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80 Good and Funny WhatsApp Group Names, Can Be Used for Fun Group Chats

80 Good and Funny WhatsApp Group Names, Can Be Used for Fun Group Chats Illustration (credit: Freepik) - As technology advances, there are many applications that we can use to communicate with our loved ones practically, one of which is the WhatsApp application or better known by the public as WA. Not only can we communicate privately, WA can also facilitate communication in groups. And to make the group more unique, there are many good and funny names for WA groups.

WA groups consist of members and several admins who can add other members who want to join. WA groups are usually used to share important information, official announcements, or just casual conversations with more than one person. And usually, there are many WA groups created, such as family groups, school alumni groups, friends groups, college friends groups, colleagues groups, and specific communities.

So, it's not surprising that one person can have many WA groups. And of course, with unique and different WA group names. WhatsApp group names vary, some are formal or ordinary, and some are the opposite. Even, there are good, unusual, and tend to be eccentric WhatsApp group names.

There are so many WA groups, so sometimes many of them are confused and looking for references unique names just for fun. Therefore, compiled from various sources, here are 80 good and different WA group names. Let's check it out, KLovers.


1. WhatsApp Group Names for Close Friends

The first good and unique WhatsApp group name is for close friends. Here are some WhatsApp group names for close friends. Let's check them out KLovers.

  1. Konco Lawas
  2. Janda Selalu di Depan
  3. Wrong Numbers
  4. Manusia Keren
  5. Gangster Squad
  6. Nongkrong Terus
  7. Laskar Online
  8. Cool Buddies
  9. Republik Friends
  10. Fantastic Four (depending on the number of members)
  11. Pasukan (Para Pria Suka Makan)
  12. Grup Tidak Masuk Akal
  13. Laboratorium Teman
  14. Sobat Santuy
  15. BPJS (Budget Pas-pasan Jiwa Sosialita)

2. WhatsApp Group Names for Associations

Then the second good and unique WhatsApp group name is for associations. These names are perfect for quirky associations and just for entertainment.

  1. Ijo Lumut (Ikatan Jomblu Lucu dan Imut)
  2. STMJ (Semester Tujuh Masih Jomblo)
  3. Kura-Kura (Kumpulan Pria Kurang Gairah)
  4. Pengacara (Pengangguran Banyak Acara)
  5. KOPI (Kumpulan Orang Paling Imut)
  6. Manula (Manusia Pelupa)
  7. Wacana (Wanita Cantik Mempesona)
  8. SPG (Sekumpulan Pria Gila)
  9. Romusa (Rombongan Muka Susah)
  10. Anti-pacaran Club
  11. Suami Suami Takut Istri
  12. Stand On Halal
  13. Bacoters squad
  14. 24 Hour Drama
  15. Kpopers Jomblo
  16. Kotak Obrolan
  17. Pencinta olahraga
  18. Kaum Rebahan

3. WhatsApp Group Names for Family

Not only WhatsApp group names for friends, you can also give some good WhatsApp group names for family. And here are some good WhatsApp group names for family. Let's check them out KLovers.

  1. Family Bond
  2. Home Squad
  3. My Family
  4. Our Home
  5. One Roof
  6. Great Family
  7. Happy Family
  8. The Family Gang
  9. Family Chatter
  10. Elite Family
  11. We Are Family
  12. Muslim Siblings
  13. Cemara Family
  14. Family Secrets
  15. Always Together

4. WhatsApp Group Names for School/College Friends

Then here are some good and unique WhatsApp group names for school or college friends. There are official group names, as well as some funny and quirky WhatsApp group names. Here are some WhatsApp group names for school friends, let's check them out KLovers.

  1. Shared Memories Elementary/Middle/High School
  2. The Fantastic Elementary/Middle/High School
  3. Elementary/Middle/High School Fams
  4. Lineup Elementary/Middle/High School
  5. Alumni Value Seekers
  6. Graduation Warriors
  7. Study Wars
  8. Once in School
  9. Value Warriors
  10. Make the Class Teacher Happy
  11. Make the Parents Happy
  12. Library Spies
  13. Guardians of Professors
  14. No Thesis No Party
  15. Thesis Warriors

5. WhatsApp Group Names for Work

And the last good WhatsApp group name is, there is a WhatsApp group name for work. And here are some WhatsApp group names for work that can be used as references.

  1. Make the Boss Happy
  2. Spirit 45
  3. Boss's Hope Division
  4. On Time Return Fighters
  5. Delayed Salary Monday
  6. Miracle Maker Squad Group
  7. Overtime United Group
  8. The Division Capitalist
  9. Family Warriors
  10. No Laziness Club
  11. Fight United
  12. Leave in the Morning, Return in the Evening
  13. The Hardworkers
  14. Reject Poverty
  15. Elite Unemployment
  16. Work Work Work Vacation
  17. Strong Team
Those are 80 good and unique WhatsApp group names that you can use in your group. Not only giving formal group names, you can also give WhatsApp group names with funny and humorous names to entertain.





Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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