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Meaning of Tremor: Definition, Types, Causes, and Prevention

Meaning of Tremor: Definition, Types, Causes, and Prevention Illustration (credit: Pixabay) - Tremor is often experienced by some people. Tremor is a type of disease that can be experienced due to various factors. But what is the meaning of tremor? Yes, tremor is an uncontrollable trembling movement that occurs repeatedly, unconsciously, and happens in one or several parts of the body.

Usually, tremors are most commonly seen and occur in the hands. So this can make it difficult for some people to perform a task with focus. However, besides in the hands, this trembling movement can also occur in other parts of the body, such as the legs or head. So this should be treated if it is serious.

Therefore, according to various sources, here is the meaning of tremor that you can understand. Along with prevention in tremor, types of tremor, and the causes of tremor. Let's check it out, KLovers.

1. Understanding Tremor

As previously explained, the meaning of tremor is an uncontrollable shaking movement that occurs repeatedly, unconsciously, and happens in one or several parts of the body. Tremor occurs due to disturbances in the brain that regulate muscle movement.

Tremor can occur occasionally or continuously. This condition can also appear as one of the symptoms of other diseases. So, tremor should not be taken lightly, KLovers. Especially if it happens continuously. Even if the tremor occurs in other parts of the body, such as the legs and head.

2. Causes of Tremor

Tremors can occur due to various reasons. Yes, the cause of tremors does not come without reason. There are many causes that occur in those of you who often experience tremor symptoms. Tremor causes can sometimes arise due to certain health disorders that are at risk of causing shaking. For example, related to kidney disease, stroke, or Parkinson's. Here are some of the causes of tremors:

1. Genetic Factors

The first cause of tremors can occur due to genetic factors. This happens in essential tremor which is known to be related to the influence of genetic factors. According to, essential tremor is inherited from a family history. In this case, if you have parents with a genetic mutation for essential tremor, it is likely that you will also experience similar symptoms.

2. Anxiety Disorders

The next cause of tremors can occur due to experiencing anxiety disorders. As is known, feelings of anxiety often arise due to various triggering factors such as fear, anger, emotions, or panic. One of the signs of the body experiencing anxiety can be easily recognized by trembling hands.

3. Having Multiple Sclerosis

Another cause of tremors is having multiple sclerosis. Multiple sclerosis is a condition that is experienced due to nerve disorders in the brain, eyes, and spinal cord. This condition can cause movement disorders, including tremors. In addition to trembling, the movement disorders that occur also include several conditions such as body imbalance or numbness.

4. Side Effects of Medications

According to, certain types of medications such as asthma medications, amphetamines, corticosteroids, and medications for mental disorders are known to cause tremor symptoms in the body.

5. Parkinson's Disease

Parkinson's disease usually has tremor symptoms that occur in the hands, either in one hand or both. This condition will increase when the body is under stress or experiencing high emotional levels. Parkinson's disease itself is a health disorder that causes damage to nerve cells in the brain that affects body movements.

6. Lack of Vitamins and Nutrients

In this case, if the vitamins and nutrients in the body are not fulfilled, it is possible to make the body vulnerable to various types of health disorders. According to, the cause of tremors can also be experienced due to a lack of vitamin B1 and magnesium. Vitamin B1 can help alleviate trembling hands and calm the nerves.

7. Stroke

Stroke is related to tremors experienced due to damage to the neurological system that triggers tremors. Ischemic stroke is a condition that causes a person to experience a blockage of blood flow to the brain.

8. Excessive Caffeine

The caffeine content in certain beverages can also be a cause of tremors. One of the beverages with a high caffeine content is coffee or tea, which can trigger tremors. This condition can occur when the body consumes too much caffeine, which can be found in drinks, food, and even certain medications.

3. Types of Tremor

In addition to understanding the meaning of tremor and its causes, you also need to know the various types of tremor. Yes, it turns out that tremor has many types, KLovers. And according to, here are some types of tremor that you should know:

1. Essential Tremor

Essential tremor is the most common type of tremor. The exact cause of this tremor is not yet known, but generally tremor is related to genetic factors. Someone with parents who have essential tremor is more at risk of experiencing the same condition.

2. Parkinson's Tremor

This tremor occurs as part of the symptoms of Parkinson's disease. This condition is commonly experienced by people over 60 years old. Tremor in Parkinson's disease generally has a resting tremor type, which occurs during rest.

3. Dystonic Tremor

Dystonic tremor occurs in people who have dystonia. This tremor can occur in any part of the body and is characterized by repetitive and rotating movements of the body part. This condition usually improves after rest.

4. Psychogenic Tremor

This tremor is caused by mental disorders, such as depression and post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). This tremor can occur suddenly in any part of the body. Tremors will appear worse when the patient is under stress and improve after the stress subsides.

5. Cerebellar Tremor

This tremor is caused by damage to the cerebellum. This condition can occur due to stroke, tumor, or multiple sclerosis.

6. Orthostatic Tremor

The exact cause of orthostatic tremor is not yet known. This tremor is characterized by contractions in the leg muscles that occur shortly after standing and will subside when a person starts lifting their leg, walking, or sitting.

7. Physiological Tremor

And the last type of tremor is physiological tremor. Yes, this type of tremor is generally caused by diseases outside the nervous system, such as thyrotoxicosis or hypoglycemia. This type of tremor will subside on its own after the cause is addressed.

4. Prevention and Treatment of Tremor

Tremor is not a condition that you should take lightly, KLovers. Because we do not know what is behind the occurrence of tremors in the body. So, you can take preventive measures and treatment to reduce or eliminate tremors in the body. And here are the prevention and treatment that you can do for tremor:

1. Prevention

In prevention, you can do various ways to eliminate tremors. You can do light exercises, such as lifting dumbbells to strengthen the muscles in the wrist. In addition, getting enough sleep and rest is also important, as fatigue can trigger tremors.

Even other things should also be reduced, KLovers. For example, avoiding thoughts that burden oneself to prevent stress. Reducing stress can help reduce the risk of tremors. And finally, reducing the consumption of caffeinated beverages and increasing the consumption of mineral water.

2. Treatment

You can also undergo treatment for a body experiencing tremors. The treatment aims to reduce tremors by treating the underlying condition causing the tremors, as diagnosed by a doctor. There are several treatments that can be done, such as physiotherapy, brain surgery, taking certain medications, and undergoing botox injections.

That is the meaning of tremors. Not only knowing the meaning of tremors, but you can also learn about prevention of tremors, types of tremors, and causes of tremors.


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