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Fast Pregnancy According to Javanese and Medical Primbon, Could Be an Effort to Get Pregnant

Fast Pregnancy According to Javanese and Medical Primbon, Could Be an Effort to Get Pregnant Fast Pregnancy According to Javanese and Medical Primbon (credit: unsplash) - Almost every married couple has a desire to have a child as a complement to happiness in the family. However, the process of having a child is not something that can be fully controlled by humans. In the context of Javanese culture and tradition, there is a belief that some special practices can be an effort for a wife to get pregnant quickly.

In Javanese culture, one of the ways to get pregnant quickly is explained in the Javanese primbon book. There is a belief that by following the instructions in the primbon, a wife can increase her chances of getting pregnant soon. Javanese Primbon provides a guide on how to get pregnant quickly from a cultural, traditional, and spiritual approach.

Curious about how to quickly get pregnant according to Javanese primbon? To find out, just read the following review:

1. Fast Ways to Get Pregnant According to Javanese Beliefs

In traditional Javanese beliefs, it is believed that there are several special rituals that can be done to help a wife get pregnant. As quoted from, here are some special rituals for fast pregnancy according to Javanese beliefs:

1. Puasa Mutih

In Javanese beliefs, it is suggested that couples who want to be blessed with a child, especially the husband, should observe puasa mutih. This fast is recommended to be done for seven days and seven nights, starting on a Friday that corresponds to the market day.

2. Puasa Sunnah

After completing the puasa mutih for seven days and seven nights, according to Javanese beliefs, the husband is also encouraged to continue with puasa sunnah. This voluntary fast is the same as the usual fasting practice and is done for seven consecutive days.

3. Having Intimate Relations on Friday Night

After completing the puasa mutih and sunnah, according to Javanese beliefs, couples are advised to have intimate relations on Friday night. It is also important to note that before doing so, the couple should pray sincerely and with hope to be blessed with pregnancy.

2. How to Get Pregnant Quickly According to Primbon by Drinking Traditional Herbal Medicine

In addition to special rituals as explained above, getting pregnant quickly according to Javanese Primbon can also be done by drinking traditional herbal medicine.It is believed that there are several types of herbal medicine that can increase fertility.This is revealed in the book Primbon Serbaguna by R Gunasasmita.

As reported by, here are some herbal medicine recipes recommended to be consumed as a way to get pregnant quickly according to Javanese Primbon:

1. Lempuyang, Chili, and Ginger Herbal Medicine

The herbal medicine made from lempuyang, chili, and ginger can be made by pounding them together with enough water.After that, the mixture is strained and the liquid is consumed, while the residue can be applied to the wife's legs and abdomen.

2. Temu Ireng, Salt, and Water Herbal Medicine

Javanese Primbon also suggests the wife to consume temu ireng, salt, and water herbal medicine, especially on every Wednesday and Saturday.Before consuming this herbal medicine, it is recommended to take a shower and wet the head.

3. Ingredients of Pala, Asam, and Kayu Timur Jamu

The third recommended ingredient by Javanese astrology consists of pala, asam, and kayu timur which are ground after being burned.This mixture can be applied or attached to the stomach to increase the chances of pregnancy.

4.Jongrahab Jamu Mixture

Fourth, to increase fertility, Javanese astrology also suggests jongrahab jamu made from bengle, garlic, cinnamon, betel leaves, kencur, and water.Like other jamu, the way to make it is very simple, which is by grinding these ingredients finely, then filtering and drinking it.

3. How to Get Pregnant Quickly According to Medical Science

In addition to astrology, pregnancy and its process are certainly closer to the medical world.Therefore, to complement efforts to conceive, it is also important to know how to get pregnant quickly from a medical perspective.In the medical world, there are several things that need to be considered and done to get pregnant quickly.Some of them are as follows:

1.Understand Menstrual Cycle and Fertile Period

Know when the fertile period occurs.The fertile period usually occurs around the middle of the menstrual cycle, which is about 14 days before the next menstruation starts.Monitor signs of ovulation, such as changes in cervical mucus which is usually clearer and smoother during ovulation.

Have regular sexual intercourse, especially during the fertile period, to increase the chances of pregnancy. Avoid excessive pressure and enjoy moments with your partner.

2. Pay attention to a balanced diet and a healthy lifestyle.

Ensure a balanced intake of nutrients by consuming foods rich in vitamins and minerals. Avoid being overweight or underweight, as it can affect fertility. Limit caffeine consumption and avoid alcohol and smoking.

3. Regular Exercise

Engaging in regular physical activity can help maintain an ideal body weight and improve overall health.

4. Maintain Reproductive Health

Get reproductive health checked by a gynecologist to ensure there are no health issues that may hinder pregnancy. Perform ovulation and sperm tests if necessary.

5. Avoid Excessive Stress

Stress can affect menstrual cycles and ovulation. Find ways to manage stress, such as meditation or relaxation activities.

6. Consult with a Doctor

If a couple experiences difficulty conceiving after one year of trying, immediately consult with a gynecologist. Further examinations and getting medical advice can help identify factors that may affect pregnancy.

Those are some explanations about how to get pregnant quickly according to Javanese and medical beliefs. Hopefully, they are beneficial and can broaden your knowledge. The decision to believe or not entirely lies in the hands of the readers. Hopefully, it can be approached wisely.



Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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