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Not Just a Seasoning, These are 5 Benefits of Chicken Broth that are Good for Children

Not Just a Seasoning, These are 5 Benefits of Chicken Broth that are Good for Children Chicken Broth (credit: Freepik) - Chicken broth is often used by mothers for children's meals during their growth phase. Of course, some mothers wonder whether it is good to give chicken broth to children who are in the growth phase.

Having a savory taste, chicken broth is indeed one of the good nutrients for children. And of course, there are many benefits of chicken broth for children. What are these benefits?

Reported from various sources, here are 5 benefits of chicken broth for children and their growth. Let's check them out.


1. Improving Digestive System

The first benefit of chicken broth for children is that it can improve the digestive system. This is because chicken broth contains gelatin which is beneficial for maintaining the mucous membrane of the intestine and protecting it from damage.

Therefore, chicken broth can improve the digestive system of children and can help with chronic diarrhea or constipation in children. In addition, chicken broth is also included in foods that are easily digested by children and safe to consume.

2. Probiotic Source

Another benefit of chicken broth is that it can be a good natural source of probiotics for children. Probiotics are indeed one of the most important things for the body, including in children.

Probiotics themselves are good bacteria that are present in the stomach and function to protect the body from various diseases. In addition, probiotics are also useful for improving the digestive system and boosting the body's immunity.

Increasing the content of probiotics is indeed very necessary for the body, especially for children. And you can get these natural probiotics from chicken broth. Of course, chicken broth is safe and easy to prepare.

3. Helping Bone Growth

In addition, other benefits of chicken broth can help bone growth in children. This is because chicken broth contains calcium, magnesium, and phosphorus. Of course, these three contents are very good in helping provide nutrition for children's bones and teeth.

Calcium itself functions as a structural framework, without calcium, bones will become vulnerable and brittle. Then magnesium functions to build new bone cells and help activate vitamin D in regulating the needs of calcium and phosphate, to help bone growth and formation.

And phosphorus is an important part of the process of bone and tooth growth and maintenance. Phosphorus works together with calcium to create strong bones and help improve gum health and tooth enamel. When these three contents meet, it will produce good bones and teeth.

4. Strengthening Joint Tissues

The next benefit of chicken broth is that it can strengthen joint tissues in children. This is because chicken broth contains glucosamine and chondroitin, which function as nutrients to maintain joints and help joint development during growth.

In addition, chicken broth also contains gelatin and collagen, which are key elements in building and supporting connective tissues. They can also provide nutrition to help build cartilage and healthy bones.

5. Meeting Protein Needs

And the last benefit of chicken broth is that it can meet protein needs, as it contains a lot of good protein for children. Low protein content can weaken the physical and mental health of children.

Protein itself serves as the main foundation for children's growth and development, such as nutrition in the formation of cells in the body. Every cell, muscle, and organ in a child's body requires protein, making it essential for building, maintaining, and replacing damaged tissues in the body.

6. Using and Storing Broth

The way to use and store chicken broth is, first, don't forget to tightly close the chicken broth in an airtight container. This is done so that the chicken broth is not contaminated by foreign objects that can damage the quality of the chicken broth.

Then, don't forget to include the production date, so that you know how long the broth has been made. If you store the broth to freeze, it will last for a month. But if stored in a regular refrigerator, the broth will only last for a few days.

And finally, make sure not to refreeze reheated broth. So if you want to freeze the broth, put it in a small container for single use only.

That's the 5 benefits of chicken broth for health and child development. Besides giving a savory taste to food, it turns out that chicken broth also has many benefits for child development.


Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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