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8 Types of Bread Suitable for Diet, Rich in Fiber - Makes You Feel Full Longer

8 Types of Bread Suitable for Diet, Rich in Fiber - Makes You Feel Full Longer (credit: freepik) - Diet is one of the things that many people do in order to achieve their ideal weight. It is not uncommon for everything to be done, such as paying attention to the right food intake so that the diet does not fail halfway. Did you know that there are several types of bread that are high in fiber and make you feel full longer? This is what can make you effectively lose weight.


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Although bread is one of the sources of carbohydrates in society, for those of you who are on a diet, it does not mean that you have to avoid carbohydrate intake. Because the body still needs carbohydrates and various other important substances that cannot be obtained from other types of food. However, you also have to pay attention to the right types of carbohydrates, such as bread that is suitable for consumption. So, what types of bread are suitable for a diet? Instead of being curious, check out the review below.


1. Whole Wheat Bread

The first type of bread suitable for diet is whole wheat bread. Many people are familiar with this type of bread because it is considered the best bread. Whole wheat bread is a good choice to consume while on a diet because it is high in fiber, making it very suitable for digestion.

In addition, this rough-textured brown bread is also high in vitamins and minerals, as well as iodine and folic acid, which are good for health. When you consume whole wheat bread, it will make you feel full longer and help you achieve a successful diet.



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2. Sourdough

Next, the type of bread that is suitable for a diet is sourdough. Sour means acid, while dough means dough. So, this type of bread is indeed synonymous with its sour taste. This is because sourdough uses special yeast that can bring out a unique flavor. This San Francisco, American bread is often used as a type of bread for a diet.

Sourdough bread itself has a rather rough texture because it comes from whole wheat. Consuming sourdough will also improve digestive health. In addition, consuming this type of bread will make you feel fuller for longer.

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3. Red Rice Bread

Red rice bread is one of the right choices as a type of bread for a diet. This bread made from red rice flour is a type of food for those of you who are on a vegan and gluten-free diet. This type of bread has a high fiber content, protein, calcium, magnesium, and potassium, which are naturally found in rice. In addition, red rice bread also has a relatively low carbohydrate content but a high protein content.


4. Rye Bread

Rye bread is a type of bread that comes from the wheat family. The differentiating factor is that rye seeds are known to be darker and have a rough texture. If you consume rye bread every day, there are a number of benefits that you can obtain. It can stimulate insulin sensitivity and reduce bad cholesterol levels in the body. In addition, the very high protein content in rye bread can also prevent someone from feeling hungry quickly, making it suitable for a diet.


5. Ezekiel Bread

Furthermore, Ezekiel bread is very suitable for a diet. The characteristic of this type of bread is indeed very similar to wheat bread with a golden brown color. The uniqueness of this bread is made from various sprout mixtures that are added to the dough, so its nutritional content also increases.

The types of sprouts used are made from peas, wheat, barley, and millet. This bread contains high protein but low sodium. That's why Ezekiel bread is the right bread for a diet.


6. Corn Bread or Tortilla

The next type of bread for a diet is corn bread or tortilla because this bread is gluten-free. This bread is often used for food such as sandwiches or kebabs with a flat physical shape. Corn bread or tortilla does not contain many vitamins, minerals, or fiber. However, this type of bread is free from gluten protein, which makes the digestive system healthier and helps in weight loss.


7. Pumpernickel Bread

This type of bread is made from black wheat flour with a distinctive darker color and a stronger smell. This type of bread is very rich in fiber and contains many good bacteria, making it beneficial for fighting the causes of intestinal inflammation. In addition, pumpernickel bread has a low sugar content, making it suitable for diabetes patients.


8. Oat Bread

Have you known that oat bread is also good for diet? Oat itself is a whole grain cereal that is better than rice. Oat bread is known to be high in fiber, protein, vitamins, and minerals that are good for the body. That's why consuming oat bread makes you feel full longer and is good for digestive health. In addition, consuming oat bread can reduce the risk of diabetes and cholesterol.

Those are some types of bread that are good for diet. However, you should also consume them properly and not excessively. Hope it's useful.

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