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After School Holidays, the City Government Will Close the Access to Enter and Exit Malang City

After School Holidays, the City Government Will Close the Access to Enter and Exit Malang City Access to enter and exit Malang City will be closed. (credit: - Shutterstock) - The spread of the Corona virus in Indonesia, which is increasingly widespread, has led to various local governments taking action. One of the actions that will be taken by the Malang City Government is to monitor the access for people to enter and exit Malang City. This provision will be implemented soon.

"Today, a circular was issued. We decided that today is an emergency, it will be implemented today. Tonight, there are still many people visiting Malang City, as there are still many activities. We still give them time, maybe they have arrived today, tomorrow will still be tolerated. But after today and tomorrow, it will no longer be allowed," explained Sutiaji after the Covid-19 coordination meeting at the Malang City Hall, Monday (16/3).

1. CoVid-19 Handling Task Force

The Covid-19 coordination meeting (rakor) established the Covid-19 Handling Task Force (Satgas) which is directly responsible starting today. The team was formed on the order of the Central Government as a centralization of information related to Covid-19 and handling measures. Satgas members involve stakeholders, including security forces and hospitals, formulated in the SOP that will be determined.

"Tomorrow and the day after tomorrow are still possible. Because tomorrow it is possible that the person is already in Malang. Yes, going out is also not allowed," said Sutiaji firmly.

2. Entertainment Venue Closure Plan

According to Sutiaji, this step is taken to make the mitigation clearer after previously deciding to close schools. Therefore, additional steps are needed, including the closure of night entertainment venues and crowded places until the time when the virus is not transmitted or for 14 days.

"So after last night we decided to close schools, it will only be effective on one side. So there will be follow-up measures, later night entertainment venues and crowded places will be temporarily stopped until the time when the virus is not transmitted for 14 days," he explained.

All activities involving at least 30 people or more are requested to be stopped or temporarily postponed, both government activities and community activities.

"Including gatherings or religious events, if there are more than 30 people, it is recommended to be postponed. Cafes and night entertainment venues, recreational places will be closed for 14 days," he added.

3. Asking the Community Not to Panic

Today, the Task Force is working tirelessly to gather community figures, including religious leaders, to help ensure that the public does not feel anxious. The hope is that this can be done without causing any other issues.

"Of course, when we implement this, I ask that there be no panic buying, no public anxiety. So we are conducting market operations, observing and monitoring the market," he explained.

The Malang City Government is also coordinating efforts for disinfection and providing guidelines for institutions and the community. The availability of hand sanitizers and temperature detectors in all institutions is also expected.


Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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