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Etiquette and Intention of Slaughtering Chickens and its Explanation in Islam

Etiquette and Intention of Slaughtering Chickens and its Explanation in Islam Illustration (Credit: Freepik) - In general, chickens are bred to meet daily needs, such as obtaining meat and eggs. In Islam, there are rules regarding the intention of slaughtering chickens according to sharia. If there are mistakes in the slaughtering process or if it does not comply with the intention of slaughtering chickens in Islam, the consumed chicken meat becomes not halal.

Therefore, slaughtering chickens and other animals should not be done carelessly. The explanation regarding the intention of slaughtering chickens, as mentioned in one of the verses of the Quran, is as follows:

"O mankind, eat from whatever is on earth [that is] lawful and good and do not follow the footsteps of Satan. Indeed, he is to you a clear enemy." (Surah Al Baqarah, verse 168)

As we know, if chickens are not slaughtered according to sharia, it can make the consumed meat not halal. Therefore, it is important for every Muslim to know the proper and correct intention of slaughtering chickens. Here is an explanation of the intention of slaughtering chickens according to Islamic sharia:


1. Prayer for Cutting Chicken

As the Prophet Muhammad said in a hadith from Syaddad bin Aus ra., the Prophet Muhammad said

"Indeed, Allah has obligated doing good (ihsan) in all things. If you kill, then kill with ihsan, if you slaughter (animals), do it with ihsan. Sharpen your knife and make the slaughter easy." (HR. Muslim no. 1955).

That means, you are commanded to have manners and good intentions when slaughtering chickens. Face the sacrificial animal towards the qibla and be ready to wield a sharp weapon, it is recommended to recite Bismillah.

Then recite blessings upon the Prophet Muhammad, say Takbir three times and Tahmid once, and recite the intention for slaughtering the chicken as follows.

"Allahumma hadzihi minka wa ilaika, fataqabbal minni ya karim"

Meaning, "O my Lord, this animal is a blessing from You. And with this, I seek closeness to You. Therefore, O Most Generous Lord, accept my closeness."


2. Healthy and Mature Animals

The intention to slaughter chickens must also be accompanied by knowledge of etiquette and the process. The animal to be slaughtered must be physically healthy, without any defects such as limping, broken horns, and crossed eyes. For cows or buffaloes, they should be at least 2 years old, and for goats or sheep, they should be at least 1 year old. Alternatively, for goats, they should have experienced the replacement of their permanent teeth. In addition, you are also prohibited from making the animal frightened or stressed during the slaughter, such as by showing the knife sharpening process and creating a very noisy and crowded atmosphere. Showing the slaughtered animal and/or skinning and dismembering its body parts in front of other living animals and allowing blood to pool in the slaughter area can cause stress to the sacrificial animal. Ibn Umar (may Allah be pleased with him) said, "The Messenger of Allah (peace be upon him) commanded us to sharpen the knife without showing it to the animal." (Narrated by Ahmad and Ibn Majah). According to Nanung Danar Dono, the Head of Halal Center at UGM, this practice causes a decrease in the quality of the meat. "Allowing such actions not only causes the animal to be mistreated during slaughter, but also scientifically reduces the quality of the meat."

3. Treat Chickens Gently

In addition to knowing the intention of slaughtering chickens, you must also understand the etiquette of a slaughterer. The slaughterer is not allowed to eat, drink, or engage in any other activities that may cause negligence in reciting the intention to slaughter the chicken.

Make sure to slaughter at the base of the chicken's neck by cutting off the respiratory tract, the digestive tract, and the two neck veins with a single cut without lifting the knife. In addition, the slaughtering process is done from the front part of the neck and does not sever the neck bone.

Gentle treatment must also be done by not scolding, knocking down properly, or behaving rudely that may harm the animal to be slaughtered.

"These are some of the etiquettes of slaughtering by treating animals kindly," said Ahmad Rifa'i, a member of the Fatwa Commission of the Indonesian Ulema Council (MUI) in Lampung Province.

One of the etiquettes and prayers for slaughtering chickens, which is good and correct according to Islam, is to use a sharp and clean slaughtering tool. With that, the cutting process will not be hindered and the blood flow can be smooth. This recommendation is as mentioned in the following hadith, which means:

"O Messenger of Allah, tomorrow we will face the enemy and we do not have a knife (for slaughter). So the Prophet (peace be upon him) said: Whatever can flow blood and the name of Allah is mentioned on it, eat (the slaughtered animal) if it is not slaughtered with teeth or nails. And I will explain it to you. As for the teeth, they are bones, and as for the nails, they are knives according to the Abyssinians." (HR.Ahmad and Al-Baihaqi).

After that, let the chicken blood come out for a minimum of three minutes. Make sure the chicken that will enter the process of soaking in hot water is already dead.

Well, those are some explanations about the manners and intentions of slaughtering chickens or other sacrificial animals according to Islamic teachings.



Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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