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Meaning of Frequently Used Emojis with Explanations

Meaning of Frequently Used Emojis with Explanations Illustration (credit: Pexels) - Currently, there are many technologies that we can use, one of which is chatting using emojis. When you chat with someone, giving emojis becomes a necessity in communication. There are many types of emojis that we can use, and we can even know the complete meaning of emojis, so that we don't give the wrong emoji when we chat with someone.

Emojis can be a symbol of our feelings at that moment when communicating with someone online. Therefore, it is important for us to know the complete meaning of emojis, because sometimes some of us misinterpret emojis, even though emojis have their own meanings in each character. In addition to knowing the complete meaning of emojis, you can also understand the meaning of the emojis themselves.

Now, for those of you who are curious about the complete meaning of emojis, it is compiled from various sources. Here is the complete meaning of emojis along with the understanding of emojis. Let's check it out, KLovers.

1. What is Emoji

Before knowing the complete meaning of emoji, you also need to know what the actual definition of emoji is. Emoji is a Japanese term for picture characters or emoticons used in Japanese electronic messages and web pages. Some emojis are very specific to Japanese culture, such as a businessman bowing, a face wearing a mask.

There are also a group of emojis that depict popular Japanese foods such as ramen, onigiri, sushi, and Japanese curry. Although initially only available in Japan, some sets of emoji characters have been included in Unicode, which allows emojis to be used outside of Japan. As a result, some phones like Windows Phone 7 and iPhone allow access to symbols without requiring a Japanese operator.

Emoji is also starting to appear in email services like Gmail and websites like Flipnote Hatena. Some SMS apps for Android-supported phones also provide plugins that allow the use of emojis. So it's no wonder that emojis have become a widely used character in online activities.


2. Complete Meaning of Emojis

There are many complete meanings of emojis that you can understand. And here are the complete meanings of emojis that you can know so that you don't give the wrong emoji to someone else:

1. Smiling emoticon: used to describe joy and being in a good mood.

2. Wide-eyed smile: depicts a positive mood, cheerful atmosphere, and enthusiasm.

3. Squinting smile: depicts a genuinely heartfelt feeling of joy.

4. Toothy smile: depicts a positive mood. Gives the impression of mischievous laughter, enthusiasm, and a little bit of shyness.

5. Threshold of laughter: depicting laughing at something very silly and funny. Suitable for any discussion topics.

6.Laughing with tears: depicting a feeling of relief with everything. Can also depict a feeling of being nervous or confused.

7.Laughing with tears streaming down: depicting someone laughing until tears come out. Laughing at something very funny and tickling.

8.Laughing uncontrollably with tears streaming down: depicting a very funny atmosphere and leaning towards a feeling similar to an angel and after doing a good deed.

9. Smiling with a ring: to show gratitude in a sweet way.

10.Blushing cheek kiss: used to express thanks to friends, family, and loved ones. A form of gratitude for the help that has been given. Unbearable. Can be called rolling on floor laughing.

11.Laughing out loud: used to say that the topic of conversation doesn't need to be taken seriously, just relax.

12.Laughing out loud with one eye: intended to tease, no need to respond very seriously, and invite someone to joke.

13. Laughing with one eye and teeth visible: expressing joy with something silly and funny. Mocking or joking with the interlocutor.

14. Laughing with starry eyes: depicting enthusiasm and anticipation. Can be used to say that it is a brilliant idea, good, no need to hesitate, and so on.

15. Fox face emoticon: represents a message that you are lying or cunning like a fox.


3. Complete Meaning of Emojis

There are many complete meanings of emojis that you can understand. And here are the complete meanings of emojis that you can know so that you don't give the wrong emoji to someone else:

16. Monkey covering eyes: means not wanting to see something. Can be a response of fear or laziness but shy.

17. Monkey covering mouth: suitable for use when someone doesn't want to say something. For example, when asked about a secret that they want to hide.

18. Monkey covering ears: means 'I don't want to hear', 'I don't care', 'I don't follow'. That's roughly the meaning of this emoticon.

19. Smiling monkey emoticon: shows a happy smiling expression with a cuter impression. Suitable to send to friends or partners.

20. Baby chick in an eggshell emoticon: symbolizes birth, cuteness, and a new beginning. But sometimes, this emoticon is sent to represent innocence.

21. Spider emoticon: can represent a dangerous situation and a feeling of being trapped.

22. Wind-blown leaf emoticon: depicts a windy atmosphere and is a sign of danger.

23. Plant seed emoticon: this budding symbol is depicted with a small green plant with a short stem and two leaves. Often depicted just sprouting from the mound of soil. This emoticon is used for various things related to plant life. It is also used as a symbol of spring or growth.

24. Christmas tree emoticon: depicted with a tall funnel-shaped tree, with dense dark green leaves and layered like pine trees. The tree trunk is visible and brown in color. You can use this emoticon to depict various types of trees, forests, nature, winter, and Christmas.

25. Red color: signifies a pounding heart. This emoticon is usually used by couples in a relationship.

26. Orange color: signifies affection as a friend.

27. Yellow color: used to show affection for family and siblings.

28. Green color: signifies sincerity or mutual assistance between individuals.

29. Blue color: symbolizes trust, especially towards close friends or colleagues.

30. Purple color: to show gratitude and respect.


4. Complete Meaning of Emojis

There are many complete meanings of emojis that you can understand. And here are the complete meanings of emojis that you can learn so that you don't give the wrong emoji to someone else:

31. Black color: symbolizes immeasurable depth of affection.

32. Gesture of raising both hands in surprise: confused and unsure of what to do. Similar to saying "I don't know" or "It's up to you".

33. Gesture of crossing arms: signifies disagreement. It can also mean someone asking the speaker to stop something immediately.

34. Whistling: describes the feeling of being happy, joyful, and content. It can be interpreted as hugging and kissing someone as a friend or sibling.

35.Forehead slap: symbolizes "Oh my God!" More precisely, it represents astonishment as an expression of embarrassment, hence covering the face.

36.Running: depicts someone engaging in physical exercise. It can also express escaping from problems or conversations that are scary and boring.

37.Massage person: used to express the desire to relieve stress from within.

38. Sneaky eyes: represents someone giving a warning. Someone is watching you. It can also be a code to a crush. It depends on whom the message is intended for.

39.Selfie emoticon holding a phone: means taking a selfie, being self-centered, and not wanting to be disturbed by new messages. It can also be a code to receive a photo of your face at that moment.

40.Open umbrella: signifies the need to use an umbrella immediately when going out. It could be because of rain or scorching weather.

41. Umbrella with raindrops: depicts a rainy condition. This emoticon can be used to inform friends about the weather or to remind them not to go out because of the rain.

42. Looking down: to show a sad and remorseful feeling, wanting to cry and regret something.

43. OK gesture above the head: a symbol to inform others that everything is fine. This emoticon can be used to agree with something. This posture represents agreement or acceptance.

44. Laughing mischievously with a wink: intended to tease, no need to respond too seriously, and invite someone to joke around.

45. Laughing with starry eyes: shows excitement and anticipation. It means that it is a brilliant idea, great, no need to hesitate, and so on.

46. Annoyed face: to show a sulking feeling with an unhappy expression towards others or the situation being faced.

47. Blowing a whistle or a kiss: to show a celebration or express congratulations on the success the speaker has achieved.

48. Teary eyes: to express a feeling of being deeply moved to the point of wanting to shed tears. It can be interpreted as a heartfelt plea.

49. Snorting or appearing angry, mocking, and proud of something related to the topic of conversation.

50. Waving one hand: can be used to greet while saying Hi! Can be an effort to express an opinion in a forum.

That is the complete meaning of the emoji that you can know. Not only knowing the complete meaning of the emoji, but you can also know the definition of the emoji itself.



Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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