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Reading of Qunut Prayer Along with its Meaning, Also Know its Virtues and Recommendations

Reading of Qunut Prayer Along with its Meaning, Also Know its Virtues and Recommendations Reading of Qunut Prayer and its Meaning (credit: unsplash) - Qunut Prayer is one of the sunnahs in prayer. Qunut Prayer can be performed during the dawn prayer. Qunut Prayer is recited in the last raka'ah after bowing down and before prostration. Qunut Prayer is believed to be the focal point for conveying requests and obedience to Allah. Therefore, although it is included in the sunnah, it is important for Muslims to at least know the reading and virtues of Qunut prayer.

The recommendation to recite the Qunut prayer can be seen in the tradition of the Prophet Muhammad and his companions. Qunut Prayer was often recited in the face of trials and when desiring needs, protection, and guidance from Allah. Behind all of that, there are still many virtues and spiritual benefits of Qunut prayer for Muslims who practice it.

Curious about how to read and explain the virtues of reciting the Qunut prayer during the dawn prayer? To find out, just read the following discussion.

1. Getting to Know Goa Qunut and Its Virtues

Doa Qunut is a special prayer in Islam that is recited during the Fajr prayer. The term "qunut" itself means obedience and humility. This means that when reciting this prayer, Muslims declare their obedience and surrender to Allah. Thus, the hope is to obtain forgiveness, guidance, and blessings.

Reciting Doa Qunut is considered a highly recommended act of worship. It is believed that this prayer brings many benefits and spiritual blessings, and many Muslims appreciate the opportunity to engage in this intimate form of prayer.

Overall, the virtue of Doa Qunut during Fajr prayer is one of the highly recommended practices in Islam. Doa Qunut during Fajr prayer is recited after the second ruku' (bowing) in the Fajr prayer. One of the virtues of Doa Qunut during Fajr prayer is as a form of gratitude to Allah SWT. Additionally, Doa Qunut during Fajr prayer also has the virtue of being a means to seek protection, mercy, and guidance from Allah SWT.

Doa Qunut during Fajr prayer is also a form of supplication to Allah to be granted strength in facing the days ahead. By reciting this prayer, a Muslim asks to be given strength to endure all trials and tribulations in life, as well as to be granted blessings and ease in all matters.

2. Recommendations about Qunut Prayer

Reading the Qunut prayer during the Fajr prayer is highly recommended. Many scholars have expressed the recommendation to recite the Qunut prayer during the Fajr prayer. The Qunut prayer is a prayer that is performed during the voluntary prayer after the ruku' in the Fajr prayer. As mentioned earlier, this prayer has a deep and sincere meaning, so Muslims are strongly encouraged to practice this prayer in their worship.

Quoted from the website, Imam Al-Nawawi, regarding the recommendation to recite the Qunut prayer in Al-Adzkar, said the following:

The Qunut prayer in the Fajr prayer is recommended based on an authentic hadith from Anas that the Prophet Muhammad SAW always performed Qunut until he passed away. The hadith is narrated by Hakim Abu Abdullah in the book Arba'in. He said it is an authentic hadith. (Muhyiddin Yahya bin Syaraf An-Nawawi, Al-Adzkar, Beirut, Darul Fikri, 1994, page: 59).

3. The Recitation of Qunut Prayer and Its Meaning

The Qunut prayer during Fajr includes seeking guidance, protection, and blessings from Allah SWT for the coming day. Qunut prayer is a powerful way for Muslims to connect with Allah SWT, seek His guidance and mercy, and ask for His help in difficult situations. Here is the recitation of Qunut prayer that can be recited in the second raka'ah after the ruku' of Fajr prayer:

"Allahummahdini fi man hadayt, wa'afini fi man afayt, wa tawallani fi man tawallayt, wa barik li fi ma a'tayt, waqini sharra ma qadayt, fa innaka taqdi wa la yuqda 'alaik, innahu la yadhillu man walayt, wa la ya'izzu man 'adayt, tabarakta Rabbana wa ta'alayt."

The approximate meaning of the prayer is as follows:

"O Allah, guide me as You have guided those whom You have guided.Grant me health as You have granted health to others.Bless me in all that You have given me.And protect me from the evil that You have decreed.Verily, You have the power to decree and none can decree against You.Surely, those whom You have given authority will not be humiliated. And those whom You oppose will not be honored. You are blessed and exalted. All praise is due to You for what You have determined. I seek forgiveness and return (repentance) to You. May Allah bestow mercy, blessings, and peace upon Prophet Muhammad and his family."

Those are some of the explanations regarding the recitation of Qunut prayer along with its meaning and the explanation of its virtues. May it be beneficial and increase the faith of a Muslim. Amen, O Lord of the Worlds.



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