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8 Best and Most Popular Romantic Love Novels Recommendations, Must Be Included in the Romance Fans' List

8 Best and Most Popular Romantic Love Novels Recommendations, Must Be Included in the Romance Fans' List

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8 Best and Most Popular Romantic Love Novels Recommendations, Must Be Included in the Romance Fans' List

Romantic love stories have many fans. So it's no wonder that there are many novels that present romantic love stories. Reading romance novels can make readers feel emotional and their hearts feel fluttery. But not only does it make you emotional, the romantic stories presented in romance novels also provide valuable lessons on how to navigate romantic relationships.

Curious about the recommendations for romance novels with romantic stories? Just check out the list of recommendations below.

8 Best and Most Popular Romantic Love Novels Recommendations, Must Be Included in the Romance Fans' List

Kambing dan Hujan (Goats and Rain) is a love story of a couple hindered by differences in principles in their respective families. Fauzia, a daughter of Kiai NU, is in a relationship with a young man named Miftah who is the son of a kiai from Muhammadiyah. These differences in principles turn out to be a difficult gap for them to overcome. But, Miftah and Fauzia don't give up. They continue to fight to maintain their love even though they have to argue with their respective parents.


Round Trip is one of the love novels written by the famous author Tere Liye. This novel, which uses Russia as its setting, has an interesting story. The main character is named Bujang, a man who has repeatedly undergone arranged marriages but has not yet found the right one. However, from every failure he experiences, Bujang finds something valuable.

8 Best and Most Popular Romantic Love Novels Recommendations, Must Be Included in the Romance Fans' List

When Everything Feels Like Romcoms, just from the title itself, sounds very romantic, right? This novel by Candra Aditya tells the love story of two film workers. They are Kimmy, a romantic comedy film scriptwriter, and Reza, who is a director. Their love story is sweetly depicted, showcasing the dynamics of life in the film industry.


Dilan 1990 became one of the popular romantic novels among teenagers. The popularity of this novel skyrocketed after it was adapted into a film. Dilan 1990 tells the story of a high school student named Dilan and his love interest, Milea. This novel is a typical sweet high school love story filled with adorable scenes.


If you're looking for a recommendation for an Islamic-themed romance novel, Ayat-Ayat Cinta could be the answer. This novel by Habiburrahman El Shirazy tells the story of Fahri, an Indonesian student studying at Al-Azhar University in Egypt. Fate brings Fahri into a dilemma when he encounters two women who capture his heart. 


The Architecture of Love is the next recommendation for a romance novel. This novel presents a story that stirs up emotions. It revolves around the relationship between Raia and River, who meet in New York. Raia and River both have their own pasts. However, after meeting and spending time together, they feel like they heal each other.


Antologi Rasa is a love novel by Ika Natassa that should not be missed. This novel presents a love triangle story between a group of close friends. Ika presents a love story wrapped in an urban lifestyle, making it feel so real. Readers will be taken on an emotional roller coaster and experience the heartache felt by each character.


Aroma Karsa by Dee Lestari is not just a love novel. This fantasy genre novel features two characters, Jatiwesi and Tanaya Suma, who live far apart but are bound together. Although they have something in common that makes them both special, Tanaya Suma initially hates Jatiwesi. However, her feelings change after getting to know Jatiwesi and discovering her true identity.