experience a decrease in estrogen levels that can cause fat accumulation in the stomach.

So the stomach becomes larger and bloated due to the fat. Therefore, doing exercise and physical activity needs to be a lifestyle so that when menopause occurs, the body remains fit and free from a bloated stomach.

4. Consumption of Soda and Alcohol

If you are one of those who enjoy soda, it is best to limit the amount consumed to avoid causing a bloated stomach. This is because soda and alcohol can cause the stomach to produce excessive gas, which can lead to a bloated stomach.

Not only that, the high sugar content is also closely related to weight gain, which can risk causing a bloated stomach. As a result, the body will accumulate fat in several areas, especially the stomach, which will appear larger.

5. Bloating

Another cause of a bloated stomach can also be due to bloating. Bloating itself is a condition when the stomach accumulates gas, which can cause the stomach to appear large and uncomfortable. Several factors that can cause bloating include consuming too many carbohydrates, drinking soda, eating fatty foods, digestive disorders, and so on. Therefore, it is necessary to avoid certain foods that are suspected to cause bloating and make the stomach appear bloated.

6. Lack of Physical Activity

Simple habits that cause a bloated stomach can also be caused by a lack of physical activity. Physical activity and exercise are very important to keep the body fit and healthy. This includes preventing a bloated stomach caused by fat accumulation in the stomach if not balanced with physical activity such as regular exercise.

Therefore, it is highly recommended to engage in exercise habits to avoid such bloated stomach condition. However, it is also important to pay attention to the body's condition and strength during exercise to prevent a decline in health.

7. Rare Consumption of Fruits and Vegetables

Fruits and vegetables are indeed very good for the body's health. The fiber content in fruits and vegetables can maintain digestive health and prevent a bloated stomach. Not only rich in fiber, but fruits and vegetables also contain beneficial nutrients and vitamins for the body, thus able to prevent various diseases.

Those are the 7 simple habits that cause a bloated stomach which are often overlooked. Therefore, it is necessary to provide a healthy intake and balance it with exercise activities to prevent a bloated stomach. If the condition of a bloated stomach significantly affects daily activities, it is recommended to consult a healthcare professional to receive appropriate treatment.



Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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