Kapanlagi.com - There are a number of popular terms used in social and community life. One of them is the meaning of socialization which is often used in a number of situations, both formal and informal contexts.
Many people may already know the meaning of socialization. When hearing the word socialization, it is often related to an activity to introduce or inform something new and important. For example, there will be a socialization of the dangers of drugs by authorized institutions.
This is an example of the meaning of socialization. However, it turns out that the meaning of socialization also has several important objectives. Including the process that is carried out in several stages.
Therefore, below is a review of the meaning of socialization along with other important information that you need to understand. Check out what the meaning of socialization is below which has been summarized by kapanlagi.com from various sources.
1. The Meaning of Socialization in KBBI

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The term socialization is quite familiar to the general public. However, many people do not understand the true meaning of socialization, which actually has a specific meaning. Therefore, this review will discuss the meaning of socialization according to the Indonesian Dictionary (KBBI).
Many people use the word socialization when introducing something new to a group. Therefore, the meaning of socialization can be related to various things, both in activities, society, business, and others.
But do you already know the true meaning of socialization? Referring to KBBI, the meaning of socialization is explained in three main points. First, the meaning of socialization is the effort to change individual ownership into public ownership (state ownership). Second, the meaning of socialization is the process of learning a member of society to recognize and appreciate the culture of society in its environment. Third, the meaning of socialization is an effort to socialize something so that it is known, understood, and appreciated by society.
Those are the three points of the meaning of socialization that you need to understand if referring to KBBI. Where seeing the meaning of socialization in KBBI certainly helps you understand the meaning of socialization, which is an effort by someone to make something known and widely understood.
2. The Meaning of Socialization According to Sociology

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Humans are known as social creatures who cannot live alone. Therefore, the term socialization emerged which is closely related to social activities. In sociology, the meaning of socialization is explained as an effort by someone to learn about culture, both values and norms that apply in society, with the aim of becoming part of the society and being able to participate.
Meanwhile, according to Peter L. Berger, socialization is the process of a child learning to become a participating member of society. From this process of socialization, an individual will also incorporate the values that apply in that society. Therefore, the meaning of socialization is related to how individuals accept and play a role in a community group.
3. Types and Forms of Socialization

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There are several types of socialization that need to be understood. Therefore, understanding these types of socialization will make it easier for you to differentiate them from others. Here are the meanings and types of socialization that you need to understand.
1. Meaning of formal socialization: Formal socialization is socialization that is carried out through a government institution and society with the task of socializing regulations, policies, values, social norms, and other important things that society needs to learn. For example, some examples of socialization in schools or other formal institutions.
2. Meaning of non-formal socialization: Non-formal socialization is a type of socialization that comes from society whose norms and values are written and apply to anyone in that environment. For example, there are warnings not to swim in the river and others.
3. Meaning of informal socialization: Informal socialization is related to socialization that is familial in nature. For example, when individuals living in a community have unwritten rules. For example, like doing community work.
Forms of Socialization
1. Meaning of primary socialization: Primary socialization is a form of socialization within the family. Therefore, it is from the family that a child can learn and recognize socialization for the first time.
2. Meaning of secondary socialization: Secondary socialization is a form of socialization that is carried out by individuals in a particular group in society. In other words, the meaning of socialization is socialization outside the family.
4. Goals of Socialization

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Socialization has several goals that can affect the personality of an individual. Therefore, here are some important goals of socialization that you need to understand. Check out the following socialization goals.
- Helping individuals to adjust and adapt to their environment.
- Providing the ability and knowledge to live in society.
- Recognizing the position and role of individuals in a group or society.
- Maintaining the integrity of society.
5. Stages of Socialization Process

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Meanwhile, there are several stages of the socialization process. Among these stages of socialization, you can read about them in the following review. So, it will make it easier for you to know what stages are needed for socializing.
- The preparation stage usually begins in the family environment since the individual is born.
- The imitation stage is usually done when individuals imitate the roles of people around them.
- The ready-to-act stage is usually done when an individual begins to understand the norms and values in society so that they will act by interacting.
- The collective acceptance stage is when an individual begins to understand the meaning of cooperation, tolerance, or rules applied in a group of society. Thus, they can understand their position and role.
6. Difference Between the Meaning of Socialization and Social Interaction

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There is a difference between the meanings of socialization and social interaction. Therefore, knowing the difference between the meanings of socialization and interaction can make it easier for you to know what the differences are. Let's discuss the differences between socialization and interaction.
The meaning of socialization is the effort or attempt of every individual to become a part of a group of society by incorporating the values that apply in their environment.
The meaning of social interaction is related to the relationship between individuals and other individuals, groups with groups, or individuals with groups. Individuals will interact by making social contact or communication. Where in socialization there is also social interaction.
Those are some explanations about the meaning of socialization that you need to understand. Hopefully, it will make it easier for you to understand the meaning of socialization.
Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.