Kapanlagi.com - Crystal guava is one of the guava family that can easily be found in Indonesia. Crystal guava has fewer seeds than guava with red flesh. Besides having a sweet taste and crispy texture, crystal guava also has various benefits for body health.
In addition to high vitamin C content, crystal guava also contains other nutrients such as vitamin E, carbohydrates, fiber, omega 3 and 6, potassium, minerals, iron, and much more. Curious about the benefits of crystal guava for body health? According to various sources, here are 8 fruit benefits of crystal guava for our body health.
1. Relieving Flu

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The first benefit of crystal guava is that it can relieve flu in the body. This is because crystal guava contains substances that are very good for reducing mucus in the throat, which is the cause of flu and cough. In addition, crystal guava can also inhibit the activity of germs and microbes that can cause flu and cough. That is why crystal guava is believed to be able to relieve flu.
2. Bone Health

credit: Pixabay
The second benefit of crystal guava is that it can help bone health. When we consume crystal guava, the substances in crystal guava can provide nutrition for bones and bone growth.
This is because crystal guava contains enough minerals to help provide nutrition to the bones in our body. Minerals are very good for calcium in the body, so we are not easily affected by osteoporosis.
3. Eye Health

credit: Pixabay
It turns out that in addition to being good for bone health, the benefits of crystal guava are also good for our eye health. This is because crystal guava contains vitamin A, which is good for eye nutrition.
We know that vitamin A is very good for our eye health. That's why carrots are one of the vegetables that are good to consume to help provide nutrition to the eyes. But besides carrots, it turns out that crystal guava can also help provide nutrition to our eyes.
4. Brain Health

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The next benefit of crystal guava is that it can help brain and nerve health. Besides fish, crystal guava also contains omega 3 and omega 6, KLovers. We know that omega 3 and omega 6 are good for brain and nerve health. This is because omega 3 and 6 are unsaturated fats that are good for brain health and growth.
For pregnant women or those with growing children, giving crystal guava is one of the good natural nutrients. However, pregnant women should not consume it excessively and can consult with experts first.
5. Facial Nutrition

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Besides being good for facial health, it turns out that crystal guava can also provide good nutrition for the face, KLovers. This is because crystal guava contains a lot of vitamin E.
If you want to have bright, healthy skin and also avoid wrinkles, consuming crystal guava is the right choice. Besides providing us with other health benefits, consuming crystal guava is one of the safe natural ways, without the need to consume drugs that can harm the body.
6. Treating Mouth Ulcers

credit: Shutterstock
Another benefit of crystal guava is that it can treat mouth ulcers. This is because crystal guava contains a lot of vitamin C, which can prevent and treat persistent mouth ulcers. You can consume it directly or in juice form if it is difficult to consume it directly.
7. Immune System

credit: iStock
Turns out that crystal guava can also provide a stronger immune system, KLovers. This is because crystal guava contains vitamin C and antioxidants, both of which are beneficial for improving metabolism in the body.
Not only that, antioxidants can also protect cells in the body from free radical attacks, so the body will be protected from various diseases. Antioxidants are also good for protecting body cells from harmful substances that cause cancer. That is why consuming crystal guava can provide good health for the body.
8. Anemia

credit: sunpride.co.id
And the last benefit of crystal guava is that it can prevent anemia. This is because the iron content in crystal guava can prevent and treat anemia. Anemia occurs due to a lack of iron in the body. Therefore, consuming crystal guava for anemia patients is one of the good natural preventions.
Those are the 8 benefits of crystal guava for body health. Besides having a sweet and crispy taste, crystal guava is also good for providing nutrients to the body.
Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.