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So Practical and Nutritious Breakfast Menu, Here are 7 Benefits of Oatmeal for Health

So Practical and Nutritious Breakfast Menu, Here are 7 Benefits of Oatmeal for Health Benefits of oatmeal (credit: pixabay) - Breakfast or morning meal is an important activity that should not be skipped. Breakfast is a moment to replenish energy before starting daily activities. Breakfast is indeed good for health, but it will be more beneficial if the selected food menu contains many nutrients. Oatmeal is one of the favorite breakfast menus for many people. Made from fat-free oats, there are many benefits of oatmeal for health.

In addition to being healthy, oatmeal is also favored because it is practical, simply brewed with hot water. Oatmeal with its bland taste is also easy to mix with other ingredients, such as honey, fruit slices, and juice. With that, breakfast with oatmeal always provides a different sensation. That's why oatmeal is so popular.

Behind its practicality, here are some benefits of oatmeal for health, summarized from various sources.


1. Rich in Antioxidants

As one of the healthy breakfast options, oatmeal derived from oats contains many polyphenol antioxidants and avenanthramides. As we know, antioxidants in the body function as free radical scavengers that can cause diseases, such as cancer and other dangerous diseases. Therefore, indirectly consuming oatmeal rich in antioxidants will also improve the body's immune system.

Meanwhile, avenanthramides compound is a distinctive content that is generally only found in wheat. This compound is beneficial in increasing the production of nitric acid, thereby indirectly widening blood vessels, maintaining smooth blood flow, reducing high blood pressure, and even reducing inflammation.

2. High in Fiber

In addition to antioxidants, oatmeal is also rich in fiber. According to, the fiber in oatmeal contains beta-glucan. This content makes the fiber in oatmeal very friendly and beneficial for health because it is easily soluble in water. Moreover, the fiber in oatmeal also has other special features. In the intestines, beta-glucan will function as a gel that is believed to promote and improve the digestive system.

3. Lose Weight

Many people use oatmeal as a staple diet menu. Apparently, this is not just a trend. Because oatmeal is indeed a type of food that is low in calories, so the benefits of oatmeal for weight loss are not just empty talk. In addition, the fiber in oatmeal, which contains beta-glucan, is believed to make a person feel fuller for longer.

Oatmeal is not only good to consume during a diet. This healthy food can also be one of the ways to consistently lose weight and avoid obesity.

4. Controlling Cholesterol

Cholesterol is a threat to health, especially to the heart. This is because cholesterol is one of the triggers for heart attacks. Meanwhile, heart attacks are one of the deadliest diseases. This means that one way to maintain heart health is by controlling cholesterol levels in the body.

Fortunately, oatmeal is one type of food that has this benefit. The fiber that contains beta-glucan in oatmeal is believed to effectively reduce cholesterol levels in the body. In addition, fiber with beta-glucan is also believed to promote the excretion of cholesterol-rich bile. As a result, cholesterol levels in the blood will decrease.

5. Lower Blood Sugar Levels

In addition to cholesterol, diabetes is also a dreaded disease. Diabetes can occur due to the accumulation of high levels of blood sugar in the body, while sensitivity to insulin hormone decreases. Don't worry, so one type of food that can prevent diabetes, especially type 2 diabetes.

With the content of beta glucan fiber, oats are believed to have the ability to lower body cholesterol. In addition, the content in oats is also believed to improve insulin hormone conditions.

6. Good for Digestion

The abundant fiber content in oatmeal also functions well in maintaining digestive health. It is a well-known secret that fiber is useful for smooth digestion. Consuming oatmeal regularly is believed to keep someone away from digestive disorders such as constipation. In fact, as reported from, oatmeal is believed to be very good and suitable for consumption by the elderly, as it will promote healthy digestion and keep them further away from constipation.

7. Preventing Asthma

Asthma is one of the inherited diseases that is often suffered by many people. This disease is commonly experienced since childhood and can recur even in adulthood. Generally, asthma is an inflammation disorder in the airways to the lungs. Therefore, asthma sufferers experience difficulty breathing or shortness of breath.

A study reveals that the type of food given to children can affect the persistence of asthma. Solid foods derived from wheat and oats are believed to be protective against asthma. It is even mentioned that giving wheat to a 6-month-old baby is believed to reduce the risk of asthma.

Those are some of the benefits of oatmeal for health. So, are you also an oatmeal enthusiast?


Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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