Kapanlagi.com - English is a widely used and studied language. English itself has several words that have multiple meanings. One of them is the word "From" which has many meanings. The meaning of from itself in the Indonesian language has several meanings, such as, dari, karena, sebab, sejak, semenjak, mulai, daripada.
Of course, this can confuse its users, because it has so many meanings. Usually, the meaning of from can change according to the sentence used and the purpose of that sentence. Well, this is something that KLovers must understand so as not to misinterpret the meaning of from.
Now, for KLovers who are curious about the meaning of from, here is the meaning of from along with the definition and example sentences. Let's check it out, KLovers.
1. Definition of From

Illustration (credit: Pixabay)
The word 'from' itself is a preposition in English. There are several meanings of 'from' in Indonesian, such as 'dari' (from), 'karena' (because), 'sebab' (cause), 'sejak' (since), 'semenjak' (since), 'mulai' (start), 'daripada' (than). Besides that, 'from' can also be a conjunction in a sentence.
Of course, this makes 'from' have many meanings. Usually, the meaning of 'from' can change according to the sentence used and what the sentence is intended for. That's why KLovers need to understand 'from' in order not to misinterpret the meaning of 'from' in an English sentence.
2. One of the Conjunctions

Illustration (credit: Pixabay)
As mentioned earlier, the word 'from' itself is a conjunction. There are three types of conjunctions in English, one of which is Subordinating Conjunction which is a type of conjunction that contains the word 'from'. To understand conjunctions, here are some types of conjunctions in English.
1. Coordinating Conjunction
Coordinating Conjunction is a conjunction that connects one sentence with another sentence of equal rank. Some examples are: For, And, Nor, But, Or, Yet, So, which can be memorized with the acronym FANBOYS.
2. Correlative Conjunction
Correlative Conjunction is a conjunction used to connect elements of a sentence between words and words, phrases and phrases, and clauses and clauses. This type of conjunction always comes in pairs. Some examples are: Not only.. But Also, Neither.. Nor, Either..Or, Not.. But.
3. Subordinating Conjunction
Subordinating Conjunction is a conjunction that connects between a subordinate clause and a main clause. It means that if a conjunction is not used, one of the sentences will be difficult to understand if it stands alone. Some examples are: After, Before, Whether, As, How, Then, Where, Although, Since, Though, While, Because, Until, etc.
3. Example of the word From

Illustration (credit: Pixabay)
After knowing the meaning of from, and how it is used as a conjunction, you surely need to know examples of the word from. Yes, these examples can help you understand the word from in English better:
1. And I plan to start from a cliff, like catapulted from a cliff. (Saya berencana mulai dari tebing seperti dilontarkan dari tebing.)
2. I felt, and I still feel, a lot of distance from the human mainstream. (Sampai sekarang, saya merasa begitu jauh dari arus utama manusia.)
3. And they had traveled from near, they had traveled from far, because they wanted to make their voices heard. (Mereka datang dari sekitar, datang dari jauh, karena ingin suara mereka didengar.)
4. We drove from Jakarta to Bandung today. (Kami berkendara dari Jakarta ke Bandung hari ini.)
5. He lived in France from 1972 to 1978. (Dia tinggal di Prancis dari tahun 1972 hingga 1978)
6. Drinks will be served from seven o'clock. (Minuman akan disajikan mulai pukul tujuh.)
7.She took her hairbrush from her handbag and began to brush her hair. (Dia mengambil sikat rambut dari tasnya dan mulai menyisir rambutnya.)
8.He began to walk away from the building. (Dia mulai berjalan menjauh dari bangunan itu.)
9.I can see the mountain from here. (Aku dapat melihat gunung tersebut dari sini.)
10.I want to eat the cake made from butter. (Aku ingin makan kue yag terbuat mentega.)
11.He dumped you from home after a five-year marriage. (Dia mencampakanmu dari rumah setelah menikah selama lima tahun.)
12.I'm from Yogyakarta. (Aku dari Yogyakarta.)
That's the meaning of 'from' that you can understand and learn. Not only knowing the meaning of 'from', but you also learn the conjunctions and examples in the word 'from' that are good and appropriate.
Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.