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Meaning of Implementation According to Experts, Along with Goals and Stages

Meaning of Implementation According to Experts, Along with Goals and Stages Illustration (Credit: Pixabay) - For an executor in planning, knowing the meaning of implementation is very necessary. Implementation is the key to realizing the ideas that you have arranged in a plan. This is also necessary to help you in managing a company.

In addition to understanding the meaning of implementation, you must also truly understand the goals you want to achieve. Furthermore, you also need to prepare a solid team through the organizing stage. Especially if you are a beginner implementor with a team that does not have much experience.

With that, the work you plan can be more directed. Well, to find out more about the meaning of implementation, goals, application in various fields, and the steps that need to be taken, just check out the information summarized in various sources below.

1. Meaning of Implementation According to Experts

Before knowing the meaning of implementation according to experts, it doesn't hurt to check the Indonesian Dictionary (KBBI) to know its general definition. According to KBBI, implementation is the execution or application, development of the working version of the design given. Furthermore, please refer to the similar meanings from the following experts.

1. Solichin Abdul Wahab

According to Solichin, implementation is the actions taken by individuals or officials, government or private groups that are directed towards achieving the goals outlined in policy decisions.

2. Sudarsono

According to Sudarsono in his book Public Policy Analysis, implementation is an activity related to completing a job using tools to achieve the desired goals.

3. Purwanto and Sulistyastuti

According to Purwanto and Sulistyastuti, implementation is essentially the activity of distributing policy outputs carried out by implementers to target groups as an effort to realize the policy.

4. Nurdin Usman

Implementation is rooted in activities, actions, or mechanisms of a system. Implementation is not just an activity, but a planned activity to achieve the goals.

2. Implementation in Various Fields

- Political Science

In political science, the meaning of implementation refers to the planning and execution of public policies. There are various factors that will influence it, including legislative intentions, administrative capacity of implementing bureaucracy, activities of interest groups and opposition, as well as support from the president or executive.

- Information Technology

The understanding of technology and information implementation is related to post-sales transactions to guide customers in using the purchased hardware or software.

- Water and Natural Resources

Implementation in the field of water and natural resources is related to the actualization of management practices aimed at preserving natural resources and improving water quality.

3. Objectives of Implementation

From various interpretations of implementation according to experts above, of course you already understand the importance of implementation in realizing a plan. Well, next, you need to know the goals of the importance of implementation, as follows.

1. Testing the Previously Made Plan

Testing the previously made plan is the main goal of implementation. With that, you can measure the effectiveness of the plan or idea that has been prepared.

2. Reviewing the System with Consumer Needs

Reviewing the system is also a goal of implementation, especially to measure its application to the intended target, for example consumers. If there are shortcomings, you can make changes to the plan.

3. Documenting the System

Documentation of the implementation is one of the goals of implementation. Through real actions of a plan, you can get an overview of the necessary steps.

4. Creating and Completing the Plan

Through implementation, you can complete a plan that may not have been mature before. You also have an idea based on field data for implementation.

4. Implementation Stages

After understanding the meaning and purpose of implementation, now it's time for you to learn the stages.

1. Organization

Implementation cannot be done just like that. For teams who have never done it before, this can be something confusing. Therefore, before practicing, you need to organize with the following steps.

- Organizing the obligations, rights, and authorities of all involved parties.

- Division of work or

- Organizational structure and design.

- Organization delegation system.

- Disorganization culture.

- Coordination and integration system among members, and many others.

- Recruitment, placement, and development of workforce system.

2. Leadership and Moving the System

In order for the plan to run smoothly, a leader is needed to move the system. The leader also has the capacity to choose the way of working, make decisions when problems arise, and divide the space. This work needs to consider several aspects, including:

- Motivation.

- Collaboration.

- Negotiation.

- Leadership effectiveness.

- Work norms and rules.

- Communication and quality of the team's work itself.

3. Control

Controlling or control is something that needs to be done periodically. Some things that you need to control include:

- Costs / finances.

- Control design.

- Policies and rules that serve as references for system implementation.

- Management information systems.

Well, KLovers, that's an explanation of the meaning of implementation along with its objectives, implementation in various fields, and steps that you need to take when doing it.


Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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