Kapanlagi.com - Contribution is a word in Indonesian language that is certainly familiar to us. However, the word contribution itself is not always used in daily sentences KLovers. The meaning of contribution itself is involvement, participation, or contribution.
Now, for KLovers who want to know more about the meaning of contribution, then KLovers can find out the meaning of contribution in general and the meaning of contribution according to experts in this article. Not only that, there are also benefits of contribution itself.
Therefore, from various sources, here is an explanation of the meaning of contribution in general and according to experts, along with its benefits. Let's check it out KLovers.
1. Definition of Contribution

Illustration (credit: Pexels)
As explained briefly above, the meaning of contribution is involvement, participation, or contribution. Therefore, contribution becomes a formal word used for those who participate or get involved in something, be it research, events, and many more.
Or it can be said that a person who contributes is someone who involves themselves to improve efficiency or effectiveness. In addition, the meaning of contribution is involvement that can be in the form of material or action in a small or large activity.
Then the meaning of contribution is a form of contribution that can be given in the form of thoughts, leadership, performance, professionalism, financial, and so on. Contribution is something given together for a common purpose. This is usually present in an event, research, or organization.
Then, the meaning of contribution can also be expressed as an action, namely behavior carried out by individuals that then have a positive or negative impact on others. When giving a contribution, it means someone is giving something. Whether it's money, property, energy, or time.
2. Understanding of Contribution According to Experts

Illustration (credit: Pexels)
Now, what about the meaning of contribution according to experts? Yes, of course, there are experts who describe the meaning of contribution according to their views. And here are some meanings of contribution according to experts that KLovers can know and understand.
1. Yandianto
According to Yandianto, the meaning of contribution in a much narrower scope is a contribution as a form of assistance issued by individuals or groups in the form of money or financial support.
2. Soerjono Soekanto
According to Soerjono Soekanto, the meaning of contribution is as a form of money or financial contribution, energy assistance, thought assistance, material assistance, and all kinds of assistance that can help the success of activities in a forum, association, and so on.
3. Dany H. (2006)
According to Dany H., the meaning of contribution can be interpreted as a form of contribution in the form of material (money) that can be support or donation. This contribution can be done collectively.
4. T. Guritno (2000)
According to him, the meaning of contribution is a contribution given by someone as an effort to help losses or help shortages towards what is needed. This needed thing can be done together in helping the community affected by disasters.
3. Benefits of Contribution

Illustration (credit: Pexels)
After KLovers understand what contribution means, here are the benefits of contribution that KLovers can know and understand, especially for themselves. And here are some benefits of contribution that KLovers can know:
1. Having Good Relationships
Relationships are more balanced when not only focused on receiving. Contribution and kindness can help feel more connected to others. Even during conflicts and arguments, kindness can unite people, as well as repair and heal cracks.
2. Relieving
Research has found that after good deeds and acts of kindness, people report higher levels of happiness. Contributing to something becomes a relief in itself.
People who contribute to others and volunteer overall are happier, have better life adjustments, and tend to see life as more meaningful.
3. Solving Problems
One benefit of contribution is being able to solve problems and often being a simple solution to many conflicts. Contribution is a simple and easy solution to many conflicts. There are even so many conflicts that can be avoided if there is contribution.
4. Changing and Growing
Doing something out of love, generosity, and a desire to give and serve will grow oneself. This challenges and makes someone step out of their comfort zone.
5. Increasing Self-Confidence
Increased self-confidence is one of the many benefits of contribution. What is done and how to treat others is a reflection of oneself. Being kind to others will make someone see themselves as a better person who increases self-confidence.
That is the meaning of contribution that KLovers can know and understand. Not only the general meaning of contribution, but also the meaning of contribution according to experts and the benefits of contribution for oneself.
Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.