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What is the Meaning of What in English? Also Know the Function and Correct Sentence Examples

What is the Meaning of What in English? Also Know the Function and Correct Sentence Examples Definition of the word what (credit: Pixabay) - In every language, there are various types of question words used, one of which is in the English language. For those of you who are fond of the English language, surely you know the meaning of what. Yes, what is one of the question words in English. What itself means "what" in Indonesian.

Actually, besides meaning "what", what also means how many, which, how, who, and many more. In addition, there are many question words in English, apart from the word what. Besides knowing the meaning of what, you will also learn what the function of the word what itself is.

And various types of question words in English, besides that there are also several examples of the word what in a sentence. For those of you who are curious, let's take a look at what the functions of the word what are along with examples. Let's check it out, KLovers.




1. Function of the Word What

After knowing the true meaning of the word what, you also need to know what the function of what is. By knowing the function of what, you will know the correct position of the word what to be used.

The word what itself functions to ask about something that is a noun, such as reasons, events, or other things. Generally, what is translated as "apa" or "apakah". However, in certain conditions, the word can also have other meanings.

It depends on how it is used, and also if it is translated into Indonesian, it depends on what is being asked. So it is important for us to know the function of the word what, so that what can be used in various sentences for various situations.



2. Types of Question Words in English

Actually, there are many question words in English, not just using 'what' alone. Well, for those of you who want to know what question words can be used in English, here are some question words along with how to make them:

1. What - does - (subject) - main verb - adverb

2. What - is - subject

3. What - are - subject - main verb

4. What - will - subject - main verb - adverb

5. Where - are - subject - main verb - adverb

6. Why - do - main verb - adverb

7. Who - is - main verb - adverb

8. How - does - main verb - adverb

9. What - did - main verb - adverb

10. When - did - main verb - adverb

11. Where - was - main verb - adverb

12. Why - were - main verb - adverb



3. Example Sentences Using 'What'

After knowing the function of the word what, here are some example sentences using what that might help you understand better. Here are some examples of those what sentences:

1.What did you eat for dinner? (Apa yang kamu makan untuk makan malam?)

2.What can I do to help you? (Apa yang bisa aku lakukan untuk membantu kamu?)

3.What is she doing at the office? (Apa yang dia lakukan di kantor?)

4.What is your name? (Siapa nama kamu?)

5.What brought him upstairs? (Apa yang membawanya ke atas?)

6. What has she done? (Apa yang telah dia lakukan?)

7.What color is his car? (Apa warna mobilnya?)

8.What time will she call me? (Jam berapa dia akan meneleponku?)

9.What food would you like for breakfast? (Makanan apa yang Anda inginkan untuk sarapan?)

10.What did you do last evening? (Apa yang kamu lakukan tadi malam?)

11.What did you say when you were caught? (Apa yang Anda katakan ketika Anda ditangkap?)

12.What kind of clothes did you wear? (Apa jenis pakaian yang Anda pakai?)

13. What time did he come to your house? (Jam berapa dia datang ke rumahmu?)

14.What is it for? (Untuk apa?)

15.What did your mom cook yesterday? (Apa yang dimasak ibumu kemarin?)

16.What do you do on the weekend? (Apa yang kamu lakukan di akhir pekan?)

17.What will they wear tomorrow? (Apa yang akan mereka kenakan besok?)

18.What day is it? (Hari apakah ini?)

19.What kind of music do you like? (Jenis musik apa yang kamu suka?)

20. What book did you buy yesterday? (Buku apa yang kamu beli kemarin?)

That's some things you can know about the meaning of the word 'what' along with its functions and example sentences. Hopefully, it can become a new knowledge and be useful for KLovers.




Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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