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8 Excellent and Delicious Types of Shrimp When Consumed

8 Excellent and Delicious Types of Shrimp When Consumed credit: freepik) - Shrimp is one of the types of seafood that is widely loved by its enthusiasts. Shrimp can also be processed into various delicious foods. The content in shrimp can provide benefits to the body thanks to the content of omega-3 fatty acids, omega-6, antioxidants, and iodine. Shrimp itself actually not only live in the sea, but there are also shrimp that live in freshwater. Although they look different, both have the same health benefits.

However, behind its delicious taste, there are many people who experience allergy problems when consuming shrimp. In addition, for someone with high cholesterol levels, they must be careful when consuming shrimp. Well, did you know that there are many types of shrimp that you can find. However, not all shrimp can be consumed. Among the various types of shrimp, here are the superior shrimp types that have a delicious taste. What are they?


1. Peci Shrimp

The first type of shrimp that is good for consumption is peci shrimp. Peci shrimp has a distinctive white color, but darker with black spots. Peci shrimp also has a small size and is easily obtained.

Usually, this type of shrimp is often processed into various dishes such as shrimp fritters, shrimp crackers, or breaded fried shrimp, or made into sweet and sour shrimp. Peci shrimp is also not suitable for grilling because it has thin skin.


2. Vaname Shrimp

The next type of shrimp that you need to know is vaname shrimp, also known as whiteleg shrimp. Vaname shrimp has a characteristic white color with a slightly bluish pattern. The advantage of vaname shrimp is that its meat is very tender and delicious.

This vaname shrimp is commonly cultivated in Indonesia, usually in ponds or tanks. This type of sea shrimp is suitable for various dishes, such as fried, balado, soup, or as a complement to other dishes.


3. Jerbung Shrimp

Jerbung shrimp is one of the most sought-after types of shrimp. This shrimp is white, has smooth and thin skin with white to yellowish spots. The texture of this shrimp is very dense, so it is widely used in various types of dishes. However, this shrimp is not suitable for grilling due to its thin skin and relatively small size. This shrimp is even a favorite among chefs due to its dense texture, sweet taste, and easy cleaning.


4. Fan Shrimp

Fan shrimp, also known as brush shrimp, is one of the references if you want to cook shrimp. The shape of the fan shrimp is similar to lobster, but smaller in size. Compared to lobster, the skin of fan shrimp is softer but still firm and slightly rough. Usually, this type of shrimp can be cooked with spicy seasonings such as balado or Padang sauce. It's no wonder that fan shrimp has many fans.


5. Rebon Shrimp

Next, this type of shrimp is already popular among shrimp culinary lovers. Rebon shrimp itself is very small compared to other types of shrimp. However, rebon shrimp has high nutritional content. Usually, this type of shrimp is used as a complementary food such as rempeyek, botok, or shrimp sambal.


6. Udang Dogol

Udang dogol is also a superior shrimp that you need to try. This shrimp, often called pink shrimp, has a characteristic pinkish-yellowish skin color. The size of this shrimp can be considered medium and not too big. This type of shrimp is often processed into salad mixtures. In addition, you can also process it by coating it with flour and then frying it until crunchy. Of course, the sensation of its taste will make you addicted.


7. Udang Galah

Udang galah is one type of freshwater shrimp. Usually, this shrimp has a habitat in common waters such as swamps, lakes, and rivers. This shrimp is also often called cokong shrimp or freshwater prawn. The characteristic of this shrimp is bluish color, long claws, hard texture, and large head size. It is not surprising that this type of shrimp is often processed by grilling.


8. Udang Windu

Udang Windu is also known as pancet shrimp or tiger shrimp. Its skin is thick and hard with green or red color and slightly dark transverse lines. This relatively large shrimp can be found along the coast of Southeast Asia, Australia, South Asia, and East Africa. Usually, windu shrimp can be processed into tempura, grilled honey shrimp, and shrimp satay.

Those are some of the excellent types of shrimp that have a delicious taste when consumed. Which type of shrimp haven't you tried yet?




Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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