Kapanlagi.com - To achieve the ideal body weight, various efforts are made from exercising to following a diet program. Yes, diet is indeed one way to achieve the ideal body weight. Many people do diet by simply reducing their meal portions. However, during a diet, the body still needs nutrition. One way to ensure that nutrition is met during a diet is by consuming juice. Several refreshing combination juice recipes can help in weight loss.
It can be made from fruits and vegetables, juice is a healthy drink that is rich in nutrients. As we know, fruits contain many vitamins, minerals, and substances that the body needs. In addition, certain fruits and vegetables are also beneficial for weight loss. Therefore, the right combination of fruits in a juice will not only promote health but also contribute to the success of your diet program.
Here are some refreshing juice combination recipes that you can try during your diet, as reported by liputan6.com.
1. Tomato and Cucumber

Refreshing combination juice recipe (credit: pixabay)
Not without reason, why tomatoes and cucumbers are often used as side dishes. Both fruits indeed have a lot of benefits for health. Combining them into juice can be the right choice when you are on a diet.
Here is the recipe for refreshing tomato and cucumber juice for diet:
Ingredients needed:
- 3 1/2 small glasses of tomatoes (diced)
- 2 small glasses of cucumbers (diced)
- 1 stalk of celery
- 1/2 teaspoon of salt
- 1/2 teaspoon of black pepper
- 1/2 teaspoon of red pepper
How to make:
1) Blend tomatoes, cucumbers, and celery using a blender.
2) After it becomes smooth and well mixed, add red pepper, black pepper, and salt.
3) Blend again until evenly mixed.
4) Once mixed, the tomato and cucumber juice is ready to be enjoyed.
2. Pear and Spinach Juice

Refreshing combination juice recipe (credit: pixabay)
Not only fruits can be made into juice, you can also combine fruits and vegetables. In fact, this combination of fruits and vegetables will also provide many health benefits. For example, a refreshing combination of pear and spinach juice.
Here is the recipe for refreshing pear and spinach juice for diet:
Ingredients needed:
- 1 pear
- 1 small glass of spinach (take the leaves and wash them)
- 1/2 small glass of celery (finely chopped)
- 100 ml of water
How to make:
1) Put water, pear, spinach, and celery into a blender, then blend.
2) Make sure all the ingredients are blended and mixed well.
3) Pear and spinach juice can be enjoyed immediately.
3. Mustard Greens, Pear, and Cucumber Juice

Refreshing combination juice recipe (credit: pixabay)
In addition to pear and spinach, another combination of fruits and vegetables that you should try is mustard greens, pear, and cucumber. Just as beneficial as pear and spinach, this combination juice is also good for consumption during a diet.
Here is the recipe for refreshing mustard greens, pear, and cucumber juice for diet:
Ingredients needed:
- 5 stalks and leaves of mustard greens
- 1 pear
- 1 medium-sized cucumber
- 5 cashew nuts
- 3 tablespoons of lemon juice
- 1 tablespoon of honey
How to make:
1) Wash the mustard greens, pear, and cucumber thoroughly, then cut them into small pieces.
2) Next, blend the pieces of mustard greens, pear, cucumber, and 5 cashew nuts.
3) Once smooth and well-mixed, add lemon juice and honey.
4) Blend again until well-mixed.
5) Once well-mixed, the juice is ready to be consumed.
4. Apple, Carrot, and Cucumber Juice

Refreshing combination juice recipe (credit: pixabay)
Another refreshing juice that is good to consume during a diet is a combination of apples, cucumbers, and carrots. This juice will provide a sweet and sour combination that is refreshing. When it comes to the benefits of weight loss, it can certainly compete with other juice combinations.
Here is the recipe for a refreshing apple and carrot juice for your diet:
- 5 medium-sized carrots
- 1 apple (red or green)
- 1/2 medium-sized cucumber
- 1 stalk of celery
1) Wash the three ingredients thoroughly, then cut them into small pieces.
2) Blend the three ingredients until smooth.
3) Once all the ingredients are smooth and well-mixed, the apple, carrot, and cucumber juice is ready to be enjoyed.
5. Banana and Orange
Next, there is a combination of banana and orange juice. Bananas and oranges are easily found fruits, making them suitable to be enjoyed anytime during a diet.
Here is the recipe for a refreshing banana and orange juice for your diet:
- 1 banana (any type)
- 1 sweet orange (any type)
- 1 teaspoon pure honey
- 300 ml of boiled water
1) Peel and cut the banana into several pieces.
2) Peel the orange and then squeeze out the juice. Remember to remove the seeds.
3) Put the orange, banana, honey, and water into a blender. Blend until well-mixed.
4) Once smooth and well-mixed, the banana and orange juice is ready to be enjoyed.
Those are 5 refreshing juice combinations that are suitable to be consumed during a diet. How, are you interested in trying it?
Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.