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Know 4 Symptoms of Tonsils, Also Find Out the Causes and How to Overcome Them

Know 4 Symptoms of Tonsils, Also Find Out the Causes and How to Overcome Them Tonsil symptoms along with causes and ways to overcome them (credit: flickr) - Tonsils are one of the human body organs located between the oral cavity and the throat. The function of the tonsils is to protect the body from virus or bacterial attacks. However, the tonsils themselves are sensitive organs, because they can be infected by a virus, causing swelling or inflammation. Unfortunately, not many people understand the symptoms of tonsils infection.

Due to unfamiliarity with this organ, the symptoms of tonsillitis are often mistaken for a common sore throat. However, even though both cause pain, they are different. Children are more susceptible to tonsillitis. However, it is not impossible for it to occur in adults as well. Therefore, it is important for all of us to know about tonsil symptoms, causes, and how to overcome them.

Here are some reviews about tonsils that have been summarized from various sources.



1. Sore Throat

One of the common symptoms of tonsillitis is a sore throat. This is caused by an infection by bacteria or viruses in the tonsils, which results in swelling. The pain is more pronounced when swallowing food or drinks.

The swollen tonsils will continue to enlarge, causing food and drinks to come into contact with them. In some cases, severely swollen tonsils can even make it difficult for a person to swallow food.

2. Fever

When experiencing tonsillitis, some people may also have a fever. Fever commonly occurs as a body's response to fight off viral or bacterial infections. Therefore, it is understandable that fever can also be one of the signs of tonsillitis.

3. Headache

In addition to fever, tonsillitis is often accompanied by headaches. The headache is a derivative symptom of the increased body temperature. Moreover, when experiencing tonsillitis, a person also experiences inflammation of the throat, which automatically affects their appetite. Therefore, indirectly affecting the intake of nutrients into the body.

4. Cough

Some people who have tonsillitis also experience coughing. This is because the infection in the tonsils also affects the lungs. Generally, the type of cough that becomes a symptom of tonsillitis is a dry cough. So, if you experience sore throat, fever, headache, and dry cough at the same time, it could be the overall symptoms of tonsillitis.

5. Causes of Tonsillitis

As mentioned earlier, tonsillitis can occur due to viral or bacterial infections. However, there are several other factors that can cause tonsillitis, such as genetic and biofilm factors. To understand more, you can read the brief explanation below.

1) Bacterial Infection
Bacterial infection can be one of the most common causes of tonsillitis. The bacteria that can cause tonsillitis is Streptococcus bacteria. In addition to causing tonsillitis, this bacteria is also often the cause of throat inflammation.

2) Viral Infection
In addition to bacteria, viruses are also often the cause of tonsillitis. The exact types of viruses that can cause tonsillitis are unknown. This is because flu and cold viruses are also often found in people with tonsillitis. In addition, the viruses that cause hepatitis A and HIV are also believed to trigger tonsillitis.

3) Genetic Factors
Besides viruses and bacteria, it turns out tonsillitis can also be caused by genetic factors or heredity. Even people with weak immune systems due to genetic inheritance are more susceptible to tonsillitis infections.

4) Biofilm Factors
The fourth cause of tonsillitis is the presence of biofilm. Biofilm may still be unfamiliar to some people. Biofilm is a term for a collection of microorganisms that attach to the body's surface. This condition occurs due to resistance effects from consuming antibiotics improperly.

6. How to Overcome Tonsillitis

After knowing the symptoms and causes of tonsillitis, it is also important to know how to overcome it. Tonsillitis should be treated immediately because it can affect long-term health, such as causing loss of appetite for a long time. In addition, tonsillitis sufferers are also prone to contracting diseases such as cough and flu.

To treat tonsillitis, surgery is generally required. However, you don't have to wait until tonsillitis gets worse to undergo surgery. There are several ways you can do to overcome tonsillitis on your own, such as:

1) Adopting a healthy lifestyle.

2) Avoiding smoking.

3) Gargling with salt water.

4) Drinking guava juice regularly.

5) Drinking lime water regularly.

6) Drinking honey tea.

Those are some information about the symptoms of tonsillitis, the causes, and how to overcome it. If you experience the above symptoms, it is better to immediately consult the nearest doctor to get a clearer explanation. Hope this is helpful.


Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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