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How to Create a WhatsApp Link on Instagram for Beginners Who Want to Start a Business

How to Create a WhatsApp Link on Instagram for Beginners Who Want to Start a Business Illustration (credit: Pixabay) - Instagram, or commonly abbreviated as IG, is a very popular social media platform. In fact, Instagram can also be a place for business. Yes, there are many businesses that market their products through Instagram. Therefore, for those of you who want to start a business, you need to know how to create a WhatsApp link on IG.

Yes, a WhatsApp link on Instagram is usually used to inquire about the products being sold. Creating a WhatsApp link on IG is also easy, KLovers, even beginners can use this method. So you don't need to put your WhatsApp number, just enter the link and it will make it easier for customers to contact you.

For KLovers who want to know how to create a WhatsApp link on IG, here is a simple and practical way to create a WhatsApp link on IG. Let's check it out, KLovers.

1. Benefits of Creating a WhatsApp Link on Instagram

In addition to knowing how to create a WhatsApp link on Instagram, you also need to know what are the benefits of creating a WhatsApp link on Instagram. And here are some benefits that you can experience by creating a WhatsApp link on Instagram:

1. Accelerate the Sales Process

Creating a WhatsApp link on Instagram will accelerate your sales process, so your online Instagram store will get more sales.

2. Improve Customer Service

In addition to customers being able to send Direct Messages to your Instagram business account, by creating a WhatsApp link on Instagram, customers can contact you more quickly and directly.

3. Instill Trust

Your Instagram business will gain more trust from customers if you add WhatsApp as a contact number on your Instagram. Customers and potential customers will feel that this is a reliable online Instagram store because it has a contact number.

2. How to Create a WhatsApp Link on Instagram with API

The first way to create a WhatsApp link on Instagram is by using the API. Here are some steps you can take to create a WhatsApp link on Instagram:

1. The first step is to copy the URL format to the Instagram application.

2. You can replace the phone number in the URL format with your own phone number KLovers.

3. Don't forget to use the country code +62 at the beginning.

4. After that, you can copy the URL again.

5. Then open the Instagram application and visit your Profile.

6. Press the Edit Profile menu and paste the URL format into the Website section.

7. Press the Checkmark button to save the changes. Done.

3. How to Create a WhatsApp Link on Instagram with Additional Format

Next, how to create a WhatsApp link on Instagram is by using an additional format. This method is also easy for those of you who want to start a business on Instagram. Here's how to create a WhatsApp link on Instagram:

1. The first method you can use is by copying the URL format

2. You can replace the phone number in the URL format with your own phone number KLovers.

3. Add &text=MessageFormat at the end of the URL and replace "MessageFormat" with the desired message format.

4. Use %3A to add a colon, %0A for line break, and %20 for space.

5. Once finished, copy the entire created URL.

6. Go to your Instagram Profile page and tap Edit Profile.

7. Enter the URL in the Website section, then press the Checkmark button. Done.

4. How to Create a WhatsApp Link on Instagram with Click to Chat Feature

And the last way to create a WhatsApp link on Instagram is by using the click to chat feature. You can do this as one of the ways to create a WhatsApp link on Instagram. Here is how to create a WhatsApp link on Instagram:

1. First, copy the format

2. You can replace the phone number in the URL format with your own phone number KLovers.

3. Don't forget to use the country code +62 at the front.

4. After that, you can copy the URL again.

5. Use the finalized URL as a new WhatsApp link on Instagram.

6. Done.

Those are some easy and practical ways to create a WhatsApp link on Instagram. Hopefully, these ways can help you start your business through Instagram. Good luck KLovers.



Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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