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9 Signs of Malnutrition in the Body, Need to Be Alert to Changes

9 Signs of Malnutrition in the Body, Need to Be Alert to Changes Malnutrition (credit: - Nutritional deficiency is still a problem faced by many countries. According to, it is estimated that there are around 462 million people worldwide who are underweight. This condition occurs due to various factors, including inadequate food intake. When experiencing malnutrition, there are several signs that need to be aware of, as it can trigger health problems.

Malnutrition can also be referred to as malnutrition, which is a condition when the body does not receive enough nutrients. Malnutrition has several categories, namely stunting, which refers to low height. Wasting refers to low body weight for height, thinness refers to low body weight, and deficiency of vitamins and minerals.

When the body is malnourished, it can have an impact on the functioning of the organs that do not work optimally. As a result, various health problems arise that need to be aware of, including imbalanced weight and height for age.

There are several triggers for malnutrition that can be experienced by various groups, both children and adults. For example, the limitations in obtaining healthy food, digestive disorders, mental health disorders, or experiencing eating disorders. These conditions can trigger malnutrition if not addressed.

As a result, the body experiences a number of common signs of malnutrition such as low height, thinness, or dry skin. However, there are several signs of malnutrition that you can recognize as described below. Here are signs of malnutrition in the body that have been summarized by from various sources.

1. Understanding Malnutrition

As mentioned earlier, malnutrition is a condition experienced by the body due to the lack of nutrients or vitamins. In some conditions related to malnutrition, it can also be said that someone experiences an excess of nutrients that can cause certain health problems. In relation to malnutrition, this condition includes several categories such as:

Wasting: a problem of malnutrition that causes a person to have a low body weight below the normal limit for their age.

Stunting: malnutrition also includes stunting, which is when a person's height appears lower for their age, causing growth and development disorders.

2. Healing Old Wounds

One of the signs of malnutrition is a prolonged wound healing process. In this case, malnutrition can cause the wound healing process to take a considerable amount of time. This can happen to both small and large wounds. For example, a skin wound caused by a sharp object or a fall, in someone with malnutrition, can result in a significantly longer healing process.

This condition can be a sign of a lack of protein, which plays an important role in repairing body tissues. The same goes for other nutrients and vitamins such as vitamin C, which can help in the wound healing process. However, further examination may be considered if there are issues with wounds that do not heal.

3. Dry Skin

The next sign of malnutrition is experiencing dry skin. Although the cause of dry skin can occur due to various factors, malnutrition is one of the triggers. According to, signs of malnutrition can cause changes in the skin, making it drier.

As a result, dry skin appears more scaly, dull, and not fresh. This can be a sign of a lack of nutrition or certain vitamins. Consulting a doctor can be considered to address the problem.

4. Brittle Nails

In addition to changes in skin conditions, signs of malnutrition also cause nails to become more brittle. In normal nail conditions, nails are generally stronger and healthier. However, when the body lacks nutrition, it can trigger brittle nails, changes in color, or a number of problems with the nails.

This can be a sign that the body lacks iron and vitamins like B7 or B2. As a result, nails may grow abnormally due to a lack of vitamins and nutrients. Consulting a doctor can be considered to help address the problem.

5. Experiencing Fatigue and Muscle Weakness

The next sign of malnutrition is experiencing fatigue and muscle weakness. As a result, the muscles in the body shrink and become weaker. This causes you to experience difficulties in activities such as lack of enthusiasm and easily getting tired. Pain or cramps can also occur during activities.

This condition can be an indication of malnutrition due to certain factors, both lifestyle and insufficient intake of healthy food. Consultation with a doctor can be considered to help overcome these problems.

6. Dry and Dull Hair

The next sign of malnutrition is experiencing dry and dull hair. In this case, dry hair can be a sign of malnutrition even though it is not only caused by malnutrition factors. However, you need to be cautious if you experience dry and dull hair that causes problems such as hair loss or thinning. Consultation and examination can be done if you experience problems with dry and dull hair that trigger various health disorders.

7. Decreased Appetite

In individuals with nutritional deficiencies that lead to malnutrition, such as being underweight, this condition can be triggered by a decrease in appetite. In this case, a decrease in appetite can affect body weight that falls below the normal range.

According to, a decrease in appetite can be a sign of nutrient deficiencies, such as zinc. This condition also triggers several signs or symptoms of malnutrition, including stunted growth, slow wound healing, and hair loss.

8. Experiencing Numbness

Lack of nutrition in the body can also cause numbness in certain areas. Numbness usually occurs in the hands and feet, causing a person to feel like being pricked, tickled, or numb. This condition can be caused by a deficiency of vitamin B complex, which ultimately triggers numbness. However, you need to be aware of this condition as it can be a sign of certain health disorders.

9. Anemia

Anemia is a disease that occurs due to a deficiency of red blood cells. However, the causes of anemia can be triggered by nutritional deficiencies obtained from various nutrients and vitamins. Among them are deficiencies in iron or protein that trigger the occurrence of anemia. In adults, these nutritional deficiencies can cause symptoms of excessive fatigue. Other symptoms may also arise such as pale and dull skin. Further examination can be done to address anemia and prevent its level of risk.

10. Thyroid Gland Problems

The thyroid gland can experience health problems that trigger certain diseases. In this case, the thyroid gland can experience enlargement, which is a symptom of goiter. This condition can indicate a nutritional deficiency, namely iodine.

According to, iodine deficiency can also trigger a number of health problems such as growth and development disorders, as well as a decrease in thyroid hormone production. Examination can be considered to address these problems.

After knowing some signs or symptoms of nutritional deficiencies, you can take preventive measures by undergoing examinations or fulfilling the nutritional needs that cause health problems or signs of nutritional deficiencies. However, this condition requires doctor supervision to address nutritional deficiencies properly. So those are 9 signs of nutritional deficiencies in the body that need to be monitored for any changes.


Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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