Kapanlagi.com - The word 'suhu' in Indonesian slang has a meaning that has shifted from its actual meaning. Therefore, it is important to know the meaning of the word 'suhu' in Indonesian slang that is quite popular on social media. Do you already know its meaning?
There are various popular slang words taken from abbreviations, words that have shifted in meaning, or puns. One of them is the meaning of the word 'suhu' in Indonesian slang which does not mean showing cold or hot temperature.
Therefore, below is an explanation of the meaning of the word 'suhu' that you need to know. Find out what the trending meaning of the word 'suhu' in Indonesian slang and its meaning on social media.
1. Meaning of the Word 'Suhu' in General

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When hearing the word temperature, you may immediately think of hot, cold, or humid temperatures. Referring to the Great Indonesian Dictionary (KBBI), the meaning of temperature is indeed related to temperature.
Yes, the explanation of the meaning of temperature in KBBI is a quantitative measure of hot or cold temperature which can then be measured with a thermometer. In addition, the meaning of temperature can also explain about the condition or situation. In other words, the meaning of temperature is a condition when the body feels cold, hot, humid, or dry.
Both in objects and air can indicate the temperature scale measured using a thermometer. The temperature scale can be measured by showing degrees Celsius, Fahrenheit, Kelvin, or Reamur. While the scale size can be high or low. That is an explanation of the general meaning of temperature that is important to know.
2. The Meaning of Suhu in Slang Language

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In addition to the meaning of temperature which explains the size of hot and cold temperatures, there is also the use of this word in slang language. The meaning of temperature in slang language is certainly different from its meaning in KBBI.
Where the meaning of temperature in slang language means teacher or master. Where the word temperature actually comes from the basic word Shihu in Japanese. In other words, the meaning of temperature is someone who is very skilled and proficient in a field. So someone called a temperature has more ability than others.
Thus, someone called a temperature becomes a person who is suitable for teaching about something like a teacher or master. For example, there is a term temperature for people who are experts in the field of design.
Then the meaning is that he has more skills and abilities to teach, train or guide someone in the field of design. That is an explanation of the meaning of temperature in slang language that you need to know.
3. The Meaning of Temperature and Similar Meanings

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If the meaning of the word 'suhu' in slang language is someone who is considered as a teacher, master, or expert in their field, then there are several other terms that are similar to 'suhu'. That's why below there are several words similar to 'suhu', whether it's the opposite in slang language or its synonym. So, here are some explanations of the meaning of the word 'suhu' and its similar meanings.
In slang language, the opposite of 'suhu' can be called 'Newbie'. The meaning of 'newbie' in slang language describes someone who is still a beginner, inexperienced, amateur, or new to a certain field. This slang word is usually very popular on social media to describe someone who is still a beginner.
There is also another word that is similar to the meaning of 'suhu', which is 'mastah'. The meaning of 'mastah' in slang language is another word for 'master'. 'Master' means someone who is an expert in a certain field. The meaning of 'master' is someone who is skilled or has more ability in a certain field. For example, if he is very skilled in technology, then another word for it can be called 'master'.
There is also slang language 'noob' which has a similar meaning to 'newbie'. Where the meaning of 'noob' in slang language is a beginner. Usually the use of this word is very popular in the gaming world. The word 'noob' describes when a gamer is not skilled enough to play the game. Those are some slang languages other than 'suhu' that are similar. So that it makes it easier for you to understand the meaning of each popular slang language on social media.
4. Popular Slang Language on Social Media

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Meanwhile, there are several popular slang languages on social media that you also need to know. Below are references to popular slang languages on social media.
1. Ghosting: means disappearing without a trace.
2. Healing: means self-healing process.
3. Spill the tea: means reveal secrets.
4. Clingy: means shown to someone who always depends on others.
5. Hyung: means older brother in Korean.
6. Ngab: means the opposite of 'Bang'.
7. Sans: means relaxed.
8. TBL: means 'Takut Banget Loh' (very scared).
9. YGY: means 'Ya Gaes Ya' (let's do it).
10. Insecure: means feeling inferior or lacking something in oneself.
11. Sabi: means the opposite of 'Bisa' (can).
12. PAP: means 'Post a Picture' or show your photo.
13. Salty: means feeling offended, criticized, or judged.
That is the explanation of the meaning of the word 'suhu' in slang language. So that it makes it easier for you to know the true meaning of 'suhu'.
Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.