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Unveiling Threats, 5 Most Dangerous Cancers to Watch Out For

Unveiling Threats, 5 Most Dangerous Cancers to Watch Out For Illustration of Cancer Symbol - Cancer, a term that often reminds us of serious health challenges, actually stems from small yet significant changes in the DNA of our body’s cells. These mutations can disrupt normal cell functions, causing cancer cells to grow uncontrollably and spread to other parts of the body.

According to data from the World Health Organization (WHO), cancer is one of the leading causes of death worldwide. Just imagine, in 2018, one in six deaths globally was caused by this disease. Cancer does not discriminate by gender. For men, some of the most common types of cancer include lung, prostate, colorectal, stomach, and liver cancer.

On the other hand, women often face breast, colorectal, lung, cervical, and thyroid cancers. However, not all cancers have the same impact. Some types of cancer are known to be more aggressive and have lower survival rates.

This article will thoroughly discuss the deadliest types of cancer, how they spread, and the risk factors that can increase a person's likelihood of developing this disease.

Let’s delve deeper to understand and anticipate cancer, for better health, quoted from from various sources, Tuesday (4/2/2025).

1. Pancreatic Cancer

Pancreatic cancer is a cunning enemy, often hiding behind vague symptoms, which means many patients only become aware of its presence when the disease has progressed to an advanced stage and is difficult to treat.

Data from the Surveillance, Epidemiology, and End Results (SEER) Program of the National Cancer Institute (NCI) shows that only about 11.5 percent of patients can survive for five years after diagnosis, illustrating how alluring yet deadly this cancer is.

Pancreatic cancer is divided into two main types: the most common exocrine cancer and pancreatic neuroendocrine tumors (NETs), with exocrine cancer having a more dismal prognosis.

Various risk factors, such as smoking habits, obesity, diabetes, and family history, contribute to the increasing threat of this disease.

2. Lung Cancer

Lung cancer, the main enemy that claims lives worldwide, recorded a shocking death toll—around 1.8 million lives in 2020 according to WHO.

The main causes? Smoking habits and unavoidable air pollution exposure.

In the world of lung cancer, there are two types to be aware of: small cell cancer, which is aggressive and spreads quickly, and non-small cell cancer, which is more common but has better survival chances if detected early.

Various treatment methods, ranging from surgery to immunotherapy, are available to combat this disease, but the most effective preventive measure is to quit smoking.

Let’s raise awareness and take concrete steps to protect ourselves from this deadly threat!

3. Colorectal Cancer

Colorectal cancer, which affects the large intestine or rectum, often hides without symptoms in the early stages, causing many patients to only realize its presence when the cancer has already spread.

Data from WHO is staggering; in 2020, this disease resulted in approximately 935,000 deaths.

Several risk factors, such as a high-fat and low-fiber diet, obesity, lack of physical activity, and family history, contribute to the increasing threat of this disease.

However, there is hope! With routine screenings like colonoscopy, colorectal cancer can be detected earlier, thus increasing the chances of recovery.

If diagnosed in the early phase, the five-year survival rate for this cancer can be much higher compared to other types of cancer.

4. Liver Cancer

Liver cancer, one of the most common types of cancer in the world, poses a serious threat with a shocking mortality rate of around 830,000 lives lost in 2020 alone.

Chronic infections of hepatitis B and C are the main causes, but there are also other equally dangerous factors, such as excessive alcohol consumption, obesity, and chronic liver diseases like cirrhosis.

Unfortunately, this cancer is often detected late due to its vague symptoms, such as weight loss, fatigue, and pain in the upper abdomen.

To combat liver cancer, various treatments are available, ranging from surgery to chemotherapy, while the best prevention is through hepatitis B vaccination and avoiding risk factors that can damage the liver.

5. Brain Cancer

Brain cancer, one of the most frightening types of cancer, is known for its low survival rates.

This tumor can arise from the brain tissue itself or as a result of the spread of cancer from other parts of the body, such as the lungs or breasts, particularly in adults.

Meanwhile, in children, most brain tumors originate directly from the brain. The management of brain cancer varies greatly, depending on the type and size of the tumor and the extent of its spread.

Various treatment methods such as surgery, radiation therapy, chemotherapy, immunotherapy, and targeted therapy are used, but challenges remain given the complexity of the brain as a vital organ.

6. Can cancer be prevented?

Cancer is not an unavoidable fate; by adopting a healthy lifestyle, we can close the door on some types of this deadly disease.

Imagine, by avoiding smoking, consuming nutritious food, exercising regularly, and protecting ourselves through vaccination for diseases like hepatitis B and HPV, we are not only maintaining our health but also investing in a brighter future free from the threat of cancer!

7. How can cancer be detected early?

Routine screenings such as mammograms, colonoscopies, and CT scans are not just examinations, but also smart steps to detect cancer early.

By undergoing these tests regularly, we can pave the way for more effective treatment and increase the chances of recovery.

So, do not underestimate the importance of these screenings; they could be the key to a healthier future!

8. Is all cancer genetic?

Although not all cancers are inherited from genes, hereditary factors can significantly determine an individual's risk of developing certain types of cancer.

Therefore, it is important to recognize our family health history so that we can be more vigilant and take appropriate preventive measures.


Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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