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Recognize 6 Signs of Dehydration Due to Lack of Drinking Water, Don't Let It Be Too Late!

Recognize 6 Signs of Dehydration Due to Lack of Drinking Water, Don't Let It Be Too Late! Illustration of Dry Skin - Did you know that water is a vital element for our body? About 70% of the human body is made up of water! However, unfortunately, many of us pay more attention to our diet and often neglect sufficient water intake. In fact, meeting our fluid needs is crucial for our body to function optimally.

Although it is recommended to drink at least 8 glasses of water every day, the reality is that many still do not meet that target. Various applications and smart water bottles have been created to help us monitor our water consumption, yet many still forget to drink enough water every day.

As a result, dehydration can lurk around us, even mild dehydration that can affect our health. What is more concerning is that we often do not realize we are dehydrated because we do not always feel thirsty.

Therefore, it is important to recognize the signs of mild dehydration so that we can take good care of our bodies and ensure our water intake is maintained. Here are some signs that may indicate your body is lacking fluids, as reported by from Diyopic, Tuesday (4/2/2025).

1. Dry Skin

Our skin, as the largest organ in the body, requires special attention to stay well-hydrated.

Did you know that dry skin can be an early signal of dehydration that can trigger various more serious health problems?

When the body lacks water, our ability to sweat decreases, thus hindering the process of eliminating toxins and excess fat.

Therefore, if you want to avoid all this hassle, make it a priority to drink enough water as part of your daily routine!

2. Dry Eyes

It is undeniable that the benefits of drinking water far exceed just quenching thirst. A lack of fluids in the body can have serious consequences, such as dry and red eyes that can be bothersome.

When the body is dehydrated, the tear ducts also dry up, and you may wonder, "How can I cry in this condition?"

However, it is important to remember that if this condition is left untreated, it could risk damaging your eye health, especially for those of you who wear contact lenses daily.

3. Time to Recover After Illness

Water is the best friend of our body in the ongoing detoxification process.

Although some organs automatically filter the "waste" produced, without a sufficient supply of water, they cannot function optimally.

When the body is dehydrated, organs begin to take water from reserve sources, such as blood, which can trigger various new health problems.

So, do not underestimate the importance of drinking water, as every sip is a step towards better health!

4. Always Tired and Lethargic

When the body is dehydrated, it will "borrow" water from the blood, leading to a decrease in oxygen levels throughout the body.

As a result, drowsiness and fatigue set in, making you feel as if the day is over before 2 PM, and unfortunately, a cup of coffee will not solve this problem in the long term.

So, keep yourself hydrated to maintain your stamina and ensure your days do not end too soon!

5. Experiencing Digestive Problems

The adequacy of water intake plays an important role in the production of mucus in our mouth and throat, as well as maintaining optimal digestive system function.

Without adequate hydration, the gastric mucus that is supposed to protect our internal organs can decrease in quantity and strength, allowing stomach acid to cause serious damage.

This is what we often know as gastritis or digestive disorders, reminding us of how vital water is for our body's health.

6. Difficulty Sleeping

Do you often wake up in the middle of the night or have trouble sleeping soundly? Dehydration might be one of the causes!

Insomnia can be a signal from your body that your water intake is too low. Before going to bed, make sure to drink water so that your body continues to function well and gets enough rest.

It's normal to lose fluids every day, but it's very important to replace them by drinking enough water.

Take care of your body by paying attention to these symptoms, so you can achieve the best version of yourself and lead a more active lifestyle!


Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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