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Powerful Secrets to Lower Cholesterol According to Ustadz Dr. Zaidul Akbar, More Than Just Medicine!

Powerful Secrets to Lower Cholesterol According to Ustadz Dr. Zaidul Akbar, More Than Just Medicine! Illustration of Cholesterol-Lowering Vegetables - Cholesterol, although often regarded as an enemy to health, actually plays an important role in the body, including in fat transport and hormone production, especially in nerve and brain cells.

However, high cholesterol levels can increase the risk of various serious diseases such as stroke, arterial narrowing, blood clots, and heart attacks. Therefore, it is important to maintain a balance of cholesterol levels in the body.

Herbal medicine expert, Ustadz Dr. Zaidul Akbar, offers natural and simple solutions to lower cholesterol. In a video on YouTube dr. Zaidul Akbar Official, he recommends consuming black seed (habbatussauda), ginger, and turmeric, as well as the importance of staying hydrated by drinking enough water.

Additionally, cupping therapy is also mentioned as an effective method to remove dirty blood and support overall health. By following these tips, we can maintain cholesterol levels and improve our quality of life, quoted from, Tuesday (4/2/2025).

1. Herbal Medicine Does Not Necessarily Lower Cholesterol

Doctor Zaidul Akbar emphasizes that relying solely on herbal medicine is not enough to lower cholesterol if our diet is still chaotic.

"How can cholesterol decrease if we are still consuming fatty and starchy foods, and rarely eating vegetables and fruits?" he said.

He added that while herbal medicine can help, without a change to a healthy diet, the desired results will be hard to achieve.

So, for those who want to keep their cholesterol stable, it's time to pay more attention to our nutritional intake and drink more water!

2. Fasting Effectively Lowers Cholesterol

Doctor Zaidul Akbar revealed that one of the easiest and most effective ways to lower cholesterol is by fasting. Fasting is not only an obligation during Ramadan, but it can also be practiced on regular days by Muslims as a sunnah practice.

Among the recommended sunnah fasts are the fasts on Mondays and Thursdays, which were a tradition of the Prophet Muhammad (SAW) during his lifetime. If you are interested in doing this, the intention for fasting can be expressed at night, from sunset until dawn.

For the Monday fast, say "Nawaitu shauma yaumil itsnaini lillahi ta'l," which means "I intend to fast the sunnah of Monday for the sake of Allah ta'l." For the Thursday fast, say "Nawaitu shauma yaumil khamsi lillahi ta'l," which means "I intend to fast the sunnah of Thursday for the sake of Allah ta'l."

May this be a beneficial step to maintain our health!


Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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