Kapanlagi.com - There are various types of goats that are often hunted by the community. Not without reason, this type of goat is a popular pet. Not to mention if you want to breed goats, there will certainly be a series of tempting benefits. The types of goats also have their own advantages, both in terms of meat and milk. In fact, goat's milk has a higher price compared to cow's milk. In addition, when the Eid al-Adha holiday arrives, the price of goats will always soar high as they are used as sacrificial animals. It's no wonder that raising this animal has many benefits.
You need to know that there are many types of goats. Therefore, for those of you who want to raise or breed goats, you must first know the types. This is because the number of goat breeds in Indonesia is increasing and the types are becoming more diverse. So, what are the superior goat breeds that can be kept as pets or sacrificial animals? Here is a more complete explanation.
1. Etawa Goat

The first type of goat that you need to know is the Etawa goat. This goat, which originates from India, is suitable for you to raise because it can produce a large amount of milk. Etawa goats usually have long, drooping ears. Their noses and foreheads appear convex. This goat has short horns. In addition, the Etawa goat can also be used as a sacrificial animal during the celebration of Eid al-Adha. This is because the weight of an adult male Etawa goat can reach 91 kg.
2. Boer Goat

(credit: pixabay)
Next, the superior type of goat suitable for sacrifice is the Boer goat. This goat is very famous for its meat. The characteristics of this type of goat are wide and long body, short legs, predominantly white fur, and a brown head. Similar to the Etawa goat, this type of goat has long, drooping ears.
Raising this animal is very profitable because the Boer goat grows quite fast. At 3 months old, this goat already weighs 35-45 kg. When the goat reaches 2-3 years old, the male goat can weigh up to 150 kg, while the female goat weighs around 90 kg.
3. Saanen Goat
The next type of goat is the Saanen goat. This goat, which originates from the western Swiss valley of Saanen, is characterized by its pointed beard and horns. This particular type of goat is well-known for the milk it produces. However, Saanen goats cannot survive in areas with tropical climates due to their sensitivity to sunlight. In Indonesia, this type of goat has been crossbred to withstand tropical weather. The average weight of this type of goat is usually 68 to 91 kg for males and 36 to 63 kg for females.
4. Kacang Goat
The kacang goat is one of the goat breeds that is suitable for keeping as a pet. This goat, which has a smaller body compared to other goat breeds, is highly favored and bred by the Indonesian community. The characteristics of the kacang goat include small and short horns, a fairly long beard, and ears that stand upright. It is known that the kacang goat is a resilient breed, making it easy to care for.
5. Goat PE (Etawa Crossbreed)

(credit: hartatani)
Next, the superior and suitable goat breed that you can use as a sacrificial animal is the PE goat or Etawa crossbreed. This type of goat is known to be a crossbreed between the Etawa goat and the Kacang goat, which has small horns on the head and wide, long, and drooping ears. The weight of this type of goat reaches 91 kg for males and 63 kg for females.
6. Jawarandu Goat

(credit: suksesternakkambing)
Jawarandu goats have various other names in Indonesia, such as koplo, gumbolo, kacukan, and bligon. It is known that the Jawarandu goat is a species resulting from the crossbreeding of PE goats and Kacang goats, and it has a relatively unique posture compared to other goat breeds. Generally, the weight of Jawarandu goats is 40 kg, and they have long and wide ears that hang down. In addition, this goat has two small horns located on its head, which are possessed by both males and females.
7. Muara Goats
Finally, the suitable type of goat to raise is the Muara goat. This goat, which originates from North Sumatra, has a general characteristic of brown color with black patterns in some parts. In addition, another distinctive feature of the Muara goat is its chubby yet agile body.
Those are a series of the best quality beef cattle. Which type of beef cattle is your favorite?
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