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The Meaning of Fana is Temporary or Not Eternal, Also Understand Its Meaning in Islam

The Meaning of Fana is Temporary or Not Eternal, Also Understand Its Meaning in Islam Illustration (credit: unsplash) - The word 'fana' is certainly not unfamiliar to us. This is because 'fana' is a word in the Indonesian language that has been recorded in the dictionary. The meaning of 'fana' is temporary or transient. The word 'fana' may indeed be rarely used in everyday conversations. The word 'fana' more often appears in beautiful words, such as in literary works.

The word 'fana' is also often used to describe something that is temporary or not eternal. Like in Islam, the word 'fana' is often used to express the lifespan in the world that does not last forever. However, lately, the use of the word 'fana' has become more widespread. Various things that are temporary and not eternal can be called 'fana'.

To understand more deeply the meaning of 'fana' as temporary or not eternal, please read the following review that has been summarized by from various sources.

1. The Meaning of Fana

The word fana comes from the Arabic language, namely al-fana' which means the disappearance of something's existence. This word has been absorbed into the Indonesian language, becoming fana. According to the Indonesian Dictionary (KBBI), the meaning of fana is perishable, lost, dead, or impermanent. Based on this meaning, it is reasonable for the word fana to be often used to describe something that is not eternal and can be damaged, lost, or even destroyed at any time.

In the Indonesian language, the word fana has several synonymous words. Some of the synonymous words for fana include sementara (temporary), selagi (while), selama (during), senyampang (as long as), and tatkala (when). On the other hand, the antonyms of the word fana include tetap (permanent), ajek (unchanging), konsisten (consistent), konstan (constant), kukuh (firm), abadi (eternal), selamanya (forever), and kekal (everlasting).

2. The Meaning of Fana in Islam

In practice, apart from beautiful words and literary works, the meaning of fana is also often found in the realm of religion, especially Islam. The word fana is often used to describe the temporary nature of worldly life compared to the eternal afterlife.

In addition, the meaning of fana in Islam is also known as one of the impossible attributes of Allah SWT. Because, not much different from the meaning in the Indonesian language, fana' in Arabic also means something that will be damaged, disappear, lost, or destroyed. Therefore, every creature in the world is considered to have the attribute of fana. Meanwhile, Allah SWT is the Almighty Creator who will always remain eternal.

Regarding the meaning of fana as an impossible attribute for Allah SWT, it is also written in several verses of the Quran. One of them, in Surah Ar Rahman verses 26 - 27, which means:

"Everything on the earth will perish, but the face of your Lord, full of majesty and honor, will remain eternal." (QS. Ar Rahman, verses 26 - 27)

3. Words about Fana

As mentioned earlier, the word 'fana' is rarely used in everyday conversations. The meaning of 'fana' is more often used in beautiful words such as literary works. Indeed, there are several writers who use the word 'fana' in their works. Here are some 'fana' words written by Indonesian writers.

1) "Your dust is this perishable body, your truth is the divine spirit." - Jalaluddin Rumi

2) "Living in the perishable world is like living in a theater." - Sujiwo Tejo

3) "We must strive to obtain eternal life in this perishable world. Sitting comfortably and asking for heaven is impossible! I'm not brave enough to ask for heaven while sitting comfortably." - Habiburrahman El Shirazy
4) "As perishable beings, we never know how much time we have left together. So let's build everything as best and as beautiful as we can." - Helvi Tiana Rosa

5) "Those people prefer to stop selling themselves for the pleasures of perishable life." - Risda Nur Widia

6) "Lunglai - fierce because of our happy and sad, beautiful and persistent love in this perishable world." - W.S. Rendra

7) "No success, if it's temporary and no suffering if it's only for a while." - Deassy M.Destiani

8) "Destiny remains a mystery. Be grateful for the uncertainty by planning and striving for the best towards a sacred marriage in this temporary world." - Salim A Fillah

9) "Perhaps hope is transience, which intoxicates anyone from this temporary life." - Robi Aulia Abdi

10) "The phenomenon of death is evidence of the transience of life." - Moch Aldy MA and Anzal RF

11) What is transient is time

We are eternal

Collecting seconds, stringing them like flowers

Until one day we forget for what - Sapardi Djoko Damono

Those are among the reviews related to the meaning of transience as temporary or not eternal. Hope it is useful and can increase your knowledge!


Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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