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Frequent Disturbance, Here are 7 Ways to Overcome Sinusitis that Can be Done at Home

Frequent Disturbance, Here are 7 Ways to Overcome Sinusitis that Can be Done at Home Illustration (credit: freepik) - How to overcome sinusitis is often sought by people to relieve symptoms. This is because the disease often bothers sufferers. This recurrent disease is a condition where inflammation occurs in the sinus walls, which are air-filled cavities located behind the cheekbones and forehead.

No wonder if you experience a cold and it takes a long time to heal. Because when the sinuses swell, fluid cannot enter or exit through these cavities, causing blockage and swelling.

Basically, sinusitis has symptoms very similar to a common cold. Other symptoms include yellow or green mucus, a feeling of pain in the face, especially in the middle of the forehead, bad breath, and thick fluid flowing into the throat. To overcome sinusitis, you can try natural remedies before rushing to the doctor.

So, how to overcome it? Instead of being curious, let's immediately take a look at the complete explanation below.


1. Ginger Remedy

Ginger, which we know as a kitchen spice, actually has benefits for dealing with health problems, including sinusitis. Ginger contains antimicrobial, antiseptic, antioxidant, and anti-inflammatory properties. To utilize ginger as a sinusitis remedy, it's quite easy.

First, you need to make warm tea. After that, mix the warm tea with ginger. This will help relieve the respiratory tract. This remedy can alleviate stuffy nose caused by flu or sinusitis.

2. Turmeric

Besides ginger, it turns out turmeric also has the benefit as a herbal remedy for sinusitis sufferers. This is because of the compound curcumin in turmeric. Curcumin is very effective in cleaning the respiratory tract and healing infected sinus passages.

You can consume turmeric by mixing it with hot tea. This combination can relieve the respiratory tract of chronic sinusitis sufferers.

3. Inhaling Hot Steam

Hot steam has been widely used to relieve mild sinusitis symptoms. This is because hot steam can help release trapped mucus in the sinus cavity. Additionally, thick mucus is not easy to remove.

One way to liquefy the mucus is by inhaling hot steam. To do this, you need to prepare boiling water and pour it into a bowl. Then, inhale the steam for a few minutes. Another method is to add eucalyptus oil to help liquefy the mucus.

4. Garlic Remedy

Garlic, which is commonly used as a cooking spice, also has extraordinary benefits for treating sinusitis. Garlic is known for its medicinal properties for various types of diseases. To treat sinusitis, you can prepare garlic, crush it until smooth, and then mix it with juice to be consumed.

5. Rinsing the Nose with Salt Water

Next, you can treat sinusitis by using salt water. This is because salt water can remove mucus from the sinuses. To do this, dissolve salt in a glass of warm water, then inhale the water into the nasal cavity and exhale it back out.

Usually, this method is effective in removing mucus, but the downside is that it can cause some pain when intentionally inhaling the salt water solution. Although there are now many nasal wash devices available for sale, you still need to be careful when using them.

6. Apple Cider Vinegar

Treating sinusitis can be done easily by using apple cider vinegar. The vitamins A, E, B1, B2, calcium, and magnesium in apple cider vinegar can clean the sinus cavity and treat symptoms caused by sinusitis.

To treat it, you can mix two or three tablespoons of apple cider vinegar into a cup of hot water. After that, you can add lemon or honey. You can consume this remedy regularly.

7. Oregano Oil

Oregano oil can also treat sinusitis, thanks to the carvacol and thymol content in the oil. These substances can reduce pain from swelling in the nasal cavity.

You can use it by adding a few drops of oregano oil to a bowl of boiling water to inhale its aroma. Do this for a few minutes twice a day. In fact, the steam from oregano oil infusion can alleviate facial pain.

Those are some ways to treat sinusitis that you can do at home. Hopefully, it will be beneficial.


Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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