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Meaning of Capjikia, Card Gambling Game and Calculation Formula

Meaning of Capjikia, Card Gambling Game and Calculation Formula Illustration (Credit: Pixabay) - Talking about the meaning of capjikia, it seems incomplete if we don't discuss the history of this game. Although it has been in Indonesia for a long time, it turns out that capjikia is not an original game, KLovers! This game is a type of card game that originated from China.

The meaning of capjikia in terms of language is "12 stalks" and comes from Hokkien language. Capjikia game, also known as capjiki, was initially known by the Chinese community in Batavia. Because it is considered easy and cheap, this game spread and liked by the people.

This game is also used in gambling. Even the VOC government in Batavia saw the pleasure of gambling as an opportunity to get additional taxes. This made the Chinese Kapitan get permission to open a gambling place. So, considering its quite long history, it's understandable if you are interested in the meaning of capjikia.

Therefore, it doesn't hurt for you to simply search for information about capjikia in the following information from various sources.

1. Meaning of Capjikia

The meaning of capjikia is "twelve stems". This term comes from the Hokkien language. As the name suggests, capjikia involves twelve numbers in the game. Each card has its own meaning, as explained below:

1. Ratu means everything, good, bad, innocent.

2. Dhimpil means smart, knowledgeable, loss, poor, irresponsible, trick, human.

3. Ciwir means beautiful, attractive, famous, clever, chatter, talkative, flashlight, feel.

4. Gundul means causing trouble, devil, bald, genie, bald.

5. Babi means mischief, behavior, friend, honest, love, dating, flirting.

6. Ningkrang means squeeze, narrow-minded, cigarette, pout, relaxed, gift, burden, body.

7. Petik means death, funeral, midnight, silent, stiff, child, find, feel, forget.

8. Plompong means stupid, out of place, hunchback, robber, awkward, beautiful.

9. Gunung means holding hands, spark, stone, west, not much, style, joke, ant, weak.

10. Cawang means group, agility, wealth / poverty, stuck, tile, confusion, door, drum, complete.

11. Kanthong means thinking of needs, beginning, poking, confused, stroking, hitting, deception, eating.

12. Kerok means double-minded, many, crowded, noisy, anandarkilah, meet, word, confess, sky.

2. The Meaning of Capjikia as a Card Gambling Game

From a linguistic perspective, the meaning of capjikia is "twelve stalks". The term for this card game with twelve numbers originates from the Hokaian language. Playing capjikia is considered quite easy because players only need to guess.

In short, players must guess one or more cards from the twelve available numbers. Everyone who wants to play must buy a coupon or commonly called a keplek that is provided, and players are asked to guess the contents of the cards that have been placed in a closed city.

However, you need to know that the dealer will also convey codes that may confuse the players. The players' ignorance in guessing can be exploited by the dealer, who is certainly smarter than the players. For each draw, the dealer will issue a paper containing instructions.

To confuse the players, the dealer usually provides instructions that have multiple meanings. However, if you are lucky, you will get 10 times the betting money. Although tempting, gambling is not the right way to make money. There are many possibilities of losing that can actually cause you to suffer losses.

3. Formula for Calculating Capjikia

In addition to the meaning of capjikia, in order to play, you also need to learn how to calculate or the following formula for capjikia in order to read the instructions given by the dealer. Although it is said to be easy because it is just guessing, you still need tricks to win the game.

1. Market Formula

Javanese market formula, for example Monday pon = Monday 4 pon 7, 4+7=11, meaning you have to find the numbers 4, 7, and the sum of 11 in the rotation.

2. Formula for Calculating the Sum of 17 and 18.

With this method, you have to look at the output first, for example, the first round = 6, the second round = 6, so for the third round, you have to place the number 5, so (6+6+5=17), but if it hasn't approached the sum of 17, for example, 6 6 3, then you have to place the number 2, so (6+6+3+2=17).

However, it should be noted that not all rounds with a sum of 17 are above.

3. Javanese Knowledge Method

Monday = cawang, kerok

Tuesday = dimpil, ningkrang.

Wednesday = ratu, ciwir.

Thursday = kerok, gunung.

Friday = kantong, gundul

Saturday = plompong, Babi.

Sunday = gundul, petik.

Legi = ratu, kerok.

Pahing = plompong, ciwir,

Pon = gunung, petik.

Wage = gundul, cawang.

Kliwon = kantong, ningkrang

Well, KLovers, that's an explanation of the meaning of capjikia. This game is indeed quite interesting. However, if you are thinking of participating in gambling practices, it is better to think again. Once again, gambling is not the right path to make money. Consider the risks of loss, which are equally significant.


Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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