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The Meaning of Worth It is Deserving, Know the Difference with Worthy

The Meaning of Worth It is Deserving, Know the Difference with Worthy Illustration (credit: Pexels) - Currently, there are many types of English words that are used in everyday conversations. Usually, these English words are used in various things, one of which is in social media. Worth it is one of the English words that is currently widely used. But do KLovers know the meaning of worth it?

Indeed, worth it is an official language, KLovers. Although the word worth it itself has become popular or frequently used recently, especially by young social media users. In the word worth it, worth as an adjective is usually followed by a noun. Then the word it is a pronoun for that noun, so worth it can only be used when you have explained the noun at the beginning.

The meaning of worth it itself in Indonesian is worthy or good enough. However, in fact, there is not only the word 'worth it', there are also other words like 'worth' and 'worthy'. They all have differences and different meanings in a sentence. So it is important for KLovers to know the meaning of 'worth it' and also its differences. This is so that KLovers don't place the word 'worth it' incorrectly in a sentence.

Now, for KLovers who want to know more about the meaning of 'worth it'. Here are the meanings of the words 'worth it', along with the differences with 'worth' and 'worthy'. Let's check it out, KLovers.

1. Understanding Worth It

As previously known, the meaning of 'worth it' in Indonesian language is 'layak' or 'cukup baik'. 'Worth it' is an English vocabulary that is often used lately. This term is used to express that what we get is proportional to the price we pay.

However, sometimes people say that the correct writing is 'worthed', not 'worth it'. But the word 'worthed' is not found in the English dictionary, KLovers. So it is wrong if you assume that 'worth it' is 'worthed'. Maybe in terms of pronunciation, it may sound like 'worthed', but the correct writing is 'worth it'.

Therefore, you can use the phrase 'worth it' for a product or food and drink that you buy at a certain price, but the item is proportional to the price given. So if in our opinion, the price and quality of the product we are going to buy match our expectations, it can be said as 'Worth It'. And if a product or item does not match our expectations, you can say 'not worth it'.

2. Difference Between Worth It, Worth, Worthy

After knowing the meaning of 'worth it', of course, you need to know the differences in the word 'worth it'. Yup! It turns out there are other words besides 'worth it', those words are 'worth' and 'worthy'. Of course, there are differences between the words 'worth it', 'worth', and 'worthy'. The most common mistake is not knowing the differences between 'worth it', 'worth', and 'worthy'. Many people assume that these three words are sometimes considered the same.

For example, in Indonesian, 'Worth' means worthy, deserving, and valuable. 'Worth' is in two classes of words, namely adjectives and nouns. Basically, worth it is the same as worth. Worth, as an adjective, is usually followed by a noun. The word 'it' in worth it is a pronoun referring to that noun, so worth it can only be used when you have already mentioned the noun at the beginning.

When you use worth it to evaluate something, you must explain that thing at the beginning. For example, 'I don't want to buy this bag. It's not worth it.' Just like worth, worthy can also be divided into two parts of speech, which are noun and adjective. Worthy, as an adjective, means something that deserves to be valued. On the other hand, worthy, as a noun, means a respected or esteemed person.

From the explanation above, we can understand that worth and worth it have the same part of speech and can be used in the same situations. The only difference is that worth or worth it must be preceded by a noun. Meanwhile, worthy can be used as both an adjective and a noun, referring to a person who should be respected or esteemed.

That is the meaning of worth it that you can learn and understand well. Not only knowing the meaning of the word worth it, but KLovers can also understand the differences between worth it, worth, and worthy, so as not to make mistakes when constructing an English sentence using these three words.


Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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