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8 Ways to Get Free Lifetime Internet from Indosat Without Refilling, Understand the Steps

8 Ways to Get Free Lifetime Internet from Indosat Without Refilling, Understand the Steps Illustration (credit: - Enjoying free lifetime internet should not be missed. However, it turns out that there are many ways to get free lifetime internet. One of them can be used for Indosat provider.

Actually, getting free lifetime internet from Indosat is not officially provided. However, there are several ways to get free lifetime internet from Indosat, either by using applications or even without applications. This certainly attracts the attention of mobile users, especially Indosat users.

In addition to being more economical, getting free lifetime internet from Indosat has easy steps. However, the process of getting free lifetime internet from Indosat does not always go smoothly and may fail. Getting free lifetime internet from Indosat can be used when you are really lucky to get free internet quota.

Here are the ways to get free lifetime internet from Indosat that have been summarized by from various sources. However, it is important to understand the ways to get free internet first in order to stay safe and protected.

1. How to Get Free Lifetime Indosat Internet without Application

Every mobile provider now also provides internet quota packages. Including Indosat users who also have various internet quota packages. But what if Indosat users can enjoy free internet for a lifetime?

Who wouldn't want to take advantage of this valuable opportunity to enjoy free Indosat internet for a lifetime. Actually, the feature of free Indosat internet for a lifetime is not an official service from this provider. However, there are many ways to get free Indosat internet for a lifetime. Moreover, the method of getting free Indosat internet for a lifetime can be done with several methods, either by using an application or without an application. Just for information, here's how to get free Indosat internet for a lifetime without an application.

- First, activate your internet on your phone.

- Then enable airplane mode on your phone.

- Enter the call menu and press *#*#4636#*#*.

- Then several options will automatically appear.

- Click on Phone Information and adjust the settings.

- Change the network to UNKNOWN.

- Then activate the radio settings.

- Check if your GSM network is connected or not. If not connected, try turning off the radio settings and then turning it on again. If it still fails, try clicking the three-dot icon below, select Enable Data Connection. If successful, the GSM network will be connected.

- If successful, you can enjoy free internet services for a lifetime.

That's how to get free internet from Indosat for a lifetime without using an application. Getting free internet from Indosat for a lifetime can be used as a reference to try enjoying free internet services.

2. How to Get Free Lifetime Indosat Internet Using Application

Besides not using an application, there is also a way to get free Indosat internet for a lifetime with an application. However, to use the free Indosat internet for a lifetime, make sure to download and install the application on your phone. Even so, it does not guarantee that using the free Indosat internet for a lifetime with an application will be successful or even considered safe. So, reconsider whether to still access the free Indosat internet for a lifetime with an application or not. Here is a review of how to get free Indosat internet for a lifetime using an application.

2. How to Get Free Indosat Internet for a Lifetime Using Anonytun App

- First, download and install the Anonytun application on your phone.

- Then, open the application and click the three-dot icon.

- After that, go to VPN Settings.

- Enable Compress Package to ON.

- MTU size of 1500.

- Enable Route All.

- Then, disable DNS Forwarding.

- Enable Google DNS, disable Special DNS, and save.

- Go to the settings menu, with the following settings: Stealth Tunnel (on), Import/Export, SSL Connection Protocol, Connection Port 443, connect via Parent Proxy off, Special TC/HTTP Header (disabled), Advanced SSL Settings (enabled).

- Then, click on SSL settings and change the settings to: Spoof SNI Host (oof), SSL (Anti DPI) enabled, Spoof Host: Active Port/Check, Spoof Host can be filled with active Indosat bug, Host Spoof 443, then click OK.

- Save the above settings.

- Then go back to the main menu.

- If successful, you can enjoy the free Indosat internet for a lifetime.

3. How to Get Free Indosat Internet for a Lifetime Using HTTP Injector App

- First, download and install the HTTP Injector application on your phone.

- Then, open the application and click the book icon.

- You will be asked to import the existing config files.

- Go to SSH settings, click the three-dot icon in the corner of the application.

- Next, you can register on the website to get a username and password.

- Change the port settings to 443.

- Click Start.

- Then wait until the application can run, and the HTTP Injector application icon will appear.

- If successful, you can enjoy free internet for a lifetime.

3. How to Get Free Indosat Internet Easily

In addition to getting free lifetime Indosat internet, there is also an easy way to get free Indosat internet. Indosat free internet can be obtained by using USSD codes. In addition, the amount of free Indosat internet quota can vary from 8 GB to 10 GB. The discussion about how to get free Indosat internet can be found in the following review.

4. How to Get Free 10 GB Indosat Internet

- First, open the call menu on your phone.

- Press *933*333# and click Call.

- Then enter the number 69.

- Click Continue or Next.

- After that, you will receive a notification via SMS.

- If successful, you can enjoy free 10 GB Indosat internet service.

5. How to Get Free 8 GB Indosat Internet

- First, you need to have zero balance and zero internet quota.

- Then, create a new SMS with the format QB100k2.

- Send the SMS to the number 363.

- Wait until you receive an SMS regarding the free 8 GB internet from Indosat.

- If successful, you can still use the free internet service.

Those are some ways to get free Indosat internet. However, it should be noted that getting free Indosat internet may not always be successful. So even if you manage to get it, it is considered lucky.

4. How to Get Free Internet on Indosat 4G Network

There is also a way to get free internet on Indosat's 4G network. This method can be used with a quota ranging from 10 GB to 55 GB. You can find more details about how to get free internet on Indosat's 4G network in the following steps.

6. How to Get Free Internet on Indosat 4G with 10 GB quota

- First, open the message menu on your phone.

- Then, create a new SMS with the format 4G and send it to 363.

- Wait for a moment until you receive a notification via SMS.

- If successful, you will get free Indosat internet quota.

7. How to Get Free Internet on Indosat with 20 GB quota

- First, open the message menu on your phone.

- Create a new SMS with the format 20 GB and send it to 363.

- Wait until you receive an SMS.

- If successful, you can enjoy the free internet quota service.

8. How to Get Free Internet on Indosat with 55 GB quota

- First, open the message menu on your phone.

- Create a new SMS with the format QB200K2 and send it to 363.

- Wait until you receive an SMS.

- If successful, you can enjoy the free internet quota service.

Those are some ways to get free internet on Indosat that you can try. However, it should be noted that the above methods may not always be successful.

Source: and other sources


Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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