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Know 8 Rarely Realized Causes of Late Menstruation, Can be Due to Stress - Weight Changes

Know 8 Rarely Realized Causes of Late Menstruation, Can be Due to Stress - Weight Changes Illustration of rarely realized causes of late menstruation, can be due to stress and weight changes (credit: - For a woman, late menstruation or periods often causes worry. Because some of them think that late menstruation can be a sign of abnormalities in the reproductive organs. However, it turns out that there are several causes of late menstruation that women rarely realize.

Menstruation is a normal condition experienced by every woman when they have entered puberty. Usually, puberty occurs between the ages of 12 and 13. However, this condition can vary for each woman, where some have their first menstruation before the age of 12 or even after the age of 13.

When entering the menstrual period, several problems are often experienced by some women. Starting from excessive pain to late menstruation. For unmarried women, late menstruation often causes worry because most of them consider late periods to be closely related to pregnancy.

However, many women also worry because they think it is a sign of abnormalities in the reproductive organs or symptoms of certain diseases. Although it is important to know some rarely realized causes of late menstruation in women so as not to be mistaken and get further treatment.

So what are the rarely realized causes of late menstruation?

The rarely realized causes of late menstruation are summarized in several points below. By knowing these causes, it can be important information and appropriate treatment regarding the delay in menstruation. Here are 8 rarely realized causes of late menstruation in women sourced from,, and



1. Stress

One of the rarely realized causes of late menstruation for women is stress. Stress itself is a health problem that cannot be taken lightly. Because there are several health problems that can arise due to excessive stress. Including affecting the monthly menstrual schedule that can be delayed.

Quoting from, where this influence can occur because when someone experiences stress, they can release hormones and even affect the part of the brain that functions to regulate menstruation called the hypothalamus. In addition, it is also reported from other sources that stress can also affect the production of the hormone Gonadotropin-releasing hormone, which can disrupt the monthly menstrual cycle.

Not only that, stress can also cause sudden weight changes and have an impact on the menstrual cycle. Therefore, engaging in relaxation activities to calm the mind or reduce stress levels needs to be done to prevent it from affecting the menstrual cycle.


2. Weight Changes

Generally, weight changes are mostly influenced by food intake in the body. However, sudden weight changes can apparently be a cause of late menstruation that is rarely realized by women.

Because when a woman experiences weight changes, some hormones in the body are believed to change and can affect the menstrual cycle. For example, when experiencing weight loss, someone may have a thin body with abnormal weight. This condition can cause them to experience late menstruation.

The same thing can also happen with weight gain that causes hormonal changes. Therefore, maintaining a normal and balanced weight is necessary to avoid hormonal changes that can affect the menstrual cycle. However, further examination is needed to determine the exact medical cause of the late menstruation.


3. Hormonal Imbalance

One of the rarely realized causes of delayed menstruation is hormonal imbalance. This hormonal imbalance also greatly affects a woman's menstrual cycle. Some hormones that affect menstruation include prolactin or thyroid hormones. Further examination is needed to determine the exact cause of the delayed menstruation and to find a solution from a specialist doctor.


4. Perimenopause

Another rarely realized cause of delayed menstruation is when a woman enters the perimenopause stage. Perimenopause usually occurs between the ages of 45 and 55.

During perimenopause, a woman experiences a decrease in estrogen hormone, resulting in irregular menstruation. Some symptoms of perimenopause include sleep disturbances, irregular menstruation, vaginal dryness, and emotional instability. Further examination is necessary. 


5. Chronic Diseases

Chronic diseases can also be a cause of delayed menstruation that is rarely realized by women. Several chronic diseases such as diabetes and celiac disease can affect the delay in menstruation. Because when experiencing these chronic diseases, it can affect the changes in the body's hormones. Like diabetes, which is closely related to changes in blood sugar that can cause delayed menstruation.

The same goes for celiac disease, which can cause damage to the small intestine. Thus, it affects the menstrual cycle. Not only that, several diseases such as ovarian cysts, liver dysfunction, kidney failure, and heart problems can also affect hormone changes and menstrual cycles.


6. Breastfeeding

Breastfeeding is also a cause of delayed menstruation in women. Because breastfeeding is a natural condition that occurs in women after giving birth. This disruption in the menstrual cycle is normal for women and is called lactational amenorrhea. Menstruation will return to normal after a few months.


7. Heavy Exercise

Exercise is indeed good for the body to maintain its health. However, if done excessively, it can affect health issues, one of which is menstrual cycle disorders. Where someone who does this heavy exercise or activity can cause a decrease in estrogen levels. This condition is also commonly referred to as secondary amenorrhea.


8. Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS)

The next cause of late menstruation that women rarely realize is due to polycystic ovary syndrome. This condition causes hormonal imbalances in the body and affects the menstrual cycle. One common symptom that can indicate the presence of PCOS is irregular periods, skin health problems, obesity, fertility problems, and excessive body hair growth. However, each woman shows different and varied symptoms. Consultation with experts is necessary to address these health problems.

So those are 8 causes of late menstruation that women rarely realize, which can be caused by stress to changes in weight. If experiencing prolonged irregular menstrual cycles, consultation with a doctor is necessary to address these health disorders.



Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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